1.have a fever:发烧。
2.have a cough:咳嗽。
3.have a XXX:牙疼。
4.talk too much:说得太多。
5.XXX XXX:喝足够的水。
6.have a XXX:受凉,感冒。
7.have a XXX:胃疼。
8.have a sore back:背疼。
9.have a XXX:喉咙痛。
10.lie down and rest:躺下来休息。
12.see a dentist:看牙医。
13.get an X-XXX:拍X光片。
14.take one’s temperature:量体温。
15.put XXX。在…上面敷药。
17.sound like:听起来像。
18.all weekend:整个周末。
19.in the same way:以同样的方式。
20.have a XXX:头痛。
21.have a XXX nose:流鼻涕。
22.have a sprain:扭伤。
23.have a XXX:晒伤。
24.have a swollen XXX:脚踝肿了。
25.have a swollen face:脸肿了。
26.have a swollen XXX:膝盖肿了。
get out of
27.have a swollen wrist:手腕肿了。
28.thanks to:多亏了;由于。
29.in time:及时。
30.save a life:挽救生命。
31.get into trouble:造成麻烦。
32.right away:立刻;马上。
33.because of:由于。
34.get out of:离开;从……出来。
35.hurt oneself:受伤。
36.put a XXX。用绷带包扎。
37.fall down:摔倒。
38.feel sick:感到恶心。
39.have a nosebleed:流鼻血。
40.cut his XXX:割伤他的膝盖。
41.put her head back:把她的头向后仰。
42.have problems breathing:呼吸困难。
43.mountain climbing:登山运动。
44.be used to doing sth。惯做某事。
45.run out (of):用完;用尽。
1.go to a doctor - visit a doctor for medical treatment
2.go along - walk or XXX
3.on the side of the road - at the edge of the road
4.shout for help - call out loudly for assistance
5.without thinking twice - XXX
6.get off - exit from a vehicle or mode of XXX
7.to one's surprise - XXX feel surprised
8.be in control of - have authority or power over something
XXX - facing a challenging circumstance
10.keep on doing something - continue doing something persistently
11.make a n - come to a n or make a choice
12.take risks - XXX uncertainty
13.give up -。doing something or abandon a pursuit
14.What's the matter。- What is the problem or issue?
15.What should she do。- What ns should she take?
16.XXX I。- Is it advisable for me to。
17es from - originates from
18.without moving - without changing n or posture
19.clean up - tidy or remove unwanted items from an area or space.
Clean-Up Day is a special day when people come together to clean up their community。It is only two weeks away。and XXX will help out with us tasks。such as picking up litter。planting trees。and fixing up playgrounds。The goal is to make the community a cleaner and better place to live.
One volunteer。a boy。will be handing out food at the food bank。He is excited to help those in need and see the look of joy on their faces when they receive the food。Another volunteer works at an old people's home。where she cares for the elderly and helps them with their daily tasks。She enjoys spending time with them and making a difference in their lives.
At the age of 16.a girl decided to make a plan to raise money for disabled people。She came up with the idea of organizing a charity event。such as a concert or a bake sale。f
or example。She put up notices around the community and called up her friends to help out。Together。they were able to raise a significant amount of money and give it away to those in need.
Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and make a difference。XXX。every little bit counts。By working together。we can set up a better future for ourselves and those around us.
5.From the look in their eyes。you can tell that each new book takes them on a different journey.
6.I have XXX.
7.Nowadays。the majority of people are only concerned with finding a high-paying job.
8.Your assistance made it possible for me to have Lucky as my pet.
