This design mainly includes the architectural design and structural design. The architectural design includes the plane fixed position drawing design,the plane drawing design and sign to face the design, section design. The structure design, the mission of the frame structural design mainly have: the type selection ,the size of beams、pillars、walls etc., the gravity load calculation, the calculation of internal force and lateral moving in the function of the horizontal force, lengthways earthquake function calculati
on, the internal force analysis of the crosswise frame in the function of the horizontal earthquakes, the internal force analysis of the crosswise frame in the function of the vertical load and also includes the dint combine、section design、foundation design. Foundation design also concludes footing layout selection, footing plane disposition, and foundation calculation.
Had seriously carried out the code of design :“fitting、safety、economical、beautiful out look”and the basic measure and procedure in the whole design of architecture and structure.
第一章绪论 (3)
1.1设计目的与意义 (3)
1.2工程概况 (4)
1.2.1工程特点 (4)
1.2.2水文及地质、气象资料 (4)
1.3建筑设计任务及要求 (4)
1.4结构设计任务及要求 (5)
第二章建筑设计总说明 (6)
2.1平面设计 (6)
2.1.1平面布置 (6)
2.1.2柱网布置 (6)
2.2剖面设计 (6)
2.2.1楼层层高与房间净高 (6)
2.2.2室内外高差 (6)
2.2.3门、窗宽度及高度 (6)
2.2.4各种用途房间的楼、地面做法及说明 (6)
2.2.5屋面构造做法及说明 (6)
2.2.6内外墙体及细部构造说明 (6)
第三章结构方案设计说明 (7)
3.1结构方案的选择及结构布置 (7)
3.1.1结构方案的确定 (7)
3.1.2基础类型的确定 (7)
3.1.3结构布置 (7)
3.2主要结构材料、基本尺寸确定及截面几何特征 (8)
3.2.1主要结构材料的确定 (8)
3.2.2框架基本尺寸确定 (8)
3.2.3楼板材料及截面尺寸 (9)
3.3施工方案的选择及说明 (9)
第四章结构方案设计计算 (10)
4.1荷载计算 (10)
4.2梁、柱线刚度计算 (11)
4.3框架侧移刚度计算 (13)
第五章竖向荷载内力计算 (15)
框架是什么意思5.1恒载内力计算 (15)
5. 2活载内力计算 (24)
第六章水平方向内力计算 (31)
6.1风荷载作用下的框架内力计算 (31)
6.2地震荷载作用下的框架内力计算 (36)
6.3 水平荷载作用下框架的抗侧移验算 (43)
第七章平面框架的内力组合和配筋计算 (46)
7.1横向平面框架的内力组合与配筋计算 (46)
7.1.1 框架内力组合计算 (46)
7.1.2 框架梁、柱配筋计算 (67)
7.2 板的内力计算和配筋 (89)
7.3 楼梯的内力计算和配筋 (92)
7.4 基础的设计和配筋 (95)
7.4.1 设计资料 (95)
7.4.2 基础设计 (96)
致谢 (100)
参考文献 (101)