1 英文文献翻译
1.1 英文文献原文题目
Potatoes peeled structure design
Abstract: the graduation design is mainly studied on the bas is of the principle of friction of potato peeling machine d esign, working principle and the composition of the equipment . Through the analysis of original data, project demonstratio n and related data analysis and calculation, the overall des ign of    a complete potato peeler to peel and mechanical stru cture is    a new form, to better serve the fruits and vegeta bles to the development of leather industry, better adapt to the demand of the market both at home and abroad, so has the good market prospect.
Keywords: potatoes peeled structure; Friction ; drive
1 the domestic research status
Technology is to measure whether an enterprise has the advan ced nature, whether have market competitiveness, whether can keep ahead of competitors' important index. With the rapid d evelopment of domestic potato peeling agency market, the core of the related production technology
and research and devel opment will certainly has become the focus of the industry enterprises. Understand the potato peeling machine in the pro duction of the core technology research and development at h ome and abroad, process equipment, technology, application and trend, for an enterprise to improve product technical speci fication, improve the market competitiveness is critical.  Potato products the main varieties of potatoes, potato chips, dehydrated mashed potatoes, etc. No matter what kind of pr
oducts, its processing technology requirements of raw material s to deal with the peel potatoes, to guarantee the quality of the products, ensure its appearance, color and taste. P eel potatoes peeled methods mainly include artificial, chemica l peeling, mechanical peeling, etc. Artificial to skin peelin g effect is better, but low efficiency, high loss rate, obv iously can not adapt to the needs of the development of th e potato industrialization; Chemical peeling    a hot alkaline o r peel and low temperature liquid method in two forms, main ly rely on the strong alkali solution and liquid chemical p eeling effect, softening and relaxation potato skins and body -to keep, then use high pressure water jet, peeled. This me thod the flushing process of before and after peeling the d emand is higher, and liquid alkali, peel or consumption is too large, the cost is higher, and this way the serious in fluence the taste of the product. Mechanical peeling is fric tion peel form, the main dependence be
tween potato and potat o and potato with silicon carbide or rubber friction between role and achieve the goal of peel, good effect of this a pproach to skin, reduce the production cost, reduced environm ental
pollution, simple operation, fast speed, can one person opera tion, high energy efficiency to maximize the interests of th
e products.
2. the working principle of the potato peeler
The potato peeling machine adopts horizontal machine, mainly including working cylinder, work table, frame and transmission parts (see diagram). When to work in the potato peeling m achine, wheel rotation, the material by    a bucket shape inlet
, material fall on the surface of    a rotating brush roller corrugated bulge, the effect of the centrifugal force by the brush roller tangent upward movement, material constant alon g the motion for    a cylindrical wall, rise to the top, was at the top of the block back into the working surface of the plate. Into the rough surface and friction brush roll. The reciprocating movement of the material in this proc
ess, by violent agitation, and formed with    a brush roller, wall and between particles is given priority to with flip, rubb ing friction, impact of comprehensive mechanical effects, so as to achieve the aim of the skin. At the same time of f riction peel, from inject water into the hole, in    a timely manner will be wiped off the skin of the through brush b rush roll and roll gap to discharge mouth eduction body. In the case of non-stop, open the discharge valve of mouth, material by dial discharged through the discharge port. After peeling potatoes peel by institutions discharging chute into the auxiliary body, after screening and other auxiliary wor k again into the next procedure.
3. summary
Believe in the near future, once the product is applied to the actual, will greatly save the working time, improve wo rk efficiency, improve the economic benefit, at the same tim e will make    a great contribution for the mass production, g iving impetus to the development of potato industry better a nd faster. Mechanical peeling, powered by motor, through the pulley drive cylinder at the bottom of the spinning mill. Low middle, high edge mill wheel surface, undulate. Tubers to join the cylinder, each other due to centrifugal force
and the friction effect, within the cylinder up, down, lef t, right turn, and constantly rolling; And the rub
ber cylind er lining, will rebound tuber, in the mill and the cylinder wall under the function of rubber potato tuber is grinding to the skin evenly, achieve the goal of potato peeling. T o skin with clear water, and then open the side door, tube r discharge from    a side door, dander with flow from the di scharge gap around the millstone. The machine for batch prod uction, peeling machine, mill rotate at    a certain speed, rol ler potato in under the action of centrifugal force, gravity and the friction, using potato work relative to the mill, the relative speed difference between the potato skin remov ed.
关键词:马铃薯去皮结构; 摩擦; 传动
1 国内研究现状
2 马铃薯去皮机的工作原理
