1.关系副词有代替介词+which的功能,表示场合,处境where相当于in which
Have you ever been in a situation __where____you koow the other person is right yet you make great difference in our life next summer?
2.what 用作关系形容词,表示“所有的,。。。那样的”“尽量多的”
She managed to save what little money she could out of wages to help her bother.
3.get over克服;恢复;熬过;原谅;越过
He have get over the language barrier.他已克服了语言障碍。
Get across通过(渡过;被人了解)
The bridge was blown up, so we couldn't get across.桥被炸毁了,所以我们无法过去。
Get away vi.逃脱;离开
I don't really believe you can get away with it.我不太相信你能逃脱得了。
Get off从... 下来;离开;出发;动身
We will get off after breakfast.我们将于早餐后出发
4.make an application for申请…
I'd like to make an application for a loan. 你必须选择合适的贷款申请,如果你想你的贷款才能成功
Make a bid for . 出价买;企图获得
Or maybe Nomura in Japan should make a bid for Goldman. 说不定野村也可以试一试参予角逐。
Make a proposal for提建议,求婚
Make a suggestion for建议
1.peel n.果皮vt.剥落;削皮vi.脱皮;脱衣服seem
\He likes to peel an apple before he eats it .吃苹果前,他喜欢削皮
strip v.剥去;剥夺;脱衣;除去n.脱衣舞;长条;条状
She got drunk and did a strip on top of the piano.她喝多了,在钢琴上大跳脱衣舞。
Slice n.薄片;部分;曲球v.切成薄片;割;切开
Please give me a slice of bread.请给我一片面包
2.it is essential/important 用should+原形
It is essential that he get up early.他有必要早起。
Neither you nor I am wrong. 你和我都没错。
4.answer for为某事负责
He has a lot to answer for.他要负责很多事情。
answer to vt.符合(回答)
I come in answer to your ad for a salesman. 我来应聘售货员的职位
He burned all the important documents for fear that they should fall into the enemy’s hands.
1.Coincide with符合;与... 一致
My religious beliefs don't coincide with yours.我的宗教信仰跟你的不一样
2.with ease容易地;不费力地
They might have solved the problem with ease.他们本来可以容易地解决这个问题
At ease不拘束;自在;安适
I never feel at ease in his company.我同他一起从未感到轻松过
3no sooner …than一。。。。就
I had no sooner reached home than it began to rain. 我一到家天就下起雨来
4.hand over 交出;移交
He will hand over charge of his office tomorrow.他将在明天移交工作。
Hand out分发;给予
The teacher had the monitor hand out the papers.老师让班长分发试卷
Hand down把... 传下来
Many old legends were handed down from generation by mouth.许多古老的传说都是一代一代口传下来了Hand to把(某物)交给或递给(某人)
The policeman led the lost child by the hand to his parents.警察牵着迷路的孩子,把他送到他的父母那里。
5.if no__B__with the respect he feels due to him, jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.
A being treated
B treated
C be treated
D having been treated
因为主句和从句一致,并且从句谓语含有be动词,可以将从句主语和动词be一同省略,所以not之后应跟一个过去分词(if jack is not treated…)表示被动。
6.imperative 用should+动词原形adj.紧要的;必要的;祈使的n.紧要的事;命令;义
It's imperative that you apologize to him immediately.你必须立即向他道歉。.
7.Someone is said to do sth or to be doing sth
The minister of finance is believed to be thinking of imposing new taxes raise extra revenue.
8.Bear a grudge怀恨在心;耿耿于怀
Do you bear a grudge against me for that? 你会因此怨恨我吗?
9. so 不能用作表语跟在系动词后面
His remarks were __B______ annoy everybody at the meeting.
A. so as to
B. such as to
C. such to
D. as much as to
such as to 是英语里的一个固定用法,表示“到如此程度以致……”
10.some 某一种
We have to install some type of solar heating device in our home.
11.kind of <口>稍微,有点儿,有几分
I kind of need to talk to you about Charlie.有点儿关于查莉的事要跟你说。
12.protest against抗议
I protest against being called an old fool.我对叫我老傻瓜表示抗议。
13intense heat酷热I can not stand this summer's intense heat.我不能忍受今夏的酷热。
1. So that 引导目的状语从句,于情态动词的搭配:so that+may, might,,shall,should等等
Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone should have an opportunity to hear the speech.
should +动词原形可以表示过去将来时
2. I am surprised that you should think this city is a dull place to live in.
3. There is no such thing as
例如:There is no such thing as a perfect human.也就是说(a perfect human) is no such thing..
4.it was___C_we had hoped这正是我们大多数人所期望的那种成功。
A more a success than
B a success more than
C as much of success as
D a success as much as
Hope 后面不能直接接名词要用of所以A,B不对
as...as意为"和……一样",表示同级的比较。使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词。其基本结构为:as+ adj./ adv. +as。例如:
This film is as interesting as that one.这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。
4.squeeze through勉强通过
He managed to squeeze through the crowd at last.他总算费力地挤过人
5. Inconsiderable adj.无足轻重的;琐碎的;微小的;
He passed his life in an inconsiderable village. 他在一个小小村落中度过他的一生
Inconsiderate adj.不体谅他人的;不顾别人的;欠考虑的
He's inconsiderate to his family.他不体谅他的家人
After curs bone broke art how does end restore?小腿骨头断了术后怎末恢复?
