带你认识华为 VRP 系统【基本配置,Telnet SSH 查看、保存、清空、重启路由器配置等】
一、如何通过 console 口连接路由器
用 console 线缆将笔记本连接到路由器的 Console 口,然后通过 CRT 软件进行连接,如下图:
在输入信息后输入“?”可查看以输入的字母开头的命令。如输入“dis?”,设备将输出所有以 dis 开头的命令。
在输入的信息后增加空格,再输入“?”,这时设备将尝试识别输入的信息对应的命令,然后输出该命令的其他参数。例如输入“dis ?”,如果只有 display 命令是以 dis 开头的,那举设备将输出 display 命令的参数,如上所示;如果以 dis 开头的命令还有其他的,设备将报错。
另外可以使用键盘上 Tab 键补全命令,比如键入“dis”后,按键盘“Tab”键可以将命令补全为“display”。如有多个以“dis”开头的命令存在,则在多个命令间循环切换。
User view commands:
arp-ping ARP-ping
autosave <Group> autosave command group
backup Backup information
cd Change current directory
clear <Group> clear command group
clock Specify the system clock
cls Clear screen
compare Compare configuration file
copy Copy from one file to another
debugging <Group> debugging command group
delete Delete a file
dialer Dialer
dir List files on a filesystem
display Display information
factory-configuration Factory configuration
<Huawei>display ?
Cellular Cellular interface
aaa AAA
access-user User access
<Huawei>display version =====显示设备版本号、型号、启动时间
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 5.130 (AR2200 V200R003C00)
Copyright (C) 2011-2012 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD
Huawei AR2220 Router uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 7 minute
BKP 0 version information:
1. PCB Version : AR01BAK2A VER.NC
2. If Supporting PoE : No
3. Board Type : AR2220
二、配置设备 console 密码、主机名、时间、时区、baner
<Huawei>system-view ====进入系统视图(相当于思科的全局配置模式)
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]quit or return ====退出系统视图
[Huawei]sysname R1 ===配置主机名
[R1]header login information "Welcome to R" ====配置登录 banner,如 telnet 等
[R1]header shell information "Welcome to HW" ====配置登录 banner,如 console
Configuration console exit, please press any key to log on
Welcome to HW
[R1]user-interface console 0====进入 console 口,默认无密码
[R1-ui-console0]authentication-mode password
Please configure the login password (maximum length 16):5 ====选择密码长度
[R1-ui-console0]set authentication password cipher cisco ====配置一个密文形式密码(可以选择明文,命令为 simple)
[R1-ui-console0]idle-timeout 3 20 ====配置空闲超时时间 3 分 20 秒,默认 10 分钟
Configuration console exit, please press any key to log on
Welcome to R
Login authentication
Welcome to HW
<R1>display clock ====显示系统时间
2014-05-11 20:02:17
Time Zone(Indian Standard Time) : UTC-05:13
Daylight saving time :
Name : Day Light Saving Time
Repeat mode : repeat
Start year : 2005
End year : 2005
Start time : 09-01 12:32:05
End time : 11-23 12:32:05
Saving time : 00:00:00
<R1>clock timezone GMT add 08:00:00 ====配置系统时区,中国为+8 区
<R1>clock datetime 22:59:00 2014-05-11 ====配置系统时间
[R1]super password cipher password ====配置密文 super 密码,防止非法用户权限提升
[R1]display current-configuration | include super ====显示 super 密码配置
cipher命令super password level 3 cipher %$%$$#q^6$-.B<#>7NFN%4"D,&Qs%$%$
三、配置接口地址与 telnet、SSH
[R1]display ip interface brief ====查看接口状态
*down: administratively down
^down: standby
(l): loopback
(s): spoofing
The number of interface that is UP in Physical is 1
The number of interface that is DOWN in Physical is 3
The number of interface that is UP in Protocol is 1
The number of interface that is DOWN in Protocol is 3
Interface IP Address/Mask Physical Protocol
GigabitEthernet0/0/0 unassigned down down
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 unassigned down down
GigabitEthernet0/0/2 unassigned down down
NULL0 unassigned up up(s)
R1]display interface g0/0/0 ====查看接口详细信息
GigabitEthernet0/0/0 current state : DOWN
Line protocol current state : DOWN
Description:HUAWEI, AR Series, GigabitEthernet0/0/0 Interface
Route Port,The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
Internet protocol processing : disabled
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 00e0-fcb9-1ed3
Last physical up time : -
Last physical down time : 2014-05-11 19:24:17 UTC-05:13
Current system time: 2014-05-11 23:14:22
Speed : 1000, Loopback: NONE
Duplex: FULL, Negotiation: ENABLE
Mdi : AUTO
Last 300 seconds input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Input peak rate 0 bits/sec,Record time: -
Output peak rate 0 bits/sec,Record time: -
