UNIT 9 Period Six
题组A 基础练
Ⅰ. 单词拼写
1.Doctors ________(怀疑) he may have a heart condition.
2.The ________(受害者) was outside a shop when he was attacked.
3.The causes of the ________(现象) are still incompletely understood.
4.One day, an ________(天文学家) came to the village.
5.I exited the ________(数据库) and switched off the computer.
6.It was a simple enough gesture, but ________(象征地) important. 
7.The nurse stuck the ________(针) into my arm. 
8.The more truth is ________(辩论), the clearer it becomes.
9.When I told them I was thirsty, they went and got me a bottle of ________(矿物质) water.
【答案】1.suspect 2.victim 3.phenomenon
4.astronomer 5.database 6.symbolically 7.needle
8.debated 9.mineral
Ⅱ. 单句语法填空
1.Police have already identified 10 murder ________(suspect).
2.The purpose of these experiments was to find the connection, if any, between the two ________(phenomenon).
3.Animal rights groups are calling for a ban on all animal ________(performance) in China.
4.It was too late to prevent the story ________appearing in the national newspapers.
5.It took them about one month to figure ________ how to start the equipment.
6.But while air pollution has been directly linked to respiratory(呼吸的) disorders and heart disease, its role in lung cancer is still ________ debate.
7.As ________ you, I don’t think you have to go there in person.
8.________(surround) heavily by our troops, the enemy were like a fish in the pot.
9.He is the best one of those ________(astronomer).
10.Thousands of earthquake ________(victim) are still waiting to be rehoused.
【答案】1.suspects 2.phenomena 3.performances 4.from 5.out 6.under 7.to/for 8.Surrounded
9.astronomers 10.victims
Ⅲ. 完成句子
1.______ ______ ______ he was fired was ________ he made such a big mistake due to his casual attitude towards work.
【答案】The reason why; that
2.________ ________ ________ we are all interested in what people do and what they think.
【答案】This is because
3.________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ in the big fire, he still held a positive attitude to life.
【答案】While/Although/Though he suffered a great loss
4.________ you accept the invitation ________ refuse it, please inform me ahead of schedule.
【答案】Whether; or
5.________ ________ the young man ________ saved the drowning girl at the risk of losing his life.
【答案】It is; that/who
题组B 提升练
Ⅰ. more什么意思阅读理解
Play is vital in every child’s development, and for toddlers (蹒跚学步的小孩) the benefits of play especially come to life when they can connect with parents during playtime. To raise awareness and help parents create the time and attention span needed, the Lego Group launches a “Do not disturb playtime” campaign. 21 days is what it takes on average to break a habit, so for 21 days the Lego team will not post on social media during “todder playtime”, defined as 5 a. m. —8 p. m.
With social media being an integrated part and creative inspiration to modern family life, it is no surprise that researchers call our digital behavior as a concerning obstacle to quality playtime.
While we are hooked_on our cellphones, we should think about turning them off when interacting with our young children. Kids learn so much from us and we don’t want to get i
n the way of that. Take language learning for example. When nurturing caregivers talk to their children about what they are interested in, it helps them learn new words and new ways to express themselves. Our research shows that the use of cellphones in a conversation between parents and children disturbs children’s word learning, advises Roberta Golinkoff, Ph. D., professor at the University of Delaware.
Our research shows that parents today understand their significant roles in insuring their kids grow up to be happy, well-rounded, and equipped for the future. At the same time, many worry about not spending enough time with their toddlers. Lego wants to inspire parents to make the small moments memorable.
We know parents today feel more time-starved than ever before. Many feel guilty about not spending enough time with their little ones. Through the ’Do not disturb playtime’ campaign we hope to reassure parents that it’s not so much the amount of time they spend with their kids, but the small meaningful moments they create during play, said Steffen Jensen, LEGO Group Senior Marketing Director.
1.Which of the following words can replace the underlined phrase “hooked on” in Paragraph 3?
