Seychelles,officially the Republic of Seychelles,is an island country spanning an archipelago of115islands in the Indian Ocean,some1,500kilometres(932mi)east of mainland Africa,northeast of the island of Madagascar.It is part of the Mascarene Islands along with Mauritius and Réunion.
Other nearby island countries and territories include Zanzibar to the west,Réunion to the south,Comoros and Mayotte to the southwest.
nearbySeychelles,with an estimated population of86,525,has the smallest population of any African state.Seychelles is divided into twenty-five administrative regions that comprise all of the inner islands.Eight of the districts make up the capital of Seychelles and are referred to as Greater Victoria.Another14districts are considered the rural part of the main island of Mahéwith two districts on Praslin and one on La Digue which also includes respective satellite islands.The rest of the Outer Islands are not considered part of any district.
Victoria(sometimes called Port Victoria)is the capital city of the Seychelles(smallest African capital)and is situated on the north-eastern side of Mahéisland,which is the main island of the archipelago.The city was first established as the seat of the British colonial government.