总之,新纪元高山栎组化石的发现,为芒康地区生态环境变化和植物落演变提供了新的参考论据,为同期生物地理学提供了重要研究价值。reference group
Recently, the New Palaeozoic high-mountain oak group fossil was found in Mongkang, Tibet, providing an important reference for the contemporary biogeography.
The New Palaeozoic high-mountain oak group fossils refer to the remains of deciduous trees, shrubs, vines and other plants from the New Palaeozoic era in the Mongkang area. The distribution of these fossils in different environments such as mountains, forests and wetlands reveals the ancient climate and serves as an important reference for the dynamic development of the plant community. In addition, based on the distribution of these New Palaeozoic high-mountain oak group fossils, the researchers can infer the plant community before Mongkang, revealing the diversity of species migration and distribution at that time, and then infer the high-mountain climate at that time and its impact on the plant community.
The discovery of the Neopaleozoic high-mountain oak group fossils enriched the data of high-mountain geomorphology, so that we could more clearly understand the evolution and development of the plateau landforms. In addition, it also provides the irreplaceable i
mportant evidence for the evolution of plants and their response to climatic changes. The discovery of New Palaeozoic high-mountain oak group fossils provided us with a deeper understanding of the ecological environment evolution in Mongkang during the New Palaeozoic period, and at the same time, provided new and useful information for the subsequent biogeographical research.
In conclusion, the discovery of the New Palaeozoic high-mountain oak group fossils provides new reference evidence for the ecological environment change and plant community evolution in Mongkang, and provides important research value for the contemporary biogeography.
