弃标函 也叫退标函 是招投标过程中的一种正式商业信函 内容简单说明弃标原因和表示歉意 同时对招标人给与的机会表示感谢 希望今后继续参与类似项目等等。退标函一般出现在中标公布之后到签定采购合同之前这段时间 甚至在签定采购合同之后也可以提出弃标 但是都需要正当的合理合法的理由 否则后果严重。弃标的后果一般是没收全部保证金 情节严重的要赔偿损失 X年内不允许在参加当地的政府采购工作 甚至在网站上进行公开通报。 编辑本段格式  弃标函的一般格式如下
  首先感谢贵单位对我司的信任和支持 再次表达最真挚的感谢及最真切的歉意 给你们工作添麻烦了。
  我司在XXX日参加贵单位组织的XXXXX采购投标并且中标 详细中标项目名称 XXXXX
XXXXXXX 。我司交纳了成交服务费XXXX元 并且于XXX日拿到有关的成交通知书及合同
文件。我司一直本着严谨务实的态度研究实施细节XXXXXXX多次以电话面谈信函的方式沟通 最终双方
无法达成一致。鉴于以上原因 我司经过董事会慎重研究决定 放弃“XXXXX 编号 XXXXX”的合同。
  希望贵单位考虑到实际情况体谅到我司的苦衷 以及对中国民营企业的关心和爱护 再次表示深深的
  特此函告 请速函复
Also known as: no bid letter, no-bid decision letter, RFP declination letter, IFB declination letter, no-bid notice, intent
to no-bid letter, no-bid response,
To create your own no-bid letter, use the templates and samplesprovided in your FREE
Request for Proposal Letters Toolkit. What is a No-Bid Letter? No-Bid Letter definition
A no-bid letter is a letter to the organization that invited you to bid or submit a
proposal, notifying them that you will not do so. To remain potentially involved in
future opportunities, the provider should state in the no-bid notice the reasons for
declining such an invitation.
Handling no-bid letters from prospective contractors is a process that acquirers define
within the acquisition life cycle in an acquisition plan template worthy of the name.
Before even writing a no-bid letter, you have to decide not to bid. This decision is the
result of an analytical process, the bid/no-bid analysis, also called the bid/no-bid
decision process. Bid/No-Bid Analysis The no-bid letter is sent after having performed a bid/no-bid analysis. The
bid/no-bid analysis assesses (quantitatively, qualitatively, or both) all risks inherent in
submitting or not submitting an offer. The analysis process relies on building a list of
relevant questions, called the bid/no-bid checklist. On the basis of this checklist,
bid/no-bid analysis matrix will be created, which will determine the worth of
sending a bid. If the decision is to bid, a letter of intent will be sent to the purchasing officer. If the decision is not to bid, then a no-bid letter, explaining the reasons, will be
sent. How to stay in the Bidders List The no-bid letter is the critical factor in remaining on the bidders list,
and thus ensures future business opportunities.For the contracting officer who sent you the invitation to bid, the no-bid letter demonstrates that, while you are
not interested in bidding for a particular project for specific and valid reasons, you are
still interested in competing for future opportunities, and want to stay on the
prospective bidder list. This is why it's important to take the time to write a
professional no-bid letter. How to write a No-Bid Letter The no-bid letter is part of your FREE Request for Proposal Letters Toolkit
It is highly recommended that you read the recommendations below in order use the
no-bid letter template properly and successfully.
1. Use a formal letterhead. Do not handwrite your no-bid letter.
Use the templates and samples provided in your FREE Request for Proposal
Toolkit to create your own no-bid letter.
2. First, your no-bid letter should thank the person who sent you the invitation,
for showing interest in the solution your organization is marketing.
3. Next, state the reasons why you are not proposing an offer or bidding. Be
specific regarding these reasons. The best way to discover valid, thus acceptable
reasons not to bid is to perform abid/no-bid analysis. This step is the critical
factor in remaining on the list of prospective providers.
4. Reiterate that you are still interested in being kept informedabout new
business opportunities, for which your solution may be well suited, or best suited.
  5. Finally, end the letter formally (with sincerely, for example, or a similar polite submitting
expression). Sign your name and indicate your title. Be sure to provide correct
and complete contact and reference information for future correspondence.
6. Before sending it, make sure your no-bid letter is tactful, respectful, and goes
straight to the point.
