mdpi pending decision后under review
"MDPI Pending Decision - Under Review": A Step-by-Step Explanation
MDPI is a well-known academic publishing platform that publishes high-quality peer-reviewed research papers in various fields. Once an author submits their manuscript to MDPI, it goes through a rigorous review process before a decision is made. During this process, the status "MDPI Pending Decision - Under Review" may be displayed. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step explanation of what happens during this stage.
Step 1: Submission and Initial Screening:
When an author submits their manuscript to MDPI, it goes through an initial screening process to ensure that it meets general requirements. This includes checking for proper formatting, adherence to guidelines, and originality. If the manuscript passes this screening, it progresses to the next stage.
Step 2: Editorial Assessment:
After the initial screening, the manuscript will be assigned to an editor who has expertise in the field related to the submitted research. The editor will then carefully assess the manuscript, considering its scientific rigor, novelty, significance, and relevance to the journal's scope. During this stage, the editor may also check if the manuscript requires any major revisions or is suitable for peer review.
Step 3: External Peer Review:
If the editor determines that the manuscript has the potential to be published, it is sent for external peer review. This involves sending the manuscript to experts in the field who are unbiased and independent from the author's institution. These peer reviewers carefully examine the manuscript, evaluating its methodology, results, interpretation, and overall contribution to the scientific community. The peer reviewers provide detailed comments and suggestions to the editor, who then makes a decision based on this feedback.
Step 4: Evaluation and Decision:
After receiving the feedback from the peer reviewers, the editor evaluates the manuscript, taking into account the reviewers' comments, their own assessment, and the journal's editorial policy. This evaluation helps the editor determine whether the manuscript should be accepted, accepted with minor revisions, accepted with major revisions, or rejected. The editor may also seek additional opinions from other experts if necessary.
Step 5: "MDPI Pending Decision - Under Review":
During the evaluation process, the manuscript may temporarily display the status "MDPI Pending Decision - Under Review." This indicates that the editor is carefully considering the reviewers' comments and making an informed decision based on the manuscript's scientific quality and fit with the journal's scope. The time taken for this stage can vary depending on factors such as the manuscript's complexity, the availability of peer reviewers, and the editor's workload.
Step 6: Decision Notification:
Once the editor has made a decision, the author will be notified of the outcome. This could be acceptance, revision request, or rejection. If revisions are requested, the author will be provided with the reviewers' comments and suggestions for improving the manuscript. The author is typically given a specific timeframe to make the revisions.
The "MDPI Pending Decision - Under Review" status indicates that the manuscript has entered a crucial stage of the peer review process. It means that the editor is thoroughly evaluating the manuscript based on the reviewers' comments, ultimately leading to a decision. Although the wait can be nerve-wracking, this stage ensures that the published research meets the highest standards of quality and contributes significantly to the scientific community.
