区域A (For Area A)
Sector 段 | CISDI Code CISDI代码 | Description 名称 | English 英文 |
A | BF | 高炉本体 | Blast Furnace Proper |
B | HS | 热风炉 | Hot Stove |
C | SW | 软水回路 | Soft Water Circuit |
D | CA | 出铁场 | Cast House |
E | ST | 水渣系统 | Slag Granulation System |
F | GC | 煤气清洗系统 | Gas Cleaning System |
G | SH | 原料贮运系统 | Raw Material Handling System |
H | 电气自动化和仪表-公用部分 | Electrical Automation & Instrumentation - Common | |
I | |||
J | |||
K | CI | PCI | Pulverized Coal Injection |
L | OE | 富氧系统 | Oxygen Enrichment System |
M | CM | 电讯和ITV系统 | Communication & ITV System |
N | AC | 空调系统 | Air Conditioning System |
O | FF | 消防及火灾报警系统 | Fire Fighting & Detection System |
P | CS | 土建和钢结构厂房 | Civil & Metallic Structures Building |
Q | UT | 公辅和操作支持系统 | Utilities & Operation Support System |
Z | EA | 概述 | General |
区域D (For Area D)
B | RT | TRT 系统 | Turbine Recovery Top |
K | IW | 高炉净环水处理厂 | Indirect Water Treatment Plant |
区域A (For Area A)
A-高炉本体 BF Proper
1.安全水塔出水管手动阀 manual valve for outlet pipe of safety water tower
2.安全水塔出水管止回阀 check valve for outlet pipe of safety water tower
3.安全水塔气动阀 pneumatic valve for safety water tower
4.安全水塔手动阀 manual valve for safety water tower
5.泵出口电动阀 motorized valve at outlet of pump
6.泵出口伸缩节 retractable joint at outlet of pump
7.泵出口手动阀 manual valve at outlet of pump
8.泵出口止回阀 check valve at outlet of pump
9.泵进口手动阀 manual valve at inlet of pump
10.便携式超声波流量计 portable ultrasonic flowmeter
11.变频电机,变频调速电机 VVVF motor
12.并罐无料钟炉顶 parallel-hopper bell-less top
13.波纹补偿器 bellows compensator
14.波纹管 bellows
15.补水电动阀 motorized valve for water make-up
16.补水手动阀 manual valve for water make-up
17.不锈钢手动球阀 manual stainless steel ball valve
18.布料溜槽 distribution chute
19.超微孔炭砖 super micro-porous carbon blocks
20.超越冷却塔手动阀 overriding manual valve for cooling tower
21.称量料罐 weighing hopper
22.齿轮箱 gear Box
23.出铁口 taphole
24.除尘器氮气吹扫阀 N2 purging valve for deduster
25.除尘器蒸汽吹扫阀 steam purging valve for deduster
26.传动齿轮箱 transmission gearbox
27.大炭砖 carbon blocks
28.单轨小车 monorail car
29.氮化硅结合碳化硅砖 Si3N4-SiC brick
30.倒流休风管 back draft pipe
31.捣打料 ramming material
32.电动蝶阀 motorized butterfly valve
33.斗式提升机 pocket elevator
34.二冷 secondary cooling
35.防水耐火泥浆 water-proof fire mortar
36.风口 tuyere
37.风口大套 tuyere holder
38.风口小套 tuyere
39.风口中套 tuyere cooler
40.风口组合砖 tuyere assembly
41.刚玉质泥浆 corundum mortar
42.刚玉砖 corundum brick
43.高架蓄水池 elevated reservoir
44.高炉低压供水泵 low-pressure water pump for BF
45.高炉高压柴油机供水泵 diesel pump for BF high-pressure water
46.高炉高压供水泵 high pressure water pump
47.高炉回水提升泵 lifting pump for BF return water
48.高炉软水二冷水供水泵 secondary cooling water pump for BF soft water system
49.工业循环水 industrial recirculating water
50.供水和回水主管 water supply and return mains
51.管道过滤器 pipe filter
52.光面冷却壁 flat stave
53.滑轮 pulley
54.缓冲耐火泥浆 amortization fire mortar
55.灰铸铁冷却壁 gray cast iron stave
56.回声探测器 sound detector
57.加速仪 accelerometer
58.间接循环水冷却塔 indirect recirculating water cooling tower
59.浇注料 castable
60.接受罐 receiving tank
61.retractable截止阀 check valve
62.金属软管 metal hose
63.进冷却塔手动阀 manual valve for cooling tower inlet
64.净环水 indirect recirculating water
65.卷扬机 hoist winch
66.客货两用电梯 cargo-passenger dual-purpose elevator
67.雷达式探尺 radar stock rod
68.冷却壁 stave
69.冷却壁设备配置 stave configuration
70.冷却壁镶砖 stave Inlaid brick
71.冷却循环泵 cooling circulating pump
72.冷水池 cold water basin
73.(高炉)利用系数 productivity of BF
74.炉底 BF bottom
75.炉底保护砖 protection brick for BF bottom
76.炉底冷却设备 cooling equipment for BF bottom
77.炉底铺设梁及水冷管 beam and water pipe for BF bottom
78.炉底水冷管 bottom Pipe
79.炉顶氮气吹扫阀 BF top N2 purging valve
80.炉顶结构 BF top structure
81.炉顶均排压设备 BF top pressure equalizing and relief equipment
82.炉顶框架 BF top tower
83.炉顶喷水 BF top water spray
84.炉顶平台 BF top platform
85.炉顶人孔 BF top manhole
86.炉顶洒水装置 BF top sprinkling device
87.炉顶探尺 BF top stock rod
88.炉顶外封罩 BF top cone
89.炉顶循环水系统 recirculating water system for BF top
90.炉顶液压站和润滑站 hydraulic station and greasing station for BF top
91.炉顶蒸汽吹扫阀 steam purging valve for BF top