Many people think of bully(欺凌)as one child pushing or hitting another. However, bullying is not only p___81___.
【解答】【参考答案】81. physical
【答案】【参考答案】81. physical
Sometimes, some large rocks block our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over. My accident was a rock, but it f___87___ to stop me from reaching success. T oday I’m a very confident and optimistic person.
【答案】【参考答案】87. failed
【思路解析】从句子成分来看,本空缺少动词做谓语,根据句意:我的事故是绊脚石,但却未能阻止我走向成功。fail to do 未能做某事,因此答案为failed。
After a few months, I spent most of the time on my interest in the arts. Little by Little, I stepped out of the shadow(阴影)and r___86___ my confidence.
【答案】【参考答案】86. rebuilt
Leaving will keep you safe, and if you don’t seem frightened or upset, the bully may feel bored and l___86___ interest in you.
【答案】【参考答案】86. lose
Some hours later, he went to the Arabs and 1 84 before them the diamonds, for which they again offered him the last price they had named; but he said, "I will only accept the first price you offered to me this morning.”
【答案】【参考答案】84. laid
【思路解析】根据句子成分判断,此处缺少动词和went并列, 根据句意,可想到把钻石摆在
他们面前,放置lay-laid-laid 所以答案为laid。
Here, you can find hotels, restaurants and attractions, which are l___87___together with other visitors' ratings(等级) and comments.
【答案】be linked together with “被联系在一起”
It is also comforting to check the app w hen I’m feeling homesick--it helps to remind me that I will be home soon, so I should make the most of my time a___82___.
【答案】abroad adv. 在国外, 根据句意:充分利用我在国外的的时间
通读上下文是正确分析解答“首字母”题型的基础和关键。题目的设定也是有根有据,不会让孩子随意想象发挥。所以即使学生感觉2个答案都正确,依然要结合上下文,出判断依据,再做出更合适的判断,这也就是为什么首字母的英语题目要求是“Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words”,重点是“proper words”,要求考生就是在上下文,在整篇文章的基础上区解题。
The Arabs told him what they wanted, and offered him a f 81 price for the diamonds. He replied that he could not let them see the jewels at that moment, and required them to call again.
【参考答案】81. fair
Have you ever been in an animal rescue? It can be very heartbreaking, but sometimes, with (81) l and skill, a tragic story can turn into an inspiring one. This is what happened to Winter, the dolphin.
【参考答案】81. love
The scientists found their answers were slower and less c___85_____ when they walked through a doorway and into a new room.
【参考答案】85. correct
The ways that we keep our mind healthy can be quite s 82_____.
Having a c87_____ is much better for your brain than staring at a computer screen or at o
ther people talking on TV.
【思路解析】本句考查be +形容词的系表结构,推测需形容词,根据后文推测出意思为简单。即为simple.
We often like the things our parents like and we grow up to do the things our parents do. So it was with Stephen Hawking. His parents like science and learning. They both gradua
ted from Oxford College. Family dinner was a silent affair because everyone was reading a book.
【参考答案】81. early
So even if your time is (81)I , doing some school volunteer work can make all the dif ference in your family’s school success.
