Convenient is an adjective that means "easy to use" or "causing little trouble." It can be used in a wide variety of contexts, and it's an excellent word to know and use in your everyday language. In this article, we will explore the different ways you can use the word convenient and its common collocations.
Step 1: General usage
When you describe something as convenient, you're saying that it's easy to use, comfortable, and saves time. For example, a coffee maker that automatically brews fresh coffee every morning can be described as convenient. Similarly, a mobile phone with a large screen and long battery life can be described as convenient.
Step 2: Collocations with "convenient"
- Convenient time: A convenient time refers to a time that is suitable or convenient for someone. For instance, "Can we schedule a convenient time to meet next week?"
- Convenient location: A convenient location is a place that is easily accessible and near to where you are or where you want to go. For example, "The hotel is in a convenient location near the train station."
- Convenient store: A convenient store is a small retail shop that sells basic everyday items and is open for extended hours, such as 24 hours. "We ran out of bread, so we stopped at the nearest convenient store to grab some."
Step 3: Common phrases with "convenient"
- Conveniently located: This phrase means that something is situated in a place that can be easily reached or conveniently accessed. For instance, "The new restaurant is conveniently located near my workplace."
- Conveniently close: This phrase means that something is nearby or within close proximity to where you are. For example, "The park is conveniently close to my house."
- Conveniently forget: This phrase means to purposely forget or ignore something out of c
onvenience or to avoid trouble. "He conveniently forgot to mention that the car was damaged before he sold it to me."
Step 4: Related words and synonyms
- Easy: Something that is easy is convenient because it doesn't require much effort or time to get done.
- Time-saving: If something is time-saving, it's convenient because it saves you time and effort.
- Practical: Something that is practical is convenient because it's useful and easy to use in everyday life.
- Handy: If something is handy, it's convenient to have because it's easy to access and use.
In conclusion, convenient is a versatile word with various uses and collocations. It's essen
tial to know these phrases to be able to use it in everyday language and communication effectively. Remember that using convenient correctly can help you communicate more clearly and effectively.
