基于Android 的校园跳蚤市场APP的设计与实现
作者:侯欢欢 李超军
摘要:论文阐述了一款基于Android 平台的校园跳蚤市场APP的设计与实现,该系统采用C/S架构, MVC设计模式,用Java语言开发。实现了个人信息管理、商品信息管理和购物车管理和后台管理四大模块。系统界面良好,简单易用,大学生可以利用该APP发布闲置书物、电子产品等信息,也可以选购自己需要的二手资源,为构建节约型校园提供了一个良好的平台。
eclipse开发手机app 关键词:跳蚤市场;Android;APP
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-9416(2017)01-0172-02
Abstract:The design and implementation of a campus flea market APP for Android platform was described in the paper. The system that used C/S architecture and MVC desig
n pattern was developed by java language. Four modules were achieved in the system: personal information management, product information management, shopping cart management and background management. The system interface is friendly, easy to use, students can not only publish books, electronic products and other idle information using the APP, but also buy second-hand resources they need, the APP can provide a good platform for the construction of a conservation oriented campus.