(    )1.-How do you usually go to school?
-By___ subway. Bur yesterday I took______ taxi to go to school.
A./;/        B. a; the    C./;a    D. the; a
(    )2.John`s father was very angry __him because he played all day
and didn't do his homework.
A.about  B. of    C. on  D. with
(    )3.-You made so many____ in your homework
-Sorry, Mr. Li. I'll be more careful next time.
A. mistakes    B. preparation  C. ideas    D. holes
(    )4.-John,could you give me a hand?
.What would you like me to do?
A.  Probably    B. Really  C. Usually    D. Certainly
(    )5.-Why do you all like your English teacher?
-Because she is really___
A. lazy    B. understanding    C. unfriendly    D. scary
(    )6.-What about having a surprise party for Miss Smith?
-Good idea. Let's discuss when to_____ the party.
A. organize    B. delete  C. accept  D. solve
(    )7.-Did Cathy have problems _____maths?
-Yes. I found her__ on a math problem for nearly half an hour.
A. on; to work B. with; working
C. on; working D. with; to work
(    )8.I called her six times today but she didn't answer. _____can I do?
A. How much  B. What other    C. How many  D. What else
(    )9.Andy was so that he lost his schoolbag yesterday afternoon.
A. glad    B. careless    C. surprised  D. creative
(    )10.-Hi,Robert. You look so tired.
-Well, I kept___ for an hour because I missed the last bus.
A. walk    B. to walk    C. walked    D. walking
(    )11.My best friend advised me____ a white skirt.
A.to buy    B. bought    C. buying    D.  buy
(    )12.-I am busy with my schoolwork these days.
-That's great! You won't get good grades __you study hard.
A. if  B. until  C. unless  D. although
(    )13.-Can you tell me something about your class?
Half of our class _____ a big one. Our class______ from Sichuan.
A. is; come    B. are; come      C. is; comes  D. are; comes
(    )14.-What will the kids do next Saturday? –I think they _the museum if it________
A. will visit; wont rain      B. visit; won't rain
C. will visit; doesn't rain    D. visit ; doesn't rain
(    )15.-We are busy on weekdays. Let's have a party on the weekend.
A.I don't like it      B. That's a good idea
C. That’s all right    D. Sure, I'd love to
Today is my birthday." said Sarah. "l hope there will be a big16  _ with all my friends!" Sarah looked around the house, 17   nobody was there even her parents. Sarah was  18    because all the people forgot her birthday.
todayShe decided to have a party on her own! "l will_19  _my dolls and my favorite toy bear to my party." Sarah said. Then she 20  all her dolls on the table of the living room. And she also made a 21_  on her own."Now I need a gift for my party!" Sarah said. She put her favorite toy bear into a box."This is my birthday gift!" Sarah said happily and she put her gift on the table, too. But she started feeling upset again 22  her friends were not at her party. Then Sarah decided to give a dance show. So she went into her room and put on a beautiful dress. But when Sarah got back, 23  was there! "Where are my dolls? Where is my cake? Where is my gift?" Sarah ran around the house and24  her party things.
Surprise, Sarah! Here is your party. We don’t 25  it!" Suddenly her parents and friends came out.
(    )16.A.class  B. show    C. meeting  D. party
(    )17.A.but    B. or      C. so      D. and
(    )laxed  B .happy  C. upset    D. bored
(    )19.A.send  B. invite    C. use      D. travel
(    )20.A.put    B. caught    C. built    D. fell
(    )21.A.candle  B. card    C. cake    D. picture
(    )22.A.until  B. because    C. if      D. before
(    )23.A.everything  B. anything      C. something  D. nothing
(    )24.A.looked at    B. looked after  C. looked for  D. looked like
(    )25.A.forget      B. remember    C. start        D. celebrate
Dear Mike.
My deskmate lately told me that there are a lot of people in my class who have hated(讨厌)me for a long time. I thought about what I did in the past. but I don't think l did anything wrong. I feel lonely and sad now. What should I do?
Dear Julia.
First, you should keep in mind that not everyone is going to like you all the time. Some people might even hate you for no reason at all. I know that sounds unfair, but that's just how some people are.
I will say this for you. It's not good to hear that your classmates supposedly(据说)dislike you. Why did I say "supposedly"? It's possible that your deskmate is lying to you. He or she might be the one who hates you Your deskmate might be trying to trick you and make you feel bad
On the other hand, it's also possible that you did something in the past that you don't quite remember-something that made your classmates dislike you. Maybe you can talk with your teacher and ask him or her if you hurt someone in the past. However, I think it's more likely that your deskmate isn't being honest with you.
