摘要 (1)
第1章绪论 (3)
1.1 开发背景 (3)
1.2 研究现状 (5)
1.3 本文的主要工作 (6)
1.4 论文的组织结构 (6)
第2章安卓相关介绍 (7)
2.1 安卓系统介绍 (7)
2.1.1 安卓技术简介 (7)
2.1.2 安卓应用程序组件 (8)
2.2 Android Studio简介 (10)
2.2.1架构组成 (10)
2.2.2主要功能 (10)
第3章需求分析 (12)
3.1 多功能时钟的功能需求 (12)
3.2 多功能时钟的性能需求 (13)
第4章多功能时钟的架构设计 (14)
4.1多功能时钟设计目标和原则 (14)
4.2多功能时钟的架构设计 (14)
4.3多功能时钟的功能设计 (15)
第5章多功能时钟的详细设计与实现 (18)
5.1 界面设计 (18)
5.2 多功能时钟的功能设计 (19)简易安卓app开发
5.2.1显示时间功能 (19)
5.2.2闹钟功能 (21)
5.2.3计时器功能 (27)
5.2.4秒表功能 (29)
第6章多功能时钟的实现与测试 (32)
6.1 多功能时钟的架构实现与测试 (32)
6.2 多功能时钟的模块实现与测试 (32)
结论 (33)
致谢 (34)
参考文献 (35)
附录 (36)
附录1 英文原文 (36)
附录2 中文译文 (41)
应用程序基础Android Developers (41)
本应用是多功能时钟手机应用程序,使用的语言是java编程语言,开发平台是谷歌研发的Android开发环境Android Studio。本应用主要包括显示时钟功能,可以显示当前时间;闹钟功能,可以进行闹钟的添加和删除;计时器功能,可以添加倒计时时间、开始、暂停、继续和重置;秒表功能,可以开始、暂停、继续、记录、重置。
With the rapid development of mobile communication technology is gradually mature and smart devices of various types, such as mobile phones, tablet the growth of the number of users, application gradually incline to mobile, mobile application development by leaps and bounds, greatly
changed People's Daily life. As the growth of the number of mobile users, mobile application development and update speed gradually speeding up, the mobile application also provides all kinds of intelligent terminal users with more convenient, comfortable and colorful life.
This application is multi-functional clock mobile applications, the use of language is the Java programming language, development platform was developed by Google Android development environment Android Studio. This application is mainly including showing the clock function, it can display the current time. The alarm clock function, and you can make the alarm clock to add and delete; Timer function, you can add the countdown time, start, pause, continue, and reset; Stopwatch function, you can start, pause, continue, records, reset.
First, this paper discusses the development of mobile application background, present situation, then has carried on the related technology is introduced, and then analyzes the functions of multi-functional clock APP and performance requirements. On the basis of demand analysis, has carried on the multi-functional clock APP architecture design and implementation. Then APP in the detailed design, coding are introduced in detail. On the basis of the detailed design and the realization of the APP, testing, adjusting and optimizing improvement.
Keyword: android,mobile application,multi-function,clock
1.1 开发背景
智能手机支持多种操作系统,如:谷歌的Android(中文:安卓/安致,全球第一大智能操作系统,占据全球智能手机操作系统市场79%左右的份额),苹果公司的IOS(全球第二大智能操作系统),微软公司的Windows Phone(全
