一、 选择题
1. I tried my best, but I couldn’t _____ the driving tests.
  A. get through    B. get off      C. get up        D. get away
2. She arrived home, _______ that she had left her keys in the office.
  A. finding          B. to find        C. found          D. having found
3. Miss Lee didn’t notice little Tom slide out of the classroom; she       something on the blackboard.
    A. was writing        B. wrote          C. had written      D. has written
试题分析:考查动词时态。Miss Lee没有注意到little Tom悄悄出了教室;也就是说:Miss Lee出教室时,她正在黑板上些东西。可知用过去进行时态。故选A
4. — Why, Jack, you look so tired!
-- Well, I ______ the house and I must finish the work tomorrow.
A. was painting      B. will be painting      C. have painted    D. have been painting 
get out of参考答案:
5. We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn't quite ______as planned.
A. make out    B. turn out
C. go on    D. come up
考查动词词组。A. make out 说明,说清楚;  B. turn out结果是;C. go on 继续;  D. come up被提出。make out证明、说明、把……说清楚的意思,是及物的.turn out为不及物动词短语,结果()、原来()、证明()”的意思.句意为:我们原来想在天黑前到家,但结果并不像预计的那样.go oncome up不符合语境。故选B
6. _____ confidence resulted in his failure in the interview.
A. Lack of              B. Lack for            C. Lacking of        D. Being lacked
7. Most people on this island are recreational fishermen, and ________fishing becomes an actual part of their leisure time.
Aaccidentally      Bpurposefully
Cobviously      Dformally
8. Having checked the doors were closed, and ______ all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.
  A. that          B. why        C. when         D. where
9. — Do you play badminton after work?
— Yes, ________ . But playing football is my favorite sport.
A. more or less  B. once in a while  C. time and again  D. sooner or later
10.  Can you guess what has ______ their friendship which they had maintained for years?
    A. broken down    B. broken up     C. broken out      D. broken in
11. I've been working all night and I'm _________.
A. put out    B. carried out
C. brought out    D. worn out
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我已经工作了一夜,我筋疲力尽了。put out扑灭,伸出;carrie
d out实施; bring out 出版,取出;wear out筋疲力尽。根据题意,故选D
12. —Dad, can you tell me why so many choose to study abroad at a very young age?
—________, darling. I haven’t thought about it.
A. Take your time              B. You’ve got me there    C. Don’t be silly                  D. Bad luck
13. The girl looked at me with a _____expression. Maybe the problem was quite _____.
A. puzzled; puzzling    B. puzzling; puzzled 
C. puzzled; puzzled  D. puzzling; puzzlingwww.ks5u 高考资源网首发
14. Who can think of a situation __________ this idiom can be used?
  A. which      B. that      C. where      D. in that
15. It was only when I reread this novel recently     I began to understand its real meaning. 
A. until B. then  C. that  D. so
二、 新的题型
16. Could we have zero deaths on our roads?
Cars that can think for themselves have clear advantages_21_flesh-and-blood drivers.They don't get drunk or drowsy,daydream or get distracted by mobile phones.
Human error causes over 90 percent of these collisions.Driverless cars,which_22_sense other vehicles on the road as well as obstacles and lane markings(车道标记),are already proving much safer than human-driven cars.In trials of Google's autonomous Prius fleet in Silicon Valley in California,the only accidents_23_(cause) by human error.How are innovations like these designed?And how safe is it_24_(put) your life in the hands of an autonomous vehicle that makes all your decisions for you?
Driverless cars use a mix of GPS,cameras,complex scanners and sensors to detect vehicles,traffic signals,curbs, pedestrians and_25_obstacles."A central computer system analyzes the data to control acceleration,steering and braking,"says Olivier Sappin,VP of Transportation & Mobility at Dassault Systemes—the software company whose 3D EXPERIENCE platform and industry solutions are used by motor manufacturers to design,
produce and maintain driverless cars.The software can simulate different eventualities(可能发生的事情)to ensure safety on the road—and the results can be incorporated(被包含)into the design and production process.
As well as_26_(detect) their surroundings using ultra-sophisticated mapping systems,future cars will be able to communicate with each other,_27_(allow) as many cars as possible to fit on the roads._28_(connect) vehicles will feature safety warnings that alert drivers of potentially dangerous conditions—impending(迫在眉睫的)collisions, icy roads and dangerous curves.
