  狼英文怎么写 篇一
  问题一、狼英语怎么写??  Wolf
  问题二、狼英文怎么写  雄狼:wolf
  问题三、狼 用英文怎么说? 5分 Wolverine
  问题四、狼性,用英文怎么写?一定要正确的  Wolf
  问题五、狼 的英语单词是什么,怎么写,怎么读  wolf
  n.狼; 贪婪的人(复数:wolves)
  a pack of wolves 一狼
  a wolf in sheeps clothing 披着羊皮的狼
retractable  keep the wolf from the door 勉强度日;糊口
  throw XXX to the wolves 弃…于险境而不顾;见死不救
  问题六、狼的英文介绍(带翻译) 40分 狼(学名:Canis lupus)共有46个亚种,体型中等、匀称,四肢修长,趾行性,利于快速奔跑。头腭尖形,颜面部长,鼻端突出,耳尖且直立,嗅觉灵敏,听觉发达。犬齿及裂齿发达;上臼齿具明显齿尖,下臼齿内侧具一小齿尖及后跟尖;臼齿齿冠直径大于外侧门齿高度;齿式为。毛粗而长。前足4~5趾,后足一般4趾 ;爪粗而钝,不能伸缩或略能伸缩。尾多毛,较发达。善于快速及长距离奔跑,多喜居,常追逐猎食。食肉,以食草动物及啮齿动物等为食。栖息于森林、沙漠、山地、寒带草原、针叶林、草地。除南极洲和大部分海岛外,分布于全世界。
  The wolf (scientific name: Canis lupus)a total of 46 subspecies, are of moderate size, well proportioned, slender limbs, digitigrade, to run fast.Palatine pointed head, facial minister, nose prominence, tip of ear and erect, sensitive sense of XXX ell, hearing developed.Canines and carnassials developed; upper molars with significantly lower molar tooth tip, inside with a pinion tip and heel tip; molar crown diameter is larger than the lateral incisor tooth type for height.Hair thick and long.The front foot 4 to 5 toe, 4 toe claw foot general; coarse and blunt, not or slightly retractable telescopic.Ota Mo, the more developed.Be good at fast and long distance running, more gregarious, often
chasing prey.Carnivorous, with herbivores and rodents for food.Inhabits forest, desert, mountains, tundra, coniferous forest, grassland.In addition to Antarctica, and most of the island, distributed all over the world.
