cloneMy View On Human Cloning
Cloning is not a new word for us now. We had already been able to clone sheeps, mouses and so on, for example, the Dolly.But have you ever think of cloning a human, which seem amazing to you? Scientists and officer have been arguing for the legality of human cloning. Their opinions are opposite.
On the one hand, human cloning have many benefits. Though human cloning, we can resuscitate the children who had dead for some unexpected reasons, which is a great happiness for their parents. We can also create organs though cloning and save more patients life. Isnt it good?
But on the other hand, human cloning can lead to a lot of troubles also. For example, how do we look the cloning human like? Slaves? Human like us? And how can we protect their legal right? Taking out the organ from a cloning human is like a murder! So much ethical problems is on the table.
In my opinion, human cloning is a rapier. Only when we use it in a proper way, can we get a good consequence.
