2002 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories
2002 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories
EPA 822-R-02-038
reference groupOffice of Water
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC
Summer 2002
Printed on paper that contains
at least 50% recycled fiber.
The Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories tables are revised periodically by EPA’s Office of Water on an “as needed” basis. The S ummer 2002 edition of the tables has retained the content and format changes introduced in the Summer 2000 edition and has added the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Numbers (CASRN) for the chemical contaminants. The following changes should be kept in mind when using the Tables:
Reference dose (RfD) values have been updated to reflect the values in the Integrated
Risk Information System (IRIS), and the Drinking Water Equivalent Level (DWEL) has been calculated accordingly. Thus, both the RfD and DWEL will differ from the values in the Health Advisory document if the IRIS RfD is more recent than the Health
Advisory value. The RfD values from IRIS that differ from the values in the Health
Advisory documents are given in BOLD type. For unregulated chemicals with a new
IRIS RfD, the lifetime Health Advisory was calculated from the DWEL using the relative source contribution value published in the Health Advisory. For regulated chemicals,
where the revised lifetime value differed from the Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
(MCLG), no lifetime value was provided in the Table.
For regulated chemicals, the cancer group designation and 10-4 cancer risk reflect the
status at the time of regulation. For unregulated chemicals, the cancer group designation and 10-4 c
ancer risk reflect the values presently on IRIS. New cancer group designations and 10-4 cancer risk values are given in BOLD type.
Several pesticides listed in IRIS have been re-evaluated by the Office of Pesticide
Programs (OPP) resulting in an RfD other than that in IRIS. For these pesticides, the
IRIS value is listed in the Table, and the newer OPP value is given in a footnote.
In some cases there is a Health Advisory value for a contaminant but there is no reference to a Health Advisory document. These Health Advisory values can be found in the
Drinking Water Criteria Document for the contaminant.
With a few exceptions, the Health Advisory values have been rounded to one significant figure.
The Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories tables may be reached from the Water Science home page at
The tables are accessed under the Health Advisories heading.
Copies may be ordered free of charge from
Monday thru Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM EST
Copies of the supporting technical documentation for the health advisories can be ordered for a fee on the Internet at
or from
Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
1929 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH 43210-1080
Telephone number 614-292-6717; 1-800-276-0462
FAX 614-292-0263
e-mail ERICSE@osu.edu
Payment by Purchase Order/Check/Visa or Mastercard
For further information regarding the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories, call the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791 or 703-285-1093.
The following definitions for terms used in the Tables are not all-encompassing, and should not be construed to be “official” definitions. They are intended to assist the user in understanding terms found on the following pages.
Action Level: The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow. For lead or copper it is the level which, if exceeded in over 10% of the homes tested, triggers treatment.
Cancer Group: A qualitative weight-of-evidence judgement as to the likelihood that a chemical may be a carcinogen for humans. Each chemical is placed into one of the following five categories: Group Category
A Human carcinogen
B Probable human carcinogen:
B1 indicates limited human evidence
B2 indicates sufficient evidence in animals and inadequate or no evidence in humans
C Possible human carcinogen
D Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity
E Evidence of noncarcinogenicity for humans
This categorization is based on EPA’s 1986 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment. The Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment which were published in 1996, when final, will replace the 1986 cancer guidelines.
10-4 Cancer Risk: The concentration of a chemical in drinking water corresponding to an excess estimated lifetime cancer risk of 1 in 10,000.
Drinking Water Advisory: A nonregulatory concentration of a contaminant in water that is likely to be without adverse effects on both health and aesthetics.
DWEL: Drinking Water Equivalent Level. A lifetime exposure concentration protective of adverse, non-cancer health effects, that assumes all of the exposure to a contaminant is from drinking water.
HA: Health Advisory. An estimate of acceptable drinking water levels for a chemical substance based on health effects information; a Health Advisory is not a legally enforceable Federal standard, but serves as technical guidance to assist Federal, State, and local officials.