1.Britain is a "second-rate power" which has been ________ for a century—yet London remains the most influential city in the world.
A.in decline    B.in effect
C.on the move    D.on the rise
试题分析:考查词组。in decline一般是数量上的,如销售额下降,战争减少。但也指“国家衰落”等;in effect有效,实际上,事实上;on the move在行动,在移动中,在进步中,流动;on the rise在上涨[增长],蓬勃高涨。句意:虽然英国作为曾经的第二大帝国已经衰落了将近一个世纪,但是伦敦仍然是世界上最有影响力的城市。故选A项。
2.We charge parcels ________ weight, rather than individual units.
A.in honor of    B.in contact with    C.in terms of    D.in connection with
考查介词短语。句意:我们根据包裹的重量,而不是包裹的件数收费。A. in honor of为了对……表示敬意;B. in contact with与……有联系,接触;C. in terms of根据,在……方面;D. in connection with与……有关,有联系。表示根据什么计费。故选C。
rather than是一个并列连词。用法如下:
与would连用时,构成“would rather…than…”句式,意思是“宁愿…而不愿…”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择一个。
3.Everything was perfect for the picnic ______ the weather.
A.in place of    B.as well as    C.except for    D.in case of
本题考查的是词组辨析。A项in place of表示“代替,取代”;B项as well as表示“又,也,还”;C项except for 意思是“除----之外”,表示在说明了基本(整体)情况之后,再对细节进行说明”;D项in case of表示“万一,假使”。本句的意思是:除天气之外,所有情况对于野炊来说非常好。在本句中,可以将“天气”看成是“所有情况”当中的一个细节,故选C。
4.(江苏)Determining where we are ____________ our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival.
A.in contrast to    B.in defense of
C.in face of    D.in relation to
考查介词短语辨析。句意:确定相对于我们周围环境的地理位置仍然是我们生存的基本技能。A. in contrast to与……形成对照;B. in defense of为……辩护;C. in face of面对……;D. in relation to涉及,相对于。根据语境,故选D项。
5.More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities______space.
A.in search of    B.in place of
C.for lack of    D.for fear of
考查介词短语辨析。句意:因为缺少空间,越来越多的高楼被建了起来。A. in search of寻;B. in place of代替;C. for lack of因为缺少;D. for fear of唯恐;担心;经验。根据句意说明C正确。故选C。
6.(北京)—Good morning, Mr. Lee’s office.
—Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment _________ next Wednesday afternoon.
A.for    B.on
C.in    D.at
【解析】考查介词。句意:——早上好,Lee先生办公室。——早上好。我想预约下周三下午(和Mr. Lee见面)。make an appointment for意为“为……预约”,是固定搭配,故A选项正确。
点睛:make an appointment with sb.和某人预约;make an appointment for为……预约。
7.________ all the problems, several of the players produced excellent performances.
A.According to    B.Instead of
C.In addition to    D.In spite of
考查介词词组。句意:尽管存在所有这些问题,几个运动员还是表现很好。A. according to据(……所说);按(……所报道);B. instead of代替,作为……的替换;C. in addition to另外,加之,除……之外;D. in spite of尽管,不管。前后形成让步关系,故选D。
8.          passion, people won't have the motivation or the joy necessary for creative thinking.
A.For .    B.Without    C.Beneath    D.By
考查介词辨析。句意:没有激情,人们就不会有创新思维所必须的动机和快乐。A. For 对于;B. Without没有;    C. Beneath在……下面    ; D. By通过。没有激情,人们就不会有创新思维所必须的动机和快乐。所以空处填介词without。故填without。
9.Modern zoos should shoulder more social responsibility _______ social progress and awareness of the public.
A.in light of    B.in favor of
C.in honor of    D.in praise of
考查介词短语。句意:现代的动物园应该根据社会的进步和公众的意识来承担更多的社会责任。A. in light of根据,鉴于;B. in favor of有利于,支持;C. in honor of 为了纪念;D. in praise of歌颂,为赞扬。此处表示根据,故选A。
10.Most online classes let students learn _____ their own pace.
A.at    B.to    C.from    D.by
试题分析:考查介词辨析。A.在,以;B.到、向;C.来自、从;D.通过、依据。句意:很多在线的课程让学生按照自己的节奏学习。at介词短语可表示以某种价格、速度等,at pace这里意思是按照,以某步伐,节奏。故选A。
11.The great hall was crowded with many people, _____ many children _____on their
parents’ laps.
A.including; seated    B.including; seating
C.included; sat    D.included; sitting
考查介词和过去分词。句意:这个大厅挤满了人,包括一些坐在父母腿上的小孩。include是介词,由其领导的这个句子是做状语成分之用.including somebody,包括某人=somebody included,seated是动词+ed,其引导的"seated on their parents' laps"是后置定语的成分,表示状态,用来修饰前面的"children"。故选A。
12.People who want the typist’s job will be judged ______ how accurate and fast they are.
A.in favor of    B.in terms of    C.in ways of    D.in spite of
【解析】考查介词短语。A. in favor of 有利于,支持;B. in terms of 依据,按照;C. in wa
ys of 以…方式;D. in spite of尽管,不管。句意:想要打字员工作的人,会根据他们的准确和快速来判断。表示依据,按照,故选B.
13.When reading       the lines, readers can connect the literature to their own experience.
A.with    B.for
C.beyond    D.on
【解析】考查介词辨析。句意:当读者读出言外之意时,他们可以将文学与他们自己的经历联系起来。reading beyond thelines“言外之意”是固定短语。故选C。
14.________ its health benefits, dancing is a fun way to release positive energy and make society more pleasant.
A.As a result of    B.In view of    C.In terms of    D.In addition to
考查介词短语辨析。句意:除了对健康有益之外,跳舞也是释放正能量、让社会更愉快的有趣方式。A. As a result of    因此,由于;B. In view of鉴于,考虑到;C. In terms of依照,根据;D. In addition to除……之外。结合句意故选D。
