1、 PQQ是什么?
6、 PQQ的临床⽤途是什么?
7、 PQQ+COQ10效果更好吗?
8、 PQQ每天服⽤的量是多少?
Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a novelvitamin-likecompound found in plant foods that is showing a wide range ofbenefits to brainand body function based upon preclinical studies and initialclinicalevaluation.Although PQQ is not currently viewed as avitamin, it islikely to be considered an essential nutrient in the future.
What exactly does PQQ do?
化和⽣存。PQQ也是⼀种⾮常强⼤的抗氧化剂,与其他抗氧化剂相⽐,它能够催化连续循环(进⾏重复氧化和还原反应的能⼒),达到更⾼的程度。例如,PQQ可以进⾏20,000次氧化还原反应循环,⽽维⽣素c 只有4次。
What exactly does PQQ do? PQQ stimulatesgrowth and serves as a cofactor for aspecial class of enzymes involved incellular function including cellulargrowth, development, differentiation, andsurvival.PQQ is also as an extremely powerful antioxidant capableof catalyzing continuouscycling (the ability to perform repeated oxidation andreduction reactions) to amuch greater degree compared to other antioxidants.For example, PQQ is able tocarry out 20,000 catalytic conversions compared toonly 4 for vitamin C.
Is there PQQ in food sources?
腐。这些⾷物每100克含2-3微克,与每4盎司绿茶提供的量是⼀样的。⽬前认为,动物和⼈体肠道菌不能合成PQQ 或合成量远远不能满⾜机体需要,其体内的 PQQ 主要是通过饮⾷途径外源性获得,最好选择外源性补充获得PQQ。
Are there any food sources of PQQ? PQQ hasbeen found in all plant foods analyzed to date. PQQ-rich foods include parsley,green peppers,kiwi fruit, papaya and tofu. These foodscontain about 2-3 mcg per100 grams. Green tea provides about the same amountper 4 oz serving.
Is PQQ an essential nutrient?
Is PQQ an essential nutrient?Based upon thecurrent research there is no question thatit plays a critical role in humannutrition. When PQQ is omitted from chemically defined diets in mammals itleads to growthimpairment, compromised immune status, and abnormal reproductivefunction. The nutritional requirements of PQQ areprobably in line with folicacid and biotin in terms of micrograms per dayversus milligrams per day. Likeessential nutrients, the immune system seemsparticularly sensitive to lowlevels of PQQ. With PQQ deprivation there aremultiple defects in immunefunction and loss of white blood cells to respondproperly.
What is the most important function of PQQ?
What is the most important function of PQQ?One key action of PQQ involves a direct action on keyenzymes involved in theenergy producing compartments in our cells – themitochondria. As a result PQQimproves energy production.1,6 In addition to PQQ’s powerful antioxidanteffectprotects against mitochondrial damage. But, PQQ not only protectsmitochondriafrom oxidative stress—it also promotes the spontaneous generationof newmitochondria within aging cells, a process known as mitochondrialbiogenesis ormitochondriogenesis.1,7,8 Thiseffect is a “fountain of youth” for mitochondrialfunction.
What is the clinical use of PQQ?
1. PQQ逆转了慢性氧化应激引起的认知障碍,提⾼了动物模型记忆测试的成绩
2. 补充PQQ刺激神经⽣长因⼦的产⽣和释放
3. PQQ可以防⽌DJ-1基因的⾃我氧化,这是帕⾦森病发病的早期步骤
4. PQQ在中风模型中保护脑细胞免受氧化损伤
5. PQQ阻⽌诱导型⼀氧化氮合酶(iNOS)的形成,⽽⼀氧化氮合酶是活性氮(RNS)的主要来源,对脑细胞的损害⾮常⼤
6. PQQ在中风的动物实验模型中可以预防严重中风的可能性
7. PQQ保护⼤脑免受其他强毒性物质引起的神经中毒,包括汞、⾕氨酸和氧化巴胺(⼀种科学家⽤来在实验室动物中诱发帕⾦森症的强神经毒素)
8. PQQ可以阻⽌阿尔法-synuclein的发展,阿尔法-synuclein是⼀种与帕⾦森病相关的蛋⽩质
9. PQQ还能保护神经细胞免受与阿尔茨海默⽒症有关的-淀粉样蛋⽩的破坏作⽤
What are the clinical uses of PQQ? Giventhe nutritional importance and tremendous span ofphysiological effects of PQQ,there are considerable benefits in conditionsthat revolve around lowmi
tochondrial function including in aging, many brainand neurological disease (e.g.,Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease), and manyother chronic degenerativedisease. Current research has primarily focused onits ability to protect memoryand cognition in both aging animals and humans.Here are some of the effectsnoted in the animal studies:
•PQQ reverses cognitive impairment causedby chronicoxidative stress and improve performance on memory tests in animalmodels.
•PQQ supplementation stimulates theproduction and releaseof nerve growth factor.
•PQQ protects againstthe self-oxidation of the DJ-1 gene,an early step in the onset of Parkinson’sdisease.
•PQQ protects brain cells againstoxidative damage inmodels of strokes.
•PQQ blocks the formation of induciblenitric oxidesynthase (iNOS), a major source of reactivenitrogen species (RNS) that are sodamaging to brain cells.
•PQQ protects against the likelihood ofsevere stroke inan experimental animal model for stroke.
•PQQ protects the brain againstneurotoxicity induced byother powerful toxins,including mercury, glutamate, and oxidopamine (a potentneurotoxin used byscientists to induce Parkinsonism in laboratory animals).
•PQQ prevents development ofalpha-synuclein, a proteinassociated with Parkinson’s disease.
•PQQ also protects nerve cells from thedamaging effectsof the beta-amyloid-protein linked with Alzheimer’s disease. PQQ在⼈类临床试验中的研究?
PQQ research in human clinical trials?
Has PQQ been studied in human clinicaltrials? Yes, preliminary clinical studies are extremelyencouraging and severallarger clinical trials are currently either completedwaiting publication or arein process.
In regards to improving brain function,while PQQ issomewhat effective on its own, when it is combined with a relatedcompoundwell-known to all – coenzyme Q10 – even better results have been shown.Thissynergistic effect was first seen in animal studies and furtherdemonstrated ina human double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trialconducted in Japan in2007.19 In this study of 71 middle-aged and elderlypeopleaged between 40-70, supplementation with 20 mg per day of PQQ resultedinimprovements on tests of higher cognitive function compared to the placebogroup,but in the group receiving 20 mg of PQQ along with 300 mg of CoQ10 theresultswere even more dramatic. PQQ and CoQ10 are both involved inmitochondrial energyproduction, so these results are not that surprising.
Take PQQ+CoQ10 together for better results!
PQQ⾃⼰是活跃的。事实上,⼤多数50岁以下的⼈可能不需要同时补充PQQ和CoQ10,除⾮他们正在服⽤⼀种像降低胆固醇的他汀类药物,这种药物会⼲扰CoQ10的⽣产。⼀项⼈类研究在21-34岁的10名受试者(5名⼥性,5名男性)中使⽤了PQQ。受试者被给予单剂量的PQQ (0.2 mg PQQ/kg),然后在48⼩时内多次测量⾎浆和尿液的PQQ⽔平和抗氧化能⼒的变化。结果表明,即使只加⼀剂,抗氧化能⼒也有显著提⾼。同样的受试者也被给予0.3 mg PQQ/kg的每⽇剂量,并在PQQ给药前和72⼩时后测量其⾎液中炎症标志物(⾎浆c反应蛋⽩和⽩细胞介素(IL)-6⽔平)和与能量代谢相关的尿液代谢物。补充PQQ可显著降低⾎浆c反应蛋⽩和IL-6炎症标志物⽔平。此外,尿代谢物的变化与线粒体相关功能增强⼀致。这些数据是⾸批将PQQ对动物的系统性影响与对⼈类的相应影响联系起来的数据之⼀。
Does PQQ have to be used with CoQ10 to seeresults?No, it is active on its own. In fact, in most peopleunder 50 there maynot be a need for simultaneous use of PQQ and CoQ10 unlessthe person is takinga drug like cholesterol-lowering statins that interferewith CoQ10manufacture.One human study used PQQ in 10 subjects (5 females, 5males) theages of 21–34 years. The subjects were given PQQ in a single dose(0.2 mgPQQ/kg) after which multiple measurements of plasma and urine PQQlevels andchanges in antioxidant potential over a 48-hour period. Results indicated asignificant increase inantioxidant potential even after this only one dosage.The same subjects werealso given a
daily dose of 0.3 mg PQQ/kg and had theirblood measured formarkers of inflammation (plasma C-reactive protein andinterleukin (IL)-6levels) and urinary metabolites related to energy metabolismbefore PQQadministration and 72 hours later.PQQ supplementation resulted insignificant decreases inthe levels of the inflammatory markers of plasmaC-reactive protein and IL-6.Furthermore, the changes in urinary metabolitesconsistent with enhancedmitochondria-related functions. The data are among thefirst to link systemiceffects of PQQ in animals to corresponding effects inhumans.
What is the appropriate dose of PQQ supplement every day?
关于PQQ的⼀个问题是什么是有效剂量?具体来说,如果PQQ的营养需求每天低于500微克,为什么推荐的剂量是10到20毫克? 为了测量成年动物线粒体功能的反应,就需要提供更多的PQQ,就像为什么只有8到15毫克的维⽣素C可以预防坏⾎病的明显症状⼀样,⽬前推荐的膳⾷摄⼊量是每天75到90毫克(成年⼈,不包括孕妇和哺乳期妇⼥),以达到最佳的功能,临床应⽤甚⾄需要更⾼的剂量。
What is the proper dosage? One question regarding PQQ is what is aneffectivedosage? Specifically, if the nutritional requirement of PQQ is likelyless than500 mcg daily why is the recommended dosage 10 to 20 mg? In order toget ameasured response in mitochondrial function in adult animals there is theneedto feed higher amounts of PQQ much like why only 8 to 15 mg of vitamin Cmightprotect against the overt signs of scurvy, the recommended dietaryallowancecurrently stands at 75 to 90 milligram per day (for adults, excludingpregnantand lactating women) for optimal function, and even higher amounts are requiredforclinical applications. The current recommendation of 10 to 20 mg of PQQ dailyisbased upon the equivalent dose in animals has consistently improvedvariousmitochondrial functions. There are also some clinical and observationalstudiesthat justify the dosage, especially the 20 mg dosage for enhancingmemory.
