1.the first black president
2.the first woman president
3.presidential historian
4.opinion leader
8.sick room
10.a morning person
11.a body shop
12.manage forests sustainably
13.digital gap
14.peak load
15.satellite communications ground station equipment repairer
16.The divorce is less culturally acceptable in a society that is family-oriented.【译文】在以家庭为中心的社会文化背景下,离婚是难以接受的。
17.I am pleased to be here to offer a U.S.business perspective on one of today’s great quality challenges:building a high skills/high wage workforce.
【解析】如果将本句中的quality challenges理解为形容词和名词的关系,译为“质量的挑战”,读者会不明其意。quality实际是challenges的范围。所以在翻译实践中,译者有必要根据语境仔细分析。
18.It has been rightly stated that this situation is a threat to international security.【译文】一直有报道说,眼下的形式对国际安全构成威胁,这一说法不无道理。
19.His story is unchallengedly true.
20.And a bed of crocus open their purple heads to the heavens in joyful thankness.【译文】苗圃里一朵朵藏红花欢喜地绽开了紫的花冠,向上天表示谢意。
21.This report has all the financial information a potential investor needs to know about the history and prospects of the venture.
【解析】若直接将“a potential investor”处理为“一个潜在的投资者”,会带有明显的英语表达思维痕迹。
22.The unbelievably beautiful scenery of that place attracts a lot of tourists every day.
23.She was expensively spoiled from the moment of birth.
24.Children(who were)neglected by their parents turned in some instances to drugs and crimes.
25.Pressing down the button of the alarm clock,he curled up for last warm
moment under the bed clothes.
26.With the tree now tall,we get more shade.
postman的中文翻译27.This ability to speak was of great value because it allowed men to share ideas, and plan together,so that tasks impossible for a single person could be successfully undertaken by intelligent team-work.
28.He is a dapper sixty-three.
29.The boy is sitting on a garden chair.
【译文】原句中的“a garden chair”指的不是“花园式的椅子”,而是“a chair in the garden”,花园中的椅子。译者在翻译这个句子之前要解读到这一点。
30.I worked in a finance job that I hated and I lived in a concrete jungle city with little greenery.
【译文】此处的concrete jungle city指的是“混凝土建筑像丛生的荆棘一样”。另外,阅读文章之后会发现greenery不仅仅是指“高楼林立的建筑中不到一点自然的绿”,更是作者在痛失父亲和大之后,心中对生命的“失望”、对人生和生活的“绝望”。所以,译者在翻译时一定要对句中单词所背负的“包袱”进行解读,了解其真正含义。
31.They discovered that she had highly advanced cancer in her bones and that there was nothing that they could do.
32.I am reliably informed.
33.That field was theoretical physics,where people do their best work at a famously young age.