选择性必修第二册  U2 Sports culture同步练习
Period I
Welcome &Reading
1. There is a need for greater _________ (diverse) and choice in education.
2. There is now intense _________ (compete) between schools to attract students.
3. They greeted the professor with thunderous _________ (applaud).
4. How many candidates are standing for _________ (elect)?
5. Everything he writes _________ (demonstrate) the depth of his sensibility.
6. We encourage students to participate fully _________ the running of the college.
7. The plan is designed to motivate employees _________ (work) more efficiently.
8. He was studying hard _________ the hope of being admitted to an engineering college.
9. Television companies are racing to be the first _________ (screen) his life story.
10. Last Sunday, my classmates and I came to the nearby library to read books, but only to be told that it _________ (decorate).
1. diversity 句意为:教育方面需要更加多元化和更具选择性。该空需要填名词, 与 choice 并列, 故填 diversity。
2. competition 句意为:现在学校之间为了招揽生源展开了激烈的竞争。 intense competition 意为"激烈的竞争"。
3. applause 句意为:他们以雷鸣般的掌声欢迎教授。此处位于形容词后,作 with 的宾语,应用名词。
4. election 句意为: 有多少位候选人在参加竞选? stand for election 意为"参加竞选"。
5.demonstrates 句意为:他笔下的一切都显示出其感受力之深。该句的主语的中心语是 Everything, he writes 是定语从句, 该空缺谓语动词, 根据 writes 可知应用一般现在时, 故填 demonstrates。
6.in 句意为:我们鼓励学生全面参与学院的运作。 participate in为固定搭配,意为“参加”。
7. to work 句意为:这个计划旨在激励员工更加卓有成效地工作。 motivate sb to do sth 为固定搭配, 意为"激励某人做某事"。
8. in 句意为:他努力学习,希望能被一所工程学院录取。 in the nearbyhope of doing sth 为固定搭配, 意为"希望做某事"。
9. to screen 句意为:电视广播公司都争先恐后地要将他的生平 故事抢先搬上荧幕。 the first 表示“首个人或物”时,其后通常接 动词不定式作后置定语。
10. was being decorated 句意为: 上周日, 我和同学们去附近的       
图书馆看书,结果被告知那个图书馆正在装修中。由时间状语 Last Sunday 可知,句子叙述的是过去发生的事件,此处为宾语 从句的谓语部分,宾语从句的主语 it 指代上文的 the nearby library,与 decorate 之间是被动关系,并且此处表示过去一段时 间内正在进行的动作,因此使用过去进行时的被动语态。
He noticed that he _________ _________ _________ _________ when he was walking in the street.
That was the first time that she _________ _________ _________ _________ the
Great Wall.
It was _________ _________ her son came back _________ she went to bed.
The government _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ to fight against the virus.
He decided to _________ _________ _________ _________ the scientific investigation.
We should _________ _________ _________ science and technology.
Reading, _________ contributes to happiness.
When _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ for class again, she hung her head in shame.
Fresh flowers can _________ a dull room _________ _________ _________ .
1. was being followed by a stranger
2. had been invited to visit "I/This/That was the first time that" 句型后引出的从句应用过去完成时, 表示"某事第一次发生";从 句主语 she 和动词 invite 构成被动关系, 故此处应用过去完成时 的被动语态。
3. not until; that
4. calls on/upon/for people to take measures/steps
5. devote the rest of his life to
6. make joint efforts to develop
7. in addition to making people acquire knowledge
8. asked why she was late
9. bring; back to life
Period II
Vocabulary & Grammar
1. She _________ (gradual)foughtherwaytothetopofthecompany.
2. She accepted the criticism _________ quiet dignity.
3. There's a limit _________ how much I'm prepared to spend.
4. He had a small mouth and round pink _________ (cheek).
5. Although he's only _________ amateur, hes a first - class master.
6. It never rains but it _________ (pour).
7. I _________ (hope)tosendPeteragifttocongratulatehimonhismarriage, butI
couldn't manage it.
8. WhenIgottohishouse, Ifoundthatthewalls _________ (paint).
9. An incredible tree - house restaurant _________ (complete) by the end of last mont and a large crowd of people went there for meals.
10. Trees _________ (plant) by them at this time yesterday.
1.gradually 句意为:她努力奋斗,逐渐登上公司的高位。该空应该填副词,修饰动词 fought gradually
2. with 句意为:她大度地接受了批评。 with dignity 为固定搭配,意为“有尊严地”。
3.to 句意为:我准备花多少钱是有限度的。 limit to 意为“对…的限度“。
4. cheeks 句意为:他的嘴小小的,圆脸蛋粉扑扑的。 cheek 为可数名词,此处需要用复数形式。
