1. Design features of language(语言的甄别特征)
Arbitrariness(任意性),Duality(二层性/二重性), Creativity(创造性/原创性),Displacement(移位性),Cultural transmission(文化传播),Interchangeability(可互换性)
2. Functions of language
referential 指称功能   poetic 诗学功能    emotive情感功能
conative 劝慰功能    phatic寒暄功能    metalingual function 元语言功能
ideational function概念功能    interpersonal function人际功能
textual function语篇/文本功能            Informative(信息/告知功能),
Performative Function(施为功能),      Emotive Function(情感功能),
Phatic communion(寒暄交谈),          Recreational Function(娱乐功能),
3. Phonetics(语音学),                  Phonology(音系/音位学);
Morphology(形态学),                Syntax(句法学);
Semantics(语义学),                  Pragmatics(语用学)
Articulatory phonetics发音语音学    Acoustic phonetics声学语音学
Auditory phonetics听觉语音学                Psycholinguistics心理语言学
Sociolinguistics社会语言学              Anthropological linguistics人类语言学
Computational linguistics计算语言学      Applied linguistics应用语言学
4. Descriptive vs. prescriptive描写式和规定式 
Synchronic vs. diachronic共时和历时     Langue vs. parole语言和言语
Competence vs. performance语言能力和语言行为
5. Vocal tract 声道(resonating cavities共鸣腔) pharynx咽腔, oral cavity口腔 and nasal cavity鼻腔.
其它的一些发音器官:lungs肺, windpipe(trachea)气管, vocal folds声带,
larynx喉, epiglottis会厌,次声门, pharynx咽, uvula小舌, hard palate硬腭,
soft palate软腭, alveolar ridge齿龈
6. Consonants and vowels(辅音和元音)
A. Manners of articulation发音方式  B. Places of articulation发音位置
7. Stop (or plosive)爆破音  Fricative摩擦音  Approximant近似音
Lateral (approximant)边音  Affricates塞擦音,  trill颤音 and tap 闪音
Bilabial双唇音  Labiodental唇齿音   Dental齿音    Alveolar齿龈音
Postal veolar后齿龈音     Retroflex卷舌音            Palatal硬腭音 
Velar软腭音   Uvular小舌音,  pharyngeal咽音      glottal声门音
monophthong vowel: 单元音  diphthongs双元音      triphthongs三元音
Lax vowels短元音  Tensed vowels长元音
8. Coarticulation and phonetic transcription协同发音和标音
anticipatory coarticulation先期协同发音 perseverative coarticulation后滞协同发音.
broad transcription宽式标音          narrow transcription严式标音
9. minimal pairs最小对立体  Phoneme音位
phonemic transcriptions音位转写        phonetic transcriptions语音转写
phones音子    allophones音位变体  complementary distribution互补分布
phonetic similarity发音近似性          Free variation自由变体
assimilation同化      regressive assimilation逆同化 
progressive assimilation顺同化  phonological rule 音系规则  Epenthesis增音    binary 二分的
Distinctive features区别特征
Endocentric and Exocentric Constructions向心结构和离心结构
subordinate and coordinate从属和并列
Conceptual meaning概念意义                                           
Associative meaning:联想意义
Connotative meaning内涵意义        Social meaning社会意义       
Affective meaning情感意义          Reflected meaning反射意义
Collocative meaning搭配意义        Thematic meaning主位意义
denotation: 外延意义    connotation: 内涵
The referential theory:指称理论    Semantic triangle语义三角 
Sense and reference:涵义和指称
Synonymy同义关系    Antonymy反义关系  Hyponymy上下义关系 
Polysemy一词多义关系       Homonymy 同音/形异意关系
Dialectal synonyms 地域同义词  Stylistic synonyms风格同义词
Collocational synonyms搭配同义词
gradable antonymy 等级反义关系    cover term覆盖项
Marked vs. unmarked terms标记项和非标记项
complementary antonymy 互补反义关系  converse antonymy 逆向反义关系
homophones: 同音异义词    homographs : 同形异义词
complete homonyms    semantic components语义部分
1.Design feature的定义:the defining(最典型的,起决定作用的) properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.
2.Synchronic共时:It refers to the description of a language at some point of time in history.
3.Diachronic历时:It studies the development or history of language. In other words, it refers to the description of a language as it changes through time .
4.prescriptive规定式:A kind of linguistic study aims to lay down rules for “correct and standard” behavior in using language.
5.descriptive描写式: A kind of linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language
people actually use.
6.Arbitrariness(任意性):By saying that “language is arbitrary”, we mean that there is no logical connection between meaning and sound.
7.Duality(二层性/二重性):it means that language is a system, which consists of two levels of structures, at the lower level there is the structure of sounds; at the higher level there is the structure of meaning.
8.Displacement(移位性): it means that language can be used to communicate about things that are not present in our immediate communicational context.
