连系动词 一、连系动词的分类
She is always like that.她总是那样。
I am used to going about alone.我习惯于独来独往。
These shoes are too tight for me.这双鞋我穿太小。
I hope you’ll keep fit.我希望你身体好。
The door remained closed.门仍然关着。
He stayed single.他仍然是单身。
keep silent/silence 保持安静     keep fit 保持健康
keep quiet 保持安静          keep warm 保暖
lie unknown 未知的          stand still 站立不动
stay awake 保持清醒          stay open 开业中
He looks tired.他看起来很累。
The doctor seemed very capable.那医生似乎很能干。
He appeared quite well.他看上去身体相当好。
4.感官系动词:look feel,smell,sound,taste
He looks honest,but actually he’s a cheat.他看起来很老实,实际他是个骗子。
Everybody feels contented.每个人都感到很满足。
It sounds a good idea.这听起来是个好主意。
This food tastes good.这菜好吃。
Are you feeling better now? 你现在好点了吗?
I am feeling better.我觉得好点了。
【正】This kind of cloth feels very soft.
【误】This kind of cloth is felt very soft.
He became mad after that.自那之后,他疯了。
She had grown thinner and thinner.她越来越瘦了。
When she saw this,she turned red.她看到这,脸红了。
Several people fell ill,victims of blood poisoning.
We get wiser as we get old.随着年岁的增长,我们也变得聪明些了。
Your hair has gone quite white! 你的头发全白了!
(1)fall asleep 入睡            fall ill 生病
  fall silent 静默            fall a victim 成为牺牲品
(2)go asleep 入睡             go bad (食物等)腐败变质
  go blind 失明              go hungry 挨饿
  go mad 发狂               go mad with joy 欣喜若狂
  go red with anger 气得(满脸)通红   go wrong 堕落,走入歧途
(3)run dry 变干              run cold 变冷
  run low 不够了             run short 缺乏
  run smooth 进展顺利          run wild 无人管
6.终止系动词:prove,turn out
His story proved false.他讲的情况原来是假的。
My intuition turned out to be correct.我的直觉证明是对的。
【提示】 prove,turn out后可以接to be不定式作表语,也可以省略to be。
连系动词 二、行为动词和连系动词的兼性动词
1.look 看;看起来
He is looking at the picture.他正在看这图片。(行为动词)
It looks beautiful.它看上去很美丽。(连系动词)
2.feel 摸;感觉
I felt someone touch my arm.我感到有人碰我的手臂。(行为动词)
Are you feeling better today than before? 你今天比以前感到好些了吗?(连系动词)
3.smell 嗅;闻起来
My little brother likes to smell the apple before he eats it.
Great! The flowers smell nice.这些花闻起来多香啊!(连系动词)
4.sound 弄响,发音;听起来
The letter “h” in hour is not sounded.在hour 这个词中字母h是不发音的。(行为动词)
The gun sounded much closer.声听起来更近了。(连系动词)
5.taste 辨味;尝起来
Please taste the soup.请尝一口汤。(行为动词)
The soup tastes terrible.这汤尝起来味道太差了。(连系动词)
6.get 得到,获得;变
Each of you can get one banana.你们每个人可以拿一根香蕉。(行为动词)
She’s getting an old woman.她正在变成一个老太婆。(连系动词)
7.grow 生长,种植;变
Do you grow rice in your country? 你们国家种水稻吗?(行为动词)
It’s too late.It’s growing dark.太迟了,天渐渐变暗了。(连系动词)
8.turn 转动,翻动,使变得;变
The earth turns around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。(行为动词)
The trees turn green when spring comes.春天来临,树叶变绿。(连系动词)
连系动词 三、动词不定式作表语的连系动词
My dream is to be a scientist.我的梦想是当一名科学家。
My plan was to go from London to Paris.我计划从伦敦去巴黎。
I was to have seen Mr Kay.我本要去见凯先生的。
2.seem,appear,prove,turn out,grow等词后可接不定式短语作表语
The man seemed to be ill.这个人好像病了。
He appears to know this.他好像知道这一点。
The plan proved to be useful.这个计划证明是有用的。
The weather turned out to be fine.天气结果很好。
He has grown to like studying English.他渐渐喜欢学英语了。
【提示】 若所接to be不定式为,通常可省略to be。
This flower smells very sweet.这朵花闻起来很香。
【误】These oranges taste to be good.
【正】These oranges taste good.
