
1.主语:n.、pron.、名词性短语(相当于n.的词)    谓语:v.
  宾语:v.、pron.、名词性短语(相当于n.的词)    定语:n.、adj.、(adv.、pron)
  状语:adv.、prep.    补语:n.、adj.、adv    表语:n.、adj
  的—定语、地—状语、得—补语  prep.+ 宾语、v.+ 宾语
  一个句子:(定语)+主语 +[状语] + 谓语 +(定语 )+ 宾语+ <补语>
2.be face with 面临  English-speaking  说英语的  spoken English  口语的
3.in private 私下的  in public 公开的  in person 亲自的  in part 部分的
4.forget about 不再像、不再考虑  put in 表达出  set up 设法  make clear  讲清楚
  Set foot( in) 到达、进入、达到  come to life 变得活跃、苏醒过来
  Put forward 提出、建议、推荐  sence of 感) sence of achievement 成就感
  Follow ones dream 实现梦想  by chance /accident 偶然的  on purpose 故意的
5.be of the point 离题  set sb off (doing)sth 使某人笑起来、哭起来
  Couldnt agree more 非常赞成  turn to sb for help 向某人求助 
6.heart broken 心碎了  at a loss 不知所措 
7.no sooner had +主 +done than +主+did  hardly + had +主 +done when +主+did
8.throw light upon sth 阐明某事、使某事显得非常清楚
9.lay the foundation of 奠定基础  in ones efforts  由于努力
10.apply oneself to doing sth 致力于  devote ones time to doing 致力于做某事
11.make progress 取得进步  in advance 提前  come along with 随同某人、伴随某人
  Relatively speaking 相对而言、比较说    leave sth behind 把留下
  Turn sth upside down 把倒转过来,翻个底朝天  get rid of 摆脱
  Have yet to 还没怎么样  all the way 一直,在路上= the whole way
  Range from A to B= range between A to B  在之间
12.fall into 陷入、掉入  thus doing 顺理成章的结果  be sensitive to 对敏感
  get out ofMeet with 遭受、经历  meet /satify ones needs  满足某人需要
  Make both ends meet 使收支平衡  the source of 的起源  give off 释放
  Provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb  给某人提供什么
  The homes of 的栖息地 
13.have an opportunity to do sth 有机会做某事
14.be of benefit to = to ones benefit 对有益处  get benefit from doing sth 从中受益
  for the benefit of 为了的利益
15.in/ within the range of  在范围内  beyond / out of range of 超过某人的范围
  May / might as well 还是怎么怎样的好  most probably = ought to 应该、可以
  Play atrick on (upon)sb 捉弄某人 magic tricks 魔术  trick with 戏弄、恶作剧
  Combine with 把结合起来 
16.sooner or later 迟早  as well as (就前原则)强调前面的
17.only to do 出乎意料的的结果 
18.as a result of 作为的结果  result in 导致(主语是因,宾语是果)、
  result from 起因、由来(主语是果,宾语是因)
19.have right to do sth 有权利做某事 
mixed doubles 男女双打  a mixed school 男女混合学校
20.set an example to sb = set sb an example  给树立榜样
21.work conditions 工作条件  be free to do sth 自由做某事
22.give sb chance to do sth 给某人机会做某事
23.judge by 根据判断/来看  judging by 依来看— 作独立状语
  Make a judgement about sth 对作出评价  as far as I can judge  据我判断
24.at hand 接近、即将到来  join hands with sb 互相合作、联手、携手、伙伴
  Work as 担任工作  achieve /reach ones goal 实现目的
25.start with /begain with 以开始  to begin / start with 首先、 起先
  End up with / finish with  以结束 
26.regardless of = in spite of = despite 不管、不顾、不理会
27.in modern times 在现代  in ancient times 在古代  on condition that 倘若、假如
28.make a wise choice 做了一个明智的选择  care for 关心、照顾  care about 在乎、在意
29.go out of ones way to do sth 特意去做某事  go ones separate way 各走各的路、分道扬镳
30.above all 最重要的是,尤其是  neithernor 既不也不  owe sth to sb 把归功于某人
31.may as well 还是的好,尤其是  as well 也
32.arrest sb for sth 因某事逮捕某人  under arrest 被逮捕
33.forbid sb to do sth  禁止某人做某事  allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
  Forbid doing sth 禁止做某事    allow doing sth 允许做某事
34.in demand 需要、有需求的 、需求量大的
35.heart and soul 全心全意  make a commitment 作出承诺 
36.have/ has nothing to do sth 没什么关系
37.draw a conclusion 得出结论  keep fit 保持健康  be out of condition 健康状况不佳
38.operated on sb 给某人做手术  devote oneself to 全身心做、集中精力去做
