冰红茶    Ice black tea
茉香绿茶    Jasmine green tea
奶茶        Milk tea
胡萝卜汁    Carrot juice
西瓜原汁    Water melon juice (original juice)
苹果汁        Apple juice
柠檬汁      Lemon juice
雪梨汁        Pear juice
什果冰      Assorted fruit juice
凉菜cold dish
红油针笋18 needle bamboo with chilli
茗品双味花生18元例 special double flavour  peanuts
食尚沙律32元/例 Fashionable  salad
金玉配良缘28元/例 Golden fate God bestows
桂花糯米藕22元/例Steamed Lotus Root Stuffed with Sweet Sticky Rice
爽口小木耳18元/例 tasty fragrant agaric
虫草花拌山野菜32元/例 aweto mixed mountain potherb
江南脆笋22元/例 jiangnan crisp Bamboo shoot piece
香椿苗豆腐丝18元/例Chinese toon  with tofu slices
酸奶鲜果芦荟28元/例 yoghurt with fresh fruit  Aloe
花仁辣干22元/例  peanuts with spicy tofu
水晶萝卜条16元/例 crystal radish slices
虾干榄菜拌龙豆18元/例 dry shrimp with  with kale borecole and  dragon bean
脆衣黄花38元/例 crisp Yellow day lily
海味蕨根粉22元/例seafood with bracken vermicelli
鱼米醉江南26元/例fish rice wined jiangnan
翡翠拌贝边36元/例 vegetables scallop
汾酒牛腱28元/例 Fenjiu liquor wined  Beef Shank
老醋蜇头38元/例Vinegared jellyfish head
秘制酱驴肉38元/例special donkey meat with soy sauce
津门酱味拼38元/例jinmen soy sauce  combination dish
味渍鹅肝68元/例goose liver  marinated in soy sauce
茶香熏肘花32元/例 tea smoked joint
冰镇素鲍鱼36元/例 Chilled vegetarian abalone
柠檬薄荷醉草鸡36元/半只lemon with lily wined grass chicken
津味时蔬蘸酱48元例tianjin flavour seasonal vegetables with sauce
荷塘玻璃虾58元/例 Lotus Root with Glassy shrimp
苏杭特鸭32元/半只suhang special duck
川辣涮牛爽38元/例sichuan hot beef
怀旧叉烧王38元/例 Nostalgia  barbecued pork king
烧味大拼盘98元/例 barbecued meat combination dish
热菜hot dish
麦冬烧大虾4-6 48元/只 8-10 18元/只 Liriope spcata lour Braised Prawn
红扒牛肉条48元 braised beef slices with brown sauce
宫保腰果鸡丁 32元Kung pao chicken cubes with Cashew
金钟圆蹄58元jinzhong round trotter
五福临门38元 five Gold Fuwa come
兰花水晶虾98元 Orchid crystal shrimp
石锅培根手撕包菜28元bacon with  Hand-torn brussels sprout in stone pot
新派水煮鱼68元new style boiled fish
干烧黄辣丁58元 Dry-cooked  Yellow cartfish
津味老茄泥27元tianjin flavour Mashed eggplant
什菌金蒜牛肉粒58元beef shreds with mushroom and gold garlic
堂煎黑椒牛仔骨48元/位hall fried beef ribs with black pepper
石锅煎局鱼嘴48元fried fish head in stone pot
菠饺鱼肚28元 spinach with fish maw dumpling
湘味牛头皮58元hunan flavour beef head skin
                    to with beef in sour soup
石锅无骨48元bonless meat in stone pot
生煎黄鱼鲞大68元中58元 pan fried dried yellow fish
虫草花木耳煮丝瓜38元boiled loofah with  agaric and aweto
金玉满堂38元Treasures fill the home
陈麻婆鱼豆腐38元amapo fish tofu 在线翻译英文翻译
法式煎鹅肝配黑椒汁88元/位 french style fried goose liver with black pepper sauce
鹅肝炒时蔬68元/fried goose liver with seasonal vegetables
鲽鱼排骨豆腐煲68元spareribs and Flatfish with tofu pot
皮虾白菜粉32元Cabbage vermicelli with shrimp
鲍鱼烧肉38元/位braised meat with abalone
鲍菇炒爽肉38元fried Boletus of the steppes with meat
双辉百饺银鳕鱼38元codfish with double-kind dessert dumpling
腊味银丝娃娃菜28元preserved meat with yellow bean Sprouts and baby cabbage
参须烧鹿筋88元braised  deer tendon with  Gensing
木瓜百合炒虾球88元fried shrimp ball with  Papaya and lily
酸菜牡蛎鲅鱼丸48元  Oyster with Mackerel ball with mustard cabbage
椒丝腐乳浸牛展58元soaked beef shank with pepper and  preserved bean curd
滋补羊排88元 nourish lamb steak
茶树菇金钱肚丝58元 southers popiar mushroom with  golden coin tripe slices
炸烹虾段68元fried shrimp  sections
金丝吊三果58元gold thread with three nuts
翠衣虾球配烧麦26元位shrimp ball with  shaomai and vegetables
焗卤牛排配香草粉88元spiced beef steak with Vanilla powder
津门四喜碗68jinmen four happiness bowl
椒香卤烧羊排88 pepper flavour braised  lamb steak
秘制剁椒大鱼头48半只special large fish head with chopped pepper
海王蒸土鸡蛋32 steamed home run chicken egg with seafood king
干锅针笋36  Griddle cooked needle bamboo
石锅黑椒牛仔骨78位  fried beef ribs with black pepper in stone pot
油盖茄子68例 oily eggplant
鱼香茄骨煲38元 fish flavour eggplant with bone pot
碧绿时蔬浸海龙38元soaked  Sea Dragon  with green seasonal vegetables
咸柠檬炖牛尾18元stewed beef tail with salt lemon
三鸡炖水律蛇28元stewed Rat snake  with three chicken
凉瓜鱼唇羹38元/位 fish snout  with bitter gourd  soup
准杞炖乳鸽28元 stewed Chinese wolfberry with  spring pigeon
主廚精緻套餐 Meal The one and only
即使擦身而過也是一種緣,更何況是营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作  << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.
菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻
