1. Please ______ a coat with you when you go out.
A. bring        B. put            C. get            D. take
2. He finished ______the book yesterday evening.
A. seeing        B. watching        C .reading        D. looking
3. It’s getting warmer and warmer. The flowers start to ______.
A. come in        B. come over    C. come out        D. come on
4. They will ______Qingdao tonight.
A. arrive        B. get            C. reach        D. go
5. Soon Cathy ______up with me, then we were neck and neck.
A. taught        B. caught        C. bought        D. brought
6. Again and again the doctor ______the crying girl, but he couldn’t find what was wrong with her.
A. looked over    B. looked after    C. looked for      D. looked out
7. You ______go and ask Lily. She ______know the answer.
A. must, can        B. must, may        C. need, can        D. can, may
8. I bought a new dictionary and it ______me $30.
A. paid        B. spent        C. took            D. cost
9. The children planted more trees and flowers after they ______ Greener China.
A. joined        B. took part in      C. became            D. were
10. —Could you tell me something more about Hong Kong?
  —I am ______going there for a holiday soon.
A. looking up      B. thinking about    C. trying out        D. finding out
11. What a nice bag! But she ______only thirty dollars for it.
A. cost        B. took            C. spent        D. paid
12. No matter how hard it is, we’ll keep ______until we make it.
A. failed        B. failing        C. tried            D. trying
13. I must return the camera to Cindy. I ______it for two weeks.
A. keep        B. borrowed        C. have kept          D. have lent
14. I am sure our volleyball team will ______ the team from No. 3 Middle School.
A. win            B. fail            C. lose            D. beat
15. Tracy can’t play the match now. Please ______instead.
A. have Gina do it      B. have Linda to do it    C. make Jane to do it        D. let Daisy to do it
16. ----Do you like ______ a doctor for the children?
----Yes. To be a children’s doctor is rewarding.
A be            B. being            C. are            D. become
17. ----What do you think of her voice?
----It ______ very sweet, I should say.
A. hears            B. sounds            C. listens        D. sings
18. ----How much does it ______to fly from Beijing to Qingdao one-way?
----About 1,000 yuan.
A. cost            B. pay                C. spend        D. take
19. ----Water-skiing and surfing are my favourite. How about you?
----I ______surfing to water-skiing.
A. think            B. agree            C. want            D. prefer
20. ----It’s more and more important to protect our earth.
  ----I think so. If everyone ______a contribution to it, our world will be more beautiful.
A. make            B. makes            C. will make        D. make
21.You ______swim in this part of the lake. It’s dangerous.
A. mustn’t            B. needn’t            C. won’t        D. may
22. Jenny is a nurse and ______in Town Hospital.
A. works            B. worked            C. had worked        D. working
23. ----Where is Sandy?
----He ______to answer the phone. He’ll be back in a minute.
had gone        B. has gone            C. has been        D. went
24. ---- ______all your things, Mary! I hate them here and there!
----OK, Mum.
Put up            B. Put on            C. Put down        D. Put away
25. ----How do you go to work every day?
----I ______on my bike.
A. ride            B. drive                C. take            D. walk
26. ----Oh, you painted the walls yourself?
----Yes. It was not hard. The whole work didn’t ______.
    A. want                B. cost                C. spend        D. pay 
27. ----How about going hiking this weekend?
----Sorry. I prefer ______ rather than ______.
A to stay at home, go out  B. to go out, stay at home  C. staying at home, go out  D. going out, stay at home
28. ----May I ______your Chinese-Russian dictionary?
----Sorry, I ______it at home.
A. borrow, forgot    B. lend, left            C. lend, forgot        D. borrow, left
29. ----Your T-shirt looks nice. Is it ______wool?
----Yes, and it’s a ______Inner Mongolia.
A. made of, made by    B. made of, made in    C. made by, made for    D. made by, made from
get out of
30. Could you tell me how to ______it in French?
A. say                B. speak            C. talk                D. tell
31. Bob ______ nearly two hours doing his work yesterday.
A. spent            B. took                C. paid                D. cost
32. ----Would you please ______ this old lady?
----Sure. Have my seat, please.
A. take room for    B. give a room for        C. make room for          D. have rooms with
33. Jim was so busy ______ the answer from Lily’s paper that he forgot ______her name into his.
A to copy, to change      B. to copy, changing    C. copying, to change    D. copying, changing
34. The young man broke his arm in the accident and had to ______his job.
A. send up        B. put up            C. get up            D. give up
35. The woman hasn’t heard from her son for months. It ______ her a lot.
