Online learning: Adoption, continuance, and learning outcome—A review of
Ritanjali Panigrahi, Praveen Srivastava, Dheeraj Sharma Abstract
The use of Technology to facilitate better learning and training is gaining momentum worldwide, reducing the temporal and spatial problems associated with traditional learning. Despite its several benefits, retaining students in online platforms is challenging. Through a literature review of the factors affecting adoption, the continuation of technology use, and learning outcomes, this paper discusses an integration of online learning with virtual communities to foster student engagement for obtaining better learning outcomes. Future directions have been discussed, the feedback mechanism which i s an antecedent of students’ continuation intention has a lot of scopes to be studied in the virtual community context. The use of Apps in m-learning and the use of cloud services can boost the ease and access of online learning to users and organizations.
Keywords: Online learning, Virtual community, Technology adoption, Technology continuation, Learning outcome
Online learning and training are gaining popularity worldwide, reducing the temporal and spatial problems associated with the traditional form of education. The primary factors behind using online learning are not only to improve access to education and training, and quality of learning, but also to reduce the cost and improve the cost-effectiveness of education (Bates, 1997). Online learning is mainly provided in two ways—in synchronous and asynchronous environments (Jolliffe, Ritter, & Stevens, 2012). The time lag attributes of asynchronous learning unlike synchronous learning in online platforms take the advantage of accessing materials anytime and anywhere, ability to reach a greater mass at the same time, and uniformity of content. Online learning along with face-to-face learning is successfully
used in industry as well as academia with positive outcomes (Chang, 2016). The geographically distributed team in an organization can get their skill training through online platforms at the same time, gaining a greater level of competitiveness. Online learning is also beneficial for students as the
y can learn at their own pace with the availability of online materials. The e-learning market is becoming popular and widely adopted by the education sector and industry. The growth of the e-learning market can be demonstrated by the fact that the global e-learning market is expected to reach 65.41 billion dollars by 2023 growing at a cumulative average growth rate of 7.07% (Research and Markets, 2018a). In addition to this, the global learning management system (LMS) is expected to increase from 5.05 billion USD in 2016 to 18.44 billion USD by 2025 growing at a rate of 15.52% (Research and Markets, 2018b).
Despite several advantages of online learning such as improving access to education and training, improving the quality of learning, reducing the cost and improving the cost-effectiveness of education, retaining students in such platforms is a key challenge with a high attrition rate (Perna et al., 2014). Several strategies such as briefing, buddying, and providing feedback on the platform are proposed to retain and engage students (Nazir, Davis, & Harris, 2015). It is also noted that more self-discipline is required by students in online education, unlike traditional classroom education (Allen & Seaman, 2007). Keeping users enrolled and engaged is a challenging job as a personal touch by the instructor is missing or limited. The learning engagement which is an important antecedent for learning outcome is lower for technology-mediated learning than face-to-face learning (Hu & Hui, 201
2). As a higher amount of money is spent on infrastructure, staff training, etc., organizations seek to take maximum benefit from online learning which requires an understanding of the factors that drive the adoption, continuation intention, and learning outcome of users on online learning platforms. Therefore, the primary focus of research remains on how to retain online learning users, and increase the efficiency of the online learning.
Users may learn inside and outside the classroom; inside classroom learning is
through instructors either from face-to-face, pure online or blended learning (combination of face-to-face and pure online learning) whereas outside classroom learning is conducted by users anytime and anywhere after the class. The exponential growth of the Internet has enabled individuals to share information, participate, and collaborate to learn from virtual communities (VC) anytime and anywhere (Rennie & Morrison, 2013). In a virtual community, people do everything that they do in real life but leaving their bodies behind (Rheingold, 2000). Virtual communities keep its users engaged based on familiarity, perceived similarity, and trust by creating a sense of belongingness (Zhao, Lu, Wang, Chau, & Zhang, 2012). It is essential to assess the role of a less constrained informal mode of learning (Davis & Fullerton, 2016) like virtual communities in the formal learning to engage and retain students.
Getting a new idea adopted even when it has obvious advantages is often very difficult (Rogers, 2003). Consistent with the previous statement, despite the advantages of online learning such as improving accessibility, quality, and reducing cost, it has a long way to go to be adopted and used by organizations because of the resistance at different levels (Hanley, 2018). The reasons for resistances offered by the employees in an organizations include perceived poor focus of the e-learning initiative, lack of time to learn new way of working, too much effort to change, lack of awareness, and resistance to change (Ali et al., 2016; Hanley, 2018). It is crucial from an institutional point of view to overcome the resistance to adopt and implement the online learning systems successfully.
Understanding the factors of online learning adoption, continuation use intention, and learning outcomes are vital for an e-learning platform providing organization because the success of the platform depends on the successful adoption, continuation use, and finally achieving the desired outcomes. From the literature, it is found that the national culture affects the adoption and moderates the relationship between variables of adoption and use. Therefore, the results of adoption and use of technology might differ in different counties with different cultural dimensions. At a broader level, the
perceived characteristics of innovation (of online learning) such as relative
advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability play a significant role in adoption. At an individual level, the primary factors of adoption are the individual expectancies such as the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, etc., and the external influences such as subjective norm, social norms, surrounding conditions, national culture, social network characteristic, etc. On the other hand, the primary factors of continuation of technology use are the experiences of the individuals in the technology such as satisfaction, confirmation, self-efficacy, flow, trust, we-intention, sense of belongingness, immersion, IS qualities, etc. The perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are found to be vital for both the technology adoption and continuation use. This implies that the usefulness of the technology and how easy the technology to use determines the adoption and continuation of technology. Apart from these technology enablers, the platform providers should consider the technology inhibitors which negatively impact the acceptance of the technology. The factors of the learning outcomes such as self-efficacy, virtual competence, engagement, design interventions, etc. should be considered before designing and delivering the content in the online learning platform to achieve optimum learning outcomes. The learners’ intention to use full e-learning in developing countries depends on t
he lea rners’ characteristics, and learners’ adoption of blended learning (Al-Busaidi, 2013). Studies for example by Verbert et al. (2014) have shown that blended learning yields the best outcome in terms of grade when students learn in online collaborative learning with teacher’s initiation and feedback. On the contrary, some studies have shown that contents such as business games do not need the interaction with the instructor; in fact, they are negatively related to perceived learning (Proserpio & Magni, 2012). MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) users have organized face-to-face meetings to fulfill their belongingness or social connectedness as a part of their learning activity (Bulger, Bright, & Cobo, 2015). This indicates that not everyone is good with a digitized form of learning, and hence both face-to-face and online components should be integrated for better outcomes.
Lack of human connection is one of the limitations of online learning (Graham,
2006) which may reduce the satisfaction level. To address this limitation, personalization functions of e-learning systems began. The satisfaction level, perceived and actual performance, self-efficacy scores increase in personalized online learning where learning materials are provided according to the cognitive capability and style of each individual (Xu, Huang, Wang, & Heales, 2014). Although personalization of e-learning systems is beneficial, they are socially and ethically harmful, and specia
l attention should be given to issues such as privacy compromisation, lack of control, the commodification of education, and reduced individual capability (Ashman et al., 2014). Personal e-learning systems collect user information to understand the users’ interests and requirements for the learning which violates the privacy of individuals. The system utilizes the user information to show the personal content where the individuals do not have control over the learning content. Hence they are limited to certain personal contents which reduce their individual capabilities.
Studies, for example, Zhao et al. (2012) have shown that VCs create a sense of belongingness and keeps the members engaged which results in improving the learning outcome, and users with same age groups are less likely to attrite (Freitas et al., 2015). Studies have shown that engagement is promoted when criteria such as problem-centric learning with clear expositions, peer interaction, active learning, instructor accessibility and passion, and using helpful course resources are met (Hew, 2015). Social interactions through social networking produce an intangible asset known as social capital (Coleman, 1988) in terms of the trust, collective action, and communication. Social capital is positively related to online learning satisfaction in group interactions, class interactions, learner-instructor interactions, as well as increasing students’ e-learning performance in groups (Lu, Yang, & Yu, 2013).
The continuous development of mobile technology has expanded the opportunity to learn from mobile devices anywhere, anytime. M-Learning is much more beneficial for accessing education in remote areas and developing countries. The success of M-learning in organizations depends on organizational, people, and pedagogical factors apart from technological factors (Krotov, 2015). A range of mobile
