第六期专题04 阅读七选五
(2022·湖北·一模)The reasons skiers and snowboarders wear goggles or glasses might seem a little obvious, especially if you’ve ever hit the slopes yourself. Sunlight reflected off the snow can make it hard to see, and UV rays can even damage your eyesight. Special colored lenses also create contrast, so your whole path won’t look like one flat expanse of whiteness.____1____
seemOlympic speed skaters, meanwhile, are racing inside on smooth ice. ____2____
According to NBC Olympics, glasses can increase visibility on indoor tracks, too. ____3____ And while the ice may look smooth from a distance, those sharp blades can kick up ice chips that could pose problems if they end up in your eyes. In the event of a crash, shatter-proof glasses also protect skaters’ eyes from errant blades and body parts.
____4____ Shot-track speed skaters (who race around a roughly 11-meter track) can go as fast as 30 miles per hour or more, and long-track speed skaters (whose track is 400 meters long) sometimes hit about 35 miles per hour. The wind resistance generated by such speed- in a chilly arena—is enough to make any skater’s eyes start streaming with tears. Picture leaning your head out the window of a car that’s going around 35 miles per hour on a cold day: You’d probably want to be wearing glasses, too.
That said, glasses aren’t a requirement. ____5____ Belgium’s Stijn Desmet, for example, has raced in Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games without eyewear, as has China’s Zhang Chutong.
A.How do they wear glasses?
B.So why do they wear glasses?
C.Some skiers are afraid of the sunlight.
D.Some skaters’ lenses are tinted to help with that.
E.You’ll occasionally see speed skaters with uncovered visages.
F.Not to mention that eyewear shields your eyes from any snow you displace.
G.But the biggest reason speed skaters opt for eyewear just might be their speed.
(2022·北京丰台·一模)Rethinking Obesity(肥胖症)
In principle, it sounds simple: eat less and move more. This dietary advice for dealing with obesity has been around for decades. ____6____ So why hasn’t this approach to weight control worked?
One possibility is that we haven’t tried hard enough. Perhaps we have lacked the discipline and willpower to maintain healthy dietary and exercise habits—a challenge made more difficult today for those surrounded by inexpensive, tasty highly processed foods.
____7____ In a recent paper, my colleagues and I question the basic assumption of whet
her taking in more calories than you burn really is the primary cause of obesity. We argue that we are driven to overeat because we are getting fatter.
The key to how this works in obesity is insulin (胰岛素) processed, rapidly digestible carbohydrates (碳水化合物食品) raise our insulin level too high. ____8____ A few hours after eating a high-carb meal, the number of calories in the blood stream falls suddenly, so we get hungrier sooner after eating.
The two opposing views of cause and effect in obesity have very different implications for how to prevent and treat weight problems. The usual approach focuses on how much to eat, with prescriptions (处方) for daily calorie intake. ____9____ Higher-fat foods may help get rid of body fat, a possibility supported by clinical trials comparing high-fat diets with low-fat ones.
This way of thinking might help explain why calorie restriction usually fails long before a person with obesity approaches an ideal body weight. A low-calorie, low-fat diet further restricts an already limited supply of energy to the body, worsening hunger without addres
sing the underlying tendency to store too many calories in body fat. ____10____
Although much more research will be needed to test this idea, it is time to question the basic assumptions about cause and effect calories and weight gain that have controlled our thinking.
A.Yet, worldwide obesity rates just keep going up.
B.In our view the emphasis should be place a on what to eat.
C.It is important to control the amount of food consumed by us.
D.Obesity is a disease that affects 650 million adults worldwide.
E.Or perhaps the problem is the focus on “calorie balance” itself.
F.Weight loss becomes a battle between mind and metabolism(新陈代谢).
G.This causes fat cells to take in to many calories, leaving fewer for the rest of the body.
(2022·盘锦市辽东湾实验高级中学(辽宁省实验中学辽东湾分校)模拟预测)•While people don’t always like the old saying “the early bird gets the worm”, getting up early is actually the secret to the success of many people. ____11____ There are also other benefits of waking up early in the morning.
