The vocabulary list for Module 1 of the Beijing Normal University Press High School English textbook is as follows:
Unit 1: Learning to Learn
XXX: a XXX people
matter: XXX
partner: a person who works with someone else
XXX: the way a person lives
XXX: a person who takes care of sheep
XXX: calm and quiet
relaxing: XXX
stressful: XXX
suppose: to think or believe something is true without being certain
submittingLesson 1
series: a group of things that come one after another
cartoon: a type of XXX
talk show: XXX discuss a particular topic
complain: to XXX
couch: a long。XXX for more than one person
XXX: a person who spends a lot of time XXX
switch: to change from one thing to another
portable: XXX
remote: far away
remote control: a device used to XXX
XXX: a person who is addicted to working
paperwork: XXX
alarm: XXX up
alarm clock: a clock that makes a loud noise to wake someone up
go off: to start making a loud noise
take up: to fill or occupy
urgent: XXX
personal: XXX
Lesson 2
stress: mental or XXX
: a room used for XXX
XXX: a person who has a lot of knowledge or XXX
suffer: XXX distress
suffer from: XXX
social: XXX
XXX: to arrange or plan something
stand: to tolerate or endure something
volunteer: a person who offers to do something without being paid
minus: having a negative value
challenge: a difficult task or problem
dial: to make a XXX
advertisement: a public XXX service
solve: to find a XXX
accountant: a person who keeps financial records for a business or n
crowded: full of people or things
otherwise: in a different way or XXX
crowd: a large group of people XXX
distance: the amount of space een two things
sickness: a state of being ill
pressure: the force XXX
ce: to make something smaller or less in amount or size
diet: the kinds of food that a person eats
prefer: to like or want one thing more than another
Lesson 3:
In this lesson。we will learn some new words。The first word is "graduate," which means to complete a course of study and receive a diploma。The second word is "basin," which is a container used for holding water。such as a washbasin or a sink。The third word is "support," which means to help or assist XXX or something。The fourth word is "design," which refers to the process of XXX something。The final word is "n," which means to show or display something to an audience.
Lesson 4:
In this lesson。we will learn some new words。The first word is "tube," which is the Britis
h word for XXX train。The second word is "nearby," which means close or in the vicinity。The third word is "forecast," XXX word is "lung," which is an organ in the body used for XXX word is "distance learning," which refers to a method of XXX word is "cigar," which is a type of tobacco product。
