留给我们的时间不多的 英语短语
1. Time is running out. (时间不多了)
- The deadline for submitting the report is tomorrow. Time is running out.
2. We're running out of time. (我们时间不多了)
- We have only five minutes left to catch the train. We're running out of time.
3. We're pressed for time. (时间非常紧迫)
- The meeting started late, and now we're pressed for time to finish everything on the agenda.
4. Time is of the essence. (时间至关重要)
- We need to act quickly if we want to secure the deal. Time is of the essence.
5. We have limited time. (我们时间有限)
- We can only spend an hour at the museum, so let's make the most of our limited time.
6. Time is precious. (时间宝贵)
- Don't waste time on things that are not important. Time is precious.
7. Time is ticking away. (时间不断流逝)
- The clock is ticking, and we still have a lot of work to do. Time is ticking away.
8. Time is short. (时间紧迫)
- We need to finish this project by the end of the week. Time is short.
9. Our time is running thin. (我们的时间越来越少)
- We've been working on this project for months, but our time is running thin.
10. We're pressed for time. (我们时间非常紧迫)
- We have a flight to catch in an hour, so we're pressed for time.
11. We're running out of time. (我们时间不多了)
- The exam is tomorrow, and we haven't studied enough. We're running out of time.
12. Time is slipping away. (时间在不断流逝)
- We need to make a decision soon. Time is slipping away.
13. We have a limited amount of time. (我们时间有限)
- We can only spend an hour at the park, so let's make the most of our limited amount of time.
14. Time is running short. (时间快要用完了)
- The meeting is starting in five minutes. Time is running short.
15. Time is dwindling. (时间在减少)
- We're halfway through the game, but our time is dwindling.
16. We have a tight schedule. (我们时间安排很紧凑)
- We have back-to-back meetings all day. We have a tight schedule.
17. Time is flying. (时间过得很快)
- Can you believe it's already December? Time is flying by.
18. We're racing against the clock. (我们在与时间赛跑)
- The deadline is approaching, and we're racing against the clock to finish the project.
19. Time is slipping through our fingers. (时间在我们手中溜走)
- We need to make every second count. Time is slipping through our fingers.
20. We're almost out of time. (我们时间快用完了)
- The presentation is due in an hour, and we're almost out of time.
21. Time is running out on this opportunity. (时间不多了,错过这个机会就没了)
- We need to make a decision soon, as time is running out on this opportunity.
22. We have a narrow window of time. (我们有很短的时间窗口)
- The window for submitting applications is only open for a week. We have a narrow window of time.
23. Time is running thin on this project. (在这个项目上时间越来越少)
- We need to speed up, as time is running thin on this project.
24. We have limited time left. (我们所剩时间有限)
- We need to prioritize tasks, as we have limited time left to complete the project.
25. Time is limited, so let's make the most of it. (时间有限,所以让我们充分利用吧)
- We have a few hours to explore the city, so let's make the most of our limited time.
26. We're down to the wire. (我们时间所剩无几)
- The competition is tomorrow, and we're down to the wire in our preparation.
27. Time is slipping away from us. (时间从我们手中溜走)
- We need to start working on the project now, as time is slipping away from us.
28. We're up against the clock. (我们在与时间赛跑)
- The presentation is due in an hour, and we're up against the clock to finish it.
