实验五 select语句查询日期高级查询
姓名: | 网络工程 | 学号: | ||
专业: | 班级: | |||
同组人: | 无 | 实验日期: | ||
1、 熟练掌握IN子查询
2、 熟练掌握比较子查询(尤其要注意ANY、ALL谓词如何用集函数代替)
3、 熟练掌握EXISTS子查询(尤其是如何将全称量词和逻辑蕴含用EXISTS谓词代替)
4、 熟练掌握复杂查询的select语句
1. 准备好测试数据
2. 熟悉多表查询与嵌套查询的用法。
5.1. 准备工作
表5-1 Product表
字段名称 | 类 型 | 宽 度 | 允许空值 | 主 键 | 说 明 |
Pno | char | 6 | NOT NULL | 是 | 产品编号 |
Pname | varchar | 30 | NOT NULL | 产品名称 | |
Price | float | NULL | 价格 | ||
Stocks | Int | NULL | 库存量 | ||
Area | varchar | 10 | NULL | 产地 | |
表5-2 Product表
Pno | Pname | Price | Stocks | Place |
P00001 | 彩电视机 | 3000 | 10 | 南京 |
P00002 | 洗衣机 | 1200 | 20 | 上海 |
P00003 | 冰箱 | 1800 | 12 | 杭州 |
P00004 | 电热水器 | 2000 | 30 | 无锡 |
P00005 | 太阳能热水器 | 2200 | 8 | 杭州 |
P00006 | 1匹空调 | 1800 | 5 | 上海 |
P00007 | 1.5匹空调 | 2400 | 20 | 无锡 |
P00008 | 2匹空调 | 3800 | 6 | 南京 |
P00009 | MP3 | 900 | 10 | 杭州 |
表5-3 Product_customer表
Pno | Cno | Cdate | Count | Amount |
P00001 | C00004 | 2004-06-20 | 5 | 8000 |
P00002 | C00002 | 2004-03-12 | 1 | 1200 |
P00003 | C00005 | 2004-05-20 | 2 | 6000 |
P00001 | C00001 | 2004-03-18 | 1 | 2000 |
P00001 | C00004 | 2004-03-18 | 5 | 8000 |
P00002 | C00001 | 2004-03-18 | 1 | 1200 |
P00002 | C00002 | 2004-03-18 | 2 | 3000 |
P00005 | C00003 | 2004-05-20 | 2 | 6000 |
P00006 | C00001 | 2006-05-09 | 3 | 9000 |
5.2. 复杂查询
SQL语句:Select distinct p1.* from product p1,product p2 where p1.price>p2.price and p2.pname='洗衣机';
SQL语句:Select product.pname, customerame, pc.cdate, pc.count, pc.amount from product, product_customer pc, customer where product.pno=pc.pno and pco=customero;
连接查询T—SQL语句:Select product.pname,pc.pno, customerame, pc.amount from
product, product_customer pc, customer where product.pno=pc.pno and pco=customero;
SQL语句:Select distinct ion from product, product_customer pc, customer where product.pno=pc.pno and pco=customero and product.pname='洗衣机';
(子查询)SQL语句:Select product.pno,product.pname,product.price from product where product.area in (select p2.area from product p2 where p2.pname='太阳能热水器');
连接查询SQL语句:Select p1.pno,p1.pname,p1.price from product p1, product p2 where p1.area=p2.area and p2.pname='太阳能热水器';
Select product.pno,product.pname from product where product.area<>'南京' and product.price> any (select p2.price from product p2 where p2.area='南京');
Select product.pno,product.pname from product where product.area<>'南京' and product.price> (select min(p2.price) from product p2 where p2.area='南京');
Select cname from customer where not exists (select * from product where not exists (select * from product_customer where cno=customero and pno=product.pno));
Select cname,region from customer where cno!='C00002' and cno in (select distinct cno from product_customer pc1 where not exists (select * from product_customer pc2 where pc2.cno='C00002' and not exists (select * from product_customer pc3 where pc3.cno=pc1.cno and pc3.pno=pc2.pno)));
Select distinct product.pno,product.pname,unt from product,product_customer pc,customer where product.pno=pc.pno and customero=pco);
SQL语句:Select product.pno,product.pname,customero,pc.amount from product,product_customer pc,customer where product.pno=pc.pno and customero=pc.
cno and customerame='广电公司' and pc.amount> all (select pc1.amount from product_customer pc1,customer c1 where pc1o=c1o and c1ame='广电市场');
SQL语句:select pno,sum(amount) as sum_amount from product_customer pc group by pno desc having count(*)>3;
SQL语句:select product.pno, product.pname, customerame from product p1, customer c1 where not exists (select * from product p2, product_customer pc, customer c2 where p2.pno=p1.pno and c2o=c1o and p2.pno=pc.pno and c2o=pco);
SQL语句:select pco,avg(amount) as avg_amount from product_customer pc,custom
er where pco=customero and l,1)>'6' group by pco having count(*)>3;
SQL语句:select p.pno,p.pname,max(pc.amount) as max_amount,min(pc.amount) as min_amount from product p,product_customer pc where p.pno=pc.pno group by p.pno,p.pname having max(pc.amount)-min(pc.amount)>1000;
SQL语句:select product.* from product, product_customer pc where product.pno=pc.pno and pco='C00001' intersect select product.* from product, product_customer pc where product.pno=pc.pno and pco='C00002';
SQL语句:select product.* from product, product_customer pc where product.pno=pc.pno and pco='C00001' except select product.* from product, product_customer pc where product.pno=pc.pno and pco='C00002';