TPO3 listening 问题解析
today(编辑整理By Serene蘑菇)
Question 1:
Why does the woman come to the office?
A.To notify the university of her change of address
B. To find out where her physics class is being held
C.To get directions to the science building
D.To complain about her physics class being canceled
解析:(原文中)Excuse me, I’m supposed to be having my physics class in the science building, but no one’s in the classroom. Could you tell me where the class is? Physics 403 —has it been moved?
这个疑问句清晰的体现了学生来咨询的意图,就是为了find out 她的物理课是在哪里上,这个B选项直接贴合。C选项是一个无关选项,因为从句中明显体现出她已经到过Science building且发现无人在教室所以可以最先排除。
Question 2:
What happened to the letter the university sent to the woman?
A.She threw it away by mistake.
B.Her roommate forgot to give it to her.
C.It was sent to her old mailing address.
D.It was sent to another student by mistake.
解析:(原文中)Ok, hmmm…Woodhouse, let me see… ah, it says here we sent it to your apartment on er… Center Street.
Student : Oh, that’s my old apartment. I moved out of there a little while ago.
在这两句对话中清晰的体现出letter被send到了old apartment也就是答案中的old mailing address。A.在对话中有提及:I wonder if I threw it away with all the junk mail by mistake. 但是从wonder if中体现出这只是猜测而非事实。B,D两个选项都是未提及。只是从主观上有可能成为没有收到信件的可能原因但与对话无关。
Why was the woman's physics class canceled?
A.Not enough students signed up to take the class.
B.No professors were available to teach the class.
C.The university changed its requirements for physics students.
D.There were no classrooms available in the science building at that hour.
解析:(原文中)Student : Yeah, I guess that’s it. But how can they cancel the class after offering it.If I’d known thi s was going to happen, I would have taken it last semester. Receptionist : if we don’t have enough students sign up for the course, the college can’t offer it. You know, it’s a practical issue, like we can’t have an instructor when there’re only a few students in the class. You see what I mean?
从这一组问答中明确指出了问题中的题干,为何要cancle class 而工作人员的回答也是十分直截了当,就是don’t have enough students
C,D为无关选项,那么peofessor有提到,但并不是因为老师的问题You know, it’s a practical issue, like we can’t have an instructor when there’re only a few students in the class.而是学校不会把师资一次只给几名学生上课,依然是学生人数的问题。
Question 4
What does the man suggest the woman do before the beginning of next semester?
A.Consult with her advisor about her class schedule
B.Check with the registrar’s office about the location of the class
C.Register for her classes early
D.Call the physics department
解析:(原文中)But do you know what you should do? Give the physics department a call a couple of weeks before the semester starts. They’ll be able to tell you if they’re planning to go through with it. It's their decision, actually. 以But开头的这个问句就是提示作用,告诉我们这个工作人员即将告诉这个student该怎么解决这个问题。
A,B, C选项都是未提及。只提到要这个student修改地址而不是class location。
Question 5
What does the man imply when he says this:
A.He knows the physics class has been canceled.
B.He is not sure where the science building is.
C.Many of the room assignments have been changed.
D.The woman can check for herself where her class is.
解析:一开始工作人员并不知道student的具体情况只是以为她不到教室,那么他说Well, there’s a room assignment sheet on the bulletin board outside this office.就是告诉这个学生你可以自己去这个board上看也就是D选项的意思。A,显然是错误选项,在查询电脑前,他并不知道这个课程的情况。B,C原文中未提及。
Question 6
What does the professor mainly discuss?
A.Major changes in the migratory patterns of hummingbirds
B.The adaptation of hummingbirds to urban environments
C. Concern about the reduction of hummingbird habitat
D. The impact of ecotourism on hummingbird populations
解析:Now, we’ve been talking about the loss of animal habitat from housing developments, uh …, growing cities –small habitat losses. But today I wanna begin talking about what happens when habitat is reduced across a large area. So what’s the impact of habitat loss on those animals – animals that need large areas of habitat?
But后的内容才是今天的主题。B选项与文中事实不符。A 选项看似迷惑但是重点在imapct 和habitat loss导致它们数量减少,而不是change。虽然有提到migratory但是只是为了解释它在迁移途中需要消耗大量能量,而不是讨论它们迁移路线的变化。
Question 7
What does the professor imply might cause a decrease in the hummingbird population?
A.An increase in the ecotourism industry
B.An increase in the use of land to raise crops and cattle
C.A decrease in banding studies
D.A decrease in the distance traveled during migration
解析:(原文中)But the problem, well, as natural habitat along these migration routes is developed by humans for housing or agriculture or cleared for raising cattle, for instance, there is less food available for migrating humming birds.
A是与事实相反,ecotourism industry的目的就是为了帮助保护蜂鸟。C, banding studies对蜂鸟数量不会造成影响。D中migration的距离在教授的讲话中体现出没有减少。
Question 8
What does the professor say people have done to help hummingbirds survive?
A.They have built a series of hummingbird feeding stations.
B.They have supported new laws that punish polluters of wildlife habitats.
C.They have replanted native flowers in once polluted areas.
D.They have learned to identify various hummingbird species.
解析: (原文中) So help them survive, we need to preserve their habitats. And one of the concrete ways people have been doing this is by c leaning up polluted habitat areas and then replanting flowers, um, replanting native flowers that humming birds feed on.
Question 9
What way of collecting information about migrating hummingbirds does the professor mention?
A.Receiving radio signals from electronic tracking devices
B.Being contacted by people who recapture banded birds
C.Counting the birds that return to the same region every year
D.Comparing old and young birds' migration routes
解析:(原文中)…oh, and there is a phone number on the band for people to call for free, to report a banded bird to be found or recaptured. So when a banded bird is recaptured and reported, we learn …
这句在理解之后可以得出的信息是在band上有免费电话让到蜂鸟的人拨打,并告诉研究人员他们所观察到的信息。那么在归纳后发现是答案B中的内容。A中的radio signals不能用来tracking。C文中没有提及,D并不能让研究者得到有关具体蜂鸟的数据。
Question 10
What does the professor imply researchers have learned while studying hummingbird migration?
A.Hummingbirds have totally disappeared from some countries due to recent habitat destruction.
B.Programs to replant flowers native to hummingbird habitats are ot succeeding.
C.Some groups of hummingbirds have changed their migration patterns.
D.Some plant species pollinated by hummingbirds have become extinct.
解析:(原文中)Another interesting thing we learned is that some humming birds no longer use a certain route. They travel by a different route to reach their destination.
虽然professor针对收集的信息罗列的一大段话,但是只有这句是和蜂鸟迁移路线直接相关的。从no longer use a certain route 看出蜂鸟改变了它们的迁移路线。A.B.D都未提及。
Question 11
What does the professor imply when she says this:
A.There is disagreement about the idea she has presented
B.She does not plan to discuss all the details.
C.Her next point may seem to contradict what she has just said.
D.The point she will make next should be obvious to the students
解析:It gose without saying体现出professor充分相信她接下来要讲的内容对于学生来说是十分明确的。那么显然她不是要纠正或否定之前的idea,也并不是说明她不打算说细节,她在接下来的称述中就讨论了细节。
Question 12
What is the main purpose of the lecture?
A.To discuss the style of an early filmmaker
B.To describe different types of filmmaking in the 1930s
C.To discuss the emergence of the documentary film
D.To describe Painleve’s influence on today's science-fiction films
解析:(原文中)Today we are going to talk about a film-maker who began making very unique films in the late 1920s.
在Today之前的一大段内容Professor都是在review上节课的内容,而从today之后的一句话则是今天这节课的重点,也就是main purpose。A,D是以偏盖全,要讨论的不只是Painleve’s
Why are Painleve’s films typical of the films of the 1920s and 1930s?
A.They do not have sound.
B.They are filmed underwater.
C.They are easy to understand.
D.They are difficult to categorize.
解析:(原文中)Now in a way, Painlevé’s films conform to norms of the 20s and 30s, that is, they don’t fit very neatly into the categories we use to classify films today. That said, even by the standards of the 20s and 30s, Painlevé’s films were unique, a hybrid of styles.
Question 14
According to the professor, how did Painleve's films confuse the audience?
A.They show animals out of their natural habitat.
B.They depict animals as having both human and animal characteristics.
C.The narration is scientific and difficult to understand.
D.The audiences of the 1920s and 1930s were not used to films shot underwater.
解析:(原文中)His films begin with facts, but then they become more and more fictional. They gradually add more and more fictional elements.(提示句,从这之后开始描述为何P的电影是confusing以及HOW) He liked to show small underwater creatures, displaying what s eemed like familiar human characteristics –what we think of as unique to human. He confused his audience in the way he portrayed the animals he filmed, mixing up on notions of the categories of humans and animals.
A与事实不符,依然在动物栖息地拍摄,C是文中提到的但并不能回答这个问题,而且他的电影是start with scientific 内容,之后有变化。D在当时也有别的水下电影拍摄者。
Question 15
Why does the professor mention sea horses?
A.To explain that they were difficult to film in the 1930s
B.To point out that Cousteau made documentaries about them
C.To illustrate Painleve's fascination with unusual animals
D.To explain why Painleve's underwater films were not successful
解析:(原文中)He liked twists, he l iked the unusual. In fact, one of his favorite sea animals was the seahorse because with seahorses, it’s the male that carries the eggs, and he thought that was great. His first and most celebrated underwater film is about the seahorse.
首先说P喜欢与众不同的事物,然后说one of his favorite sea animals was the seahorse。显
