1. There are four           (library , libraries) in our city .
2. You can           (take , by) the No.1 bus to the shop .
3. What is Lily doing? She is           (cook , cooking) the meals .
4. Let’s           (make , making) a snowman outside .
5. Jimmy is           (read , reading) English now .
6. Does Lynn           (takes , take) pictures in spring ?
7. How many           (dictionary , dictionaries) can you see ?
8. Usually she           (draw , draws) cartoons in the art room .
9. Jim can           (draw , draws) beautiful pictures . He is going to           (draw , drawing) a big picture .
10. Does Mary           (live , lives) in the village ? Yes , she often           (climbs , climbing) trees in the village .
11. They’re           (actress , actresses) . They           (play , plays) the TV show on TV .
12. Is Alice           (make , making) a kite now ? No , she can’t         (make , makes) kites .
13. Ben likes           (collects , collecting) leaves , but he doesn’t           (like , likes) watching insects .
14.           (Usually , Because) I climb mountains in the afternoon , but Mary           (take , takes) pictures .
15. We can see many           (policeman , policemen) there , they’re           (swimming , swims) in the sea .
16. I can         (ride , riding) a horse . I’m going to           (ride , rides) a horse next week .
17. He is a super           (writer , writing) , he           (write , writes) long stories .
18. You can go to the park           ( by , take ) subway . But you must           ( by , take ) a bus to the zoo .
19. Zhang Peng often           ( play , plays ) football in the afternoon . But he is going to            ( play , plays ) basketball this afternoon .
20. Mother           (washes , watches) clothes in the evening . She doesn’t           (watch , watches) TV .
21. What           (do , does) he           (do , does) ? He’s a farmer .
22. My grandma is           (cooking , cook) dinner for us .
28. (What , How) does your mother go to work ? By bus .
23. Get           (of , off) at the museum .
24. Jim           (like , likes) swimming in the sea .
25. Ann often           (goes , going) to the library on the weekend .
26. There are many           (library , libraries) in our city .
27. We are going to the cinema           (at , on) 6 o’clock next Saturday morning .
28. Ann           (look , looks) happy today .
29. How           (heavy , heavier) is Amy ?
38. (Which , What) apple do you like ? The red one .
30. My temperature is 39 . I have a           (fever , headache) .
31. Your father is taller           (then , than) Mr·Chen .
32. I often           (went , go) to school at 7:00 am .
33. John didn’t           (planted , plant) trees last Wednesday .
34. They           (visited , visit) Aunt Cathy yesterday .
35. She           (lives , lived) in the city on Sundays .
36. todayAre you going to           (make , making) a snowman tomorrow ?
37. My uncle is           (older , younger) than my grandpa .
38. (Where , When) is the hospital ? It’s in front of the zoo .
39. How           (long ,heavy) is Mr·Brown ? He’s 70kg .
40. He           (learn , learned) math last night .
41. Mary           (watch , watches) cartoons on TV every Wednesday .
42. My grandpa is an           (accountant , cleaner) .
43. My hair is           (longer , taller) than your hair .
44. It’s time to           (dinner , eat dinner) .
54. (Did , Does) she go shopping every day ?
45. Mingming likes           (run , running) .
46. How           (big , bigger) are your feet ?
47. Look at Mr Shang . He’s much           (thin , thinner) than my father .
48. You should drink some           (water , juice) if you are sick .
49. Stay in bed           (to , for) a few days .
60. (What , Which) monkey do you like ? I like the yellow one .
50. We like           (played , playing) with snow in winter .
51. An elephant is           (bigger , big) than a monkey .
52. My sister           (read , reads) a magazine last night .
53. My mother’s hair is very           (long , longer) than my hair .
54. Betty is           (a , an) actor , her brother is           (a , an) policeman .
55. The rain           (come , comes) from the           (clouds , vapour) .
56. My mother is           (young , younger) , but my aunt is           (young , younger) .
57. I           (ate , eat) good food every day , I           (am going to eat , ate) good food in Xinjiang next week .
