Unit 3      Text A
Wealth,success or love
Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage
Get some information about text
Time Arrangement
Text: 2 periods
get out of Discussion: 1 period
Leading In
Introduction to the tipic
Reading and sharing stories with your friends is a fun way of learning.below ,you will find some texts to help get you and your classments started on thinking about the stories in your own lives,read them carefully and answer the questions that come after them.
Do you like interesting stories?what kind of stories do you like most? Have you tried of tell you r classmates your favorite stories? Here we have given you some questions that are related to stories.they are open_ended with no right or wrong answers. Before reading the texts,you may work in pairs and ask each other the questions.
What kind of stories do you enjoy reading?
From the title of text a ,can you guess what lesson we cn learn/
Emphasized Points
  Phrases and Expressions
1. as well
2. out of
eg: I learnt chinese out of interest.
3. point to
4. fill with/ be filled with
5. jump in
6. take someone’s advice
Text Comprehension
Language Ponits
1. 1. People have differing views on this.
Meaning: People hold different points of view about this question.

2. Some think wealth is more important; some success; others think love is the most important of all.
Meaning: Some people believe that wealth is more important; some people regard success as more important; other people hold the view that love is most important
some success = some think success is more important

3. But is there a third way?
Meaning: But is it possible that a third way exists?

4. Could it be possible for a person to choose one and somehow get the other two, as well? (Para.1)
Meaning: Could there be a possibility for a person to pick one and get the other tw
o as well by some means?

5. A woman came out of her house and saw three wise men with long white hair sitting in her front garden.
Meaning: A woman came out of her house and saw three clever men sitting in her front garden. They all had long white hair.

6. Out of sympathy,
Meaning: Feeling pity for the old men,

7. I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry.
Meaning: I don't know any of you, but I'm sure you are hungry.
Note that the word "must" indicates that the woman was very sure that the old men were hungry.

8. "Is the man of the house at home?" they asked.
Meaning: "Is the master/host of the house at home?" they asked.
Please notice that the view—the man of the house is the master of the house—is not acceptable to all, at least not to feminists.

9. "Then we cannot come in," they replied.
Meaning: "In this case, we can't come in," they answered.
then = in this case; under this condition

10. In the evening when her husband came home, the woman told him exactly what had happened.
Meaning: In the evening when her husband came home, the woman told him what had happened, bit by bit.

11. "We do not go into a house together," they replied.
Meaning: "It's our usual practice that we do not enter a house together," they answered.

12. "Why is that?" she wanted to know.
Meaning: "What's the reason for your not entering a house together?" she asked for an answer.

13. Let him come in and fill our home with wealth!
Meaning: Ask him to come in and fill up our house with money and possessions!
/ be : make or become full
The room was filled with laughter and we all had a good time.
Seeing the children playing happily together, her heart was filled with happiness.

14. While they were arguing, their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house.
Meaning: When they were disagreeing with each other, their son's wife was listening from the other corner of the house.

15. She jumped in with her own suggestion.
jump in: join in a conversation or discussion suddenly, usually by interrupting other people
Mary and I were talking excitedly when Anna jumped in.
It is impolite of children to jump in when their parents are talking about real business.

16. Amazed, the wife asked Wealth
Meaning: The woman felt greatly surprised and asked Wealth

17. If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would've stayed out. But since you invited Love, wherever he goes, we go with him.
Meaning: "If you had asked Wealth or Success to come, the other two of us would have remained outside. But as you asked Love to come, it is our usual practice to go with him anywhere he goes." At a gas station, a man stops to deposit and then cash his paycheck.
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