英文名称:Engineering Fluid Mechanics
课程类别:专业基础课specialized basic course
Class hours: 54
学  分:3.0
Credits: 3.0
适用对象: 热能与动力工程专业的学生
考核方式:考试 (平时成绩占总成绩的30%)
Pre-sessional course: Advanced Mathematics, University Physics, Engineering Mechanics
Course Description:
Engineering Fluid Mechanics is the science of the law of equilibrium and motion of fluids,
which include gases and liquids. It is an important basic technical course stretching across various field and various specialty. A knowledge of fluid mechanics is required in various fields such as energy, power, environment, industry, chemistry, building, aviation and national defense, etc. Students of Thermal Energy and Power Engineering Specialty need the knowledge of fluid mechanics in Engineering design or other technical work. This course provides students with basic concepts,basic theories and experimental techniques of fluid mechanics needed in future study or work. Chapter 1 to chapter 4 will be taught in both Chinese and English (bilingual education).
Engineering Fluid Mechanics is the specialized basic course of Thermal Energy and Pow
er Engineering. One objective of this course is to teach the basic conceptsbasic theories, basic computational methods and experimental skills in Fluid Mechanics to TEPE-related major students. After this semester, students should be able to develop a sound understanding of and a good appreciation for the Fluid Mechanics field. Another objective of this course is to foster students problem solving, analysis and creative abilities, lay good foundation for the study of specialized course, and specialized technological job in the future. Whats more, learning to learn is still another objective of this course.
Chapter 1  Introduction and Properties of Fluids(双语教学)
know about: application of fluid mechanics, historical development of fluid mechanics, surface tension
be acquainted with: properties of fluids, the continuum medium model of fluid, Newtonian fluid and non-Newtonian fluid
understand: fluid viscosity, the concepts of ideal fluid and real fluid, compressible fluid and incompressible fluid, Newton's law of viscosity, the dynamic viscosity, the kinetic viscosity
1、主要内容:This chapter mainly represents the concept and developing history of fluid mechanics, the application of fluid mechanics, the character and objective of this course, the research method of fluid mechanics. In this chapter we discuss a number of fundamental properties of fluids and the continuum medium model of fluid. Continuum medium model of fluid is the foundation of fluid mechanics. Based on this assumption, the concepts of ideal fluid and real fluid, compressible fluid and incompressible fluid, Newtonian fluid and non-Newtonian fluid are introduced.
Chapter 1  Introduction and Properties of Fluids
1.1 Application of Fluid Mechanics
1.2 Historical Development of Fluid Mechanics(self-study)
1.3 Objective of the Course
1.4 Definition of Fluid
(1) Definition of Fluid
(2) Continuum Medium Model of Fluids
1.5 Density and Compressibility
1) compressible fluid and incompressible fluid
2) coefficient of volume compressibility
volume modulus of elasticity
1.6 Viscosity
(1) definition of viscosity
(2) Newton's equation of viscosity
Newton plate experiment and Newton’s equation of viscosity
the coefficient of viscosityμ
Kinetic Viscosity ν
affecting factors of viscosity
1.7 Surface Tension (self-study)
2、基本概念和知识点:definition of fluid, density, compressibility, viscosity, Newton's law of viscosity, the dynamic viscosity, the kinabsolute relativeetic viscosity, ideal fluid and real fluid, compressi
ble fluid and incompressible fluid, Newtonian fluid and non-Newtonian fluid
Is there energy loss for ideal fluid? Why?
What are the factors to influence viscosity of fluid? What is the change in viscosity due to temperature?
Why is pressure-measuring tubes diameter not less than 1cm?
Chapter 2 Fluid Statics (双语教学)
know about: Fluid Equilibrium Differential Equation and its integration, various kind of piezometer, ,pressure distribution in a relative equilibrium fluid, fluid static force on curved surface, Archimedes Principle,
be acquainted with: types of forces acting on fluid, fluid static force on plane surface, absolute pressure and relative pressure
understand: the characteristic of static pressure in fluid, pressure distribution in a static fluid, piezometric tube, U-tube piezometer, Differential Manometer, pressure prism
