两 种 副 词,用 法 有 别(人教版高三英语下册教学论文)
两 种 副 词,用 法 有 别
新疆焉耆八一中学 肖华 (邮 编:841100)
1. hard “努力、刻苦、猛烈地、困难地”。hardly“几乎不、简直不;严厉地、无礼地;艰辛地、费力地”.
1)She works _____ while his brother ____ works. So he often fails in exam,and father criticized him _____.
2)The wind was blowing ____ , so the old man is breathing very ____.
1)hard ,hardly ,hardly 2)hard , hard
2. late “晚地、迟地、不早地”。lately“最近、不久前”=(recently),可用于多种时态。as late as 与as lately as用法相同,意为“近至、直到”。
1)Mr Smith often arrives _____ _____
2)I saw her as _______ as the day before yesterday.
1)late , lately 2)late(lately)
3. short“突然地、唐突地”。shortly “不久、很快、立刻;无礼地”
The car stopped _____ , then it started ______.
short ,shortly
4. real “简短地、非常、的确”。really“事实上、实际上、真正地、彻底地”
1)I’m ______ sorry to hear that.   
2)What does he _____ think about it ? 
1)real 2)really
5. near(时间、空间、程度上的)接近、临近、在附近。nearly “几乎、差不多” nearly只能用来修饰名词、数词或数词+名词,不能用来修饰形容词,与动词连用时,意为“非常、十分”。not nearly “根本没有”。
1).The train came _____ and _____.
2).When he arrived , it was _____ midnight.
3).She loves her mother very _______.
4).There is not ______ enough money for a new car.
1)nearer ,nearer 2)nearly 3)nearly 4)nearly
6.dead“全然、完全地、突然” deadly“死了一般地、非常”
1).He was ______ asleep ( drunk / tired).
2).The novel was ______ dull.
1)dead 2)deadly
7. dear“昂贵地” dearly “深深地、热切” dearly有时表示“昂贵地、以巨大代价”
1).He got rich by buying cheap and selling ______.
2).She loved his family _______.
3).He paid _____ for his experience.
1)cheap 2)dearly 3)dearly
8.close“接近、靠近”[多不置于动词和过去分词前,可与介词on/ upon连用,接数词或时段名词;与to 连用通常只接数词]。closely“密切地、秘密地、仔细地、紧密地、势均力敌地”
1).It was _____ on /upon midnight.
2).She is ______ upon / on / to thirty
3).Come _____ I want to tell you that she is _____ related to him and you must study it _
_____ .
1)close 2)close 3)close , closely ,closely
9.ready“事先准备好地”[常与过去分词连用] readily“欣然地、简单地、容易地、毫不迟疑地”
1).The meat was _____ cooked.
2).He ______ accepted the offer.
3).The sofa can be ______ converted into a bed.
1)ready 2)readily 3) readily
10. most“最;非常”。mostly “主要地、大多数”
1).---Is she the ____ beautiful girl in your class?
--- No, She is a _____beautiful girl.
2).The remaining people was ______ children and women.
1)most 2)most 3) mostly
11.clean “完全地、彻底地”[无比较级。常和forget , over, through ,away , out等连用]。cleanly“干净地、利索地”
1).I _____ forgot about it.
2).The knife doesn’t cut ____through the meat.
1)clean 2)cleanly
12.fair“公平地” fairly “相当地、完全地、老实地”
1).We should learn to fight hard but fight _____.
2).They live in a _____ big house.
1)fair 2) fairly
1).The small plane flew ____ over the stadium.
2).He bowed _____ to the queen.
3).He bowed ______ before the queen.
1)low 2)low 3)lowly
14.pretty(可用来修饰褒贬意义的形容词或副词)“十分地、相当地、颇”。prettily“漂亮地”(主要用来修饰谓语动词),pretty well(=almost)“几乎”。
1).Not only does she look ______ beautiful , but also she is dressed _____.
2).We’ve ______ well finished the work.
1)pretty , prettily 2)pretty
1.wide“宽地”, widely “广泛地”wide还可表示“广大地、充分地、完全地”常构成:wide ope
n(敞开着的),wide awake(完全清醒)等搭配。
1).Please open the your mouth ______.
2).English is _____ used in the world.
3).He was ______ awake.
1)wide 2) widely 3)wide
2.high “高地”[可以表示物价、地位或声音的高] highly “高度地、十分地”
1).I am ______ pleased to jump so _____.
2).The model plane flies _____ , and Jack was _______ praised.
1)highly ,high 2)high , highly
3.deep“深地、晚地” deeply“深深地、强烈地、非常地”
a.修饰具体动作时,两者可换用,但多用deep. b.表示静止状态时,只用deep(此时多与介词、副词连用).c.修饰形容词或过去分词只能用deeply[此时deeply多用于引申含义,表示个人情感。d.deeply 可与hate, dislike, regret , admire , love , value等动词连用,但不能与like 连用.e.与how 连用,常用deeply.
1).We had to dig very _________ to find water.
2).He stood there thinking, his hands _______ in his pockets.
3)._____ moved by what had said , she sat there thinking ___ into the night.
4).I am _______ grateful to you.
展开全文阅读5).I _______ regret his death.
6).How _______ did the she dive?
1)deep(deeply 2)deep 3)deeply , deep 4.deeply 5.deeply 6)deeply
1. easy与 easily
一般情况下用easily easy (adv)只用于成语中,如:
go easy(慢点) go easy on(节省) take it easy放松 easy does it(漫漫干) get off easy(不受严厉惩罚)stand easy(稍息) , take it easy on .. (对….太严厉),Easy come , easy go(来得容易去得容易)
1).This TV set can be ______ moved
seem2)They could be ______ seen at a distance of ten miles.
1)easily 2)easily
2.aloud loud 与loudly
aloud“出声地”(不是在脑子里默默地说,只有修饰cry, shout时,才表示“大声地”,没有比较级)loud主要用来说明人的谈笑等声音,常与speak , talk, laugh, say, shout等连用,但如果说明的是消极性行为用loudly.(loudly常含“喧闹、噪杂“之意).loudly还可表示穿着、
