摘  要
    web系统漏洞攻击靶场是一个让用户学习如何去攻击一个存在漏洞的系统,为一些开发人员去检测自己的开发技术和提供一个可合法测试的环境,在这个网站中,就存在着一些流行的web漏洞,目的就是为了让用户看到被攻击成果的效果。 web系统漏洞攻击靶场是一个基于PHP+MySQL所开发的Web应用系统,而这个系统主要是建立一个可供攻击的靶场,采用如今比较多的攻击方式。用户可自行选择模块进行模拟攻击,还设有不同等级,随着等级的提高防护机制也将提高,用户需要到防护机制的漏洞,采用不同的攻击方式去达到攻击网

Web System vulnerability attacking range
    The fast development of the Web also brings some security questions, hidden behind the security problems are gradually exposed. In recent years, many network security incidents have been continuously disclosed by the media, and a large number of Web applications have been attacked by hackers, resulting in data leakage, and people are starting to notice the growing importance of cyber security. People are generally of network attack and attack damage this knowledge to understand less. For people to know the dangers of web attacks, learning website of vulnerability of knowledge and learn how to identify a loophole in the site, and has set up a available for users to understand and le
arn attack types and methods of website.
The web system vulnerability attack range is a system that allows users to learn how to attack a vulnerability, providing a legitimate environment for security professionals to test their expertise and tools. In this website itself, There are some popular web vulnerabilities, the purpose is to let the user see the results of the attack effect. The system vulnerability attacking range is such a website. The web system vulnerability attack target is a web application system developed based on PHP+MySQL, and this system is mainly to establish a target range for attack, using more attack methods.Users can choose their own module to simulate attacks, there are also different levels, with the level of protection mechanism will be improved, users need to find the protection mechanism vulnerability, use different ways to attack the purpose of the site.
Keywords: web loopholes; attack methods; protective mechanism;
3 数据库设计和构建    6
4系统的设计与实现    8
4.3.1 蛮力攻击的原理及危害    11
4.4 命令注入攻击的设计与实现    php修改数据库内容14
4.8.2 XSSReflected)攻击的设计    25
