J I A N G S U  U N I V E R S I T Y
本  科  毕  业  论  文
    The Study and Design of Networking
Based on IPv6
2011  年  5  月
摘要 国际互联网名称与地址分配机构(ICANN)已在今年2月发布公告称其所拥有的IP地址已经全部分配出去了,IPv4地址已经枯竭。这标志着:互联网向IPV6过渡已经开始进入了实施阶段,全人类正共同面对IP地址短缺的问题,IPV4升级到IPV6已是全球共识。并且,在北京“2011年全球IPv6下一代互联网高峰会议”的成功举行也证实了IPv6实施的紧迫性与必要性。
本论文对IPv6基本概念,地址类型,IPv6网络基础协议DHCPv6ICMPv6,网络控制列表, IPv6路由协议RIPng和OSPFv3及IPv4向IPv6三种过渡技术进行了阐述,结合学校网络实验室设备拓扑图,实现了基于IPv6的网络设计及DHCPv6、IPv6路由协议在思科网络设备和windows系统主机上的配置及其工作原理,并充分考虑了与IPV4网络兼容性的需要,通过使用NAT-PT技术、IPv6隧道技术实现IPv4网络与IPv6网络互相通信,整个网络运行良好,IPv6和IPv4部分能够很好的兼容工作。文章最后对IPv6的安全性做了简要的分析。
关键词IPv6  隧道技术  IPv6路由技术  NAT-PT  DHCPv6 
The study and design of IPv6
Abstract Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and addresses (ICANN) announced in February this year that all the IP address had been assigned, IPv4 addresses were exhausted. This showed IPV6 transition has begun to step into the implementation phase ,all human beings are working together to face the problem of the shortage of IP address ,and the transition from IPV4 to IPV6 is a global consensus now. Besides, the successful conclusion of "Global IPv6 Summit 2011" in Beijing also presents the urgency and necessity of the IPv6 implementation to us.
This thesis introduces the basic concepts of IPv6,the format of IPv6 address, IPv6 network infrastructure protocols such as DHCPv6 and ICMPv6, ACL,IPv6 routing protocols such as RIPng and OSPFv3 and three method of deploying the coexisting polic
y connected IPv4/IPv6 in the process of transition. With the school network topology of laboratory equipment, the networks based on IPV6 with the configuration of DHCPv6 and IPv6 routing protocol are deployed企业网站域名设计与查询 .all the configurations are played on the Cisco network devices or windows operation system platform. In order to give full consideration to the compatibility with the IPV4 network, the NAT-PT technology, IPv6 tunnel techniques are employed to make sure the communication between IPv4 and IPv6 networks is successful.
With all the work done, the whole network works very well and the IPv6 network is all coexisting with the IPv4 network successfully. Besides, at the end of the thesis, the security of IPv6 is discussed in brief.
Key words IPv6  tunnel techniques  IPv6 Routing  NAT-PT  DHCPv6
