d layer d 层
  d'alembert lagrange equation 达朗贝尔拉格朗⽇⽅程  d'alembert's operator 达朗贝尔算符
  d'alembert's paradox 达朗贝尔悖论
  d'alembert's principle 达朗贝尔原理
  dalton law 道尔顿定律
  dam 堤
  dam break 溃坝
  dam crest 坝顶
  dam with lifting gates 具有提升式闸门的坝
  damage curve 损坏曲线
  damage line 损坏曲线
  damage mechanics 损伤⼒学
  damage of composite materials 复合材料损伤
  damage of rock 岩⽯损伤
  damped 阻尼的
  damped frequency 阻尼频率
  damped oscillation 阻尼振荡
  damped periodic instrument 阻尼周期仪表
  damped system 阻尼系统
  damped vibration 阻尼振动
  damped wave 阻尼波
  damper 阻尼器
  damping 阻尼
  damping capacity 阻尼能量
  damping coefficient 衰减系数
  damping constant 阻尼常数
  damping decrement 衰减率
  damping exponent 阻尼指数
  damping force 阻尼⼒
  damping function 阻尼函数
  damping matrix 阻尼矩阵
  damping parameter 阻尼参数
  damping period 阻尼时间
  damping ratio 阻尼率
  damping resistance 衰减阻⼒
  dangerous cross section 危险断⾯
  dangerous diagram 危险线图
  dangerous surface 危险⾯
  dap 切⼝
  darcy equation 达谓程
  darcy friction factor 达桅擦因数
  darcy impact pressure tube 达喂⼒管
  darcy law 达谓程
  darcy law for porous flow 达硒哩律
  darcy's law 达唯律
  dashed curve 短划线
  dashed line 短划线
  datum level 基准平⾯
  datum line 基准线
  datum plane 基准平⾯
  datum point 基准点
  davis gibson color filter 船斯吉布森滤⾊器  de/dx counter de/dx 计数器
  dead angle 死⾓
  dead load ⾃重
  dead point 死点
  dead water 死⽔
  dead weight ⾃重
  deaeration 除⽓
  deborah number 狄勃拉数
  debris 碎⽚
  debris flow 泥⽯流岩屑流
  debye force 德拜⼒
  debye temperature 德拜温度
  decalage 翼差⾓
  decalescence 吸热
  decametric wave ⼗⽶波
  decay 衰减
  decay curve 衰减曲线
  decay law 衰减定律
  decay rate 衰减率
  decay time 衰减时间
  decaying turbulence 衰变湍流
  decelerated motion 减速运动
  deceleration 减速度
  deceleration energy 减速能
  deceleration force 减速⼒
  decelerometer 减速计
  deci 分
  decibel 分贝
  deck bridge 上承式桥
  deck girder 上承式⼤梁
  deck structure 甲板结构
  declination angle 偏⾓
  declination tide ⾚纬潮
  decomposition 分解
  decomposition pressure 分解压⼒  decompressor 减压器
design翻译  decoupling 退耦
  decrease 减少
  decrement 衰减
  decrescence 减⼩
  deep 深⽔区
  deep beam 深梁
  deep current 深层流
  deep drawing 深拉
  deep water circulation 深⽔环流  deep water wave 深⽔波
  defect 缺陷
  defectoscope 探伤仪
  deficiency 筐
  deficit 筐
  deflagration 爆燃
  deflagration pressure 爆燃压⼒
  deflagration speed 爆燃速率
  deflagration wave 爆燃波
  deflation 风蚀
  deflecting force 偏转⼒
  deflecting torque 致偏转矩
  deflection 挠度
  deflection angle 挠⾓
  deflection constant 偏转常数
  deflection curve 挠度曲线
  deflection efficiency 致偏效率
  deflection function 偏转函数
  deflection of plate 板的挠度
  deflection of the needle 指针偏转
  deflection sensitivity 偏转灵敏度
  deflection superposition 挠曲叠加
  deflection surface 挠曲⾯
  deflectometer 挠度计
  deflector 偏转器
  deformability 变形性
  deformable medium 可形变介质
  deformable surface 可弯曲⾯
  deformation 形变
  deformation band 变形范围
  deformation deviator 形变偏量
  deformation effect 形变效应
  deformation energy 变形能
  deformation energy density 形变能量密度  deformation equation 变形⽅程
  deformation gradient 变形梯度
  deformation hypothesis 形变假说
  deformation loss 形变损耗
  deformation matrix 形变矩阵
  deformation measure 应变量度
  deformation method 变形法
  deformation of convective type 对镣形变
  deformation of media 介质变形
  deformation parameter 形变参数
  deformation period 形变周期
  deformation potential 形变势
  deformation rate 应变率
  deformation rate tensor 变形速率张量
  deformation relaxation 应变弛豫
  deformation resistance 抗变形性
  deformation tensor 形变张量
  deformation tensor invariant 形变张量不变量  deformation test 变形试验
  deformation texture 形变织构
  deformation vector 形变⽮量
  deformation velocity 变形速度
  deformation vibration 形变振动
  deformation work 形变功
  deformational behavior 变形⾏为
  deformed bar 变形钢筋
  deforming force 变形⼒
  degassing by cavitation 依⽳去⽓
  degeneration 退化
  degradation of energy 能量衰减
  degree fahrenheit 华⽒温度
  degree kelvin 开⽒温度
  degree of accuracy 准确度
  degree of consolidation 固结度
  degree of deformation 形变率
  degree of dispersion 分散度
  degree of dryness ⼲度
  degree of filling 填充度
  degree of fluidity 怜度
  degree of freedom ⾃由度
  degree of freedom of robot 机扑⾃由度
  degree of hardness 硬度
  degree of humidity 湿度
