With the development of science and technology and the rise of distance on the conveyor and the traffic has a new and higher requirements, our design of a large belt still in its infancy, the belt conveyor design, manufacture and applications, advanced level in China and abroad, there is still a large gap bet
ween domestic manufacturing belt in the design process there is much to be desired. Thus, large transportation machinery, especially the belt conveyor design theory and methods of in-depth analysis is necessary.
This article was flexible belt conveyor design the overall structure and to determine given the major components of the conveyor structure parameters and their calculation. Designed according to the given parameters and calculate the standard belt use scalable components constitute a fixed level of the transport belt conveyor machine, used in a hydraulic tensioning device automatically adjusts the device, and make the main parts the strength analysis.
Under the belt and the part of the characteristics of the main component, the first part of its drive to design calculations, and then select the appropriate drive, and finally determine the tensioning device of the structure and design calculation was carried out.
The design is mainly used for coal mine transport, considering all factors, adopt a reasonable driving scheme, means braking and soft start device combination, effective to ensure reliable operation of the belt conveyor.
Keywords Retractable belt tensioning Strength Transmission part
摘要............................................................. II
第1章绪论 (1)
1.1选题的目的和意义 (1)
1.2 国内外带式输送机发展现状及趋势 (1)
1.3带式输送机的分类及特点 (3)
1.4 可伸缩带式输送机的工作原理及应用 (4)
第2章可伸缩带式输送机方案论证 (6)
2.1 滚筒布置方案确定 (6)
2.2 可伸缩带式输送机驱动组合 (7)
2.3 拉紧装置方案确定 (7)
第3章传动部分设计计算 (9)
3.1 可伸缩带式输送机的系统设计 (9)
3.2 可伸缩带式输送机原始参数和工作条件 (10)
3.2.1 带宽的确定: (10)
3.2.2 输送带宽度的核算 (12)
3.3 圆周驱动力 (13)
3.3.1 计算公式 (13)
3.3.2 主要阻力计算 (14)
3.3.3 主要特种阻力计算 (16)
3.3.4 附加特种阻力计算 (17)
3.3.5 倾斜阻力计算 (18)
3.4 传动功率计算 (19)
3.4.1 传动轴功率计算 (19)
3.4.2 电机功率计算 (19)
3.5 输送带张力计算 (20)
retractable3.5.1 输送带下垂度校核 (20)
3.5.2 输送带不打滑条件 (21)
3.6传动滚筒设计计算 (24)
3.6.1 确定传动滚筒的张合力 (24)
3.6.2 筒体尺寸选择 (24)
3.6.3 滚筒体厚度的计算 (25)
3.6.4 滚筒筒体强度的校核 (25)
3.6.5 传动滚筒轴的设计计算 (27)
3.6.6 按弯扭合成应力校核轴的强度 (30)
3.7液压拉紧装置的元件选择和计算 (31)
3.7.1 拉紧力和拉紧行程计算 (31)
3.7.2 液压回路设计和工作过程分析 (32)
3.7.3 各元件的确定 (33)
3.7.4 液压油的确定 (34)
3.7.5 液压泵的选择及计算 (34)
3.7.6 电动机的确定 (35)
第4章输送机主要部件设计 (36)
4.1 电机的选用 (36)
4.2 减速器的选用 (37)
4.3 液力耦合器与联轴器的选用 (37)
4.4 制动及逆止装置 (38)
4.5 托辊 (39)
4.5.1 托辊的作用与类型 (39)
4.5.2 托辊的计算 (40)
4.5.3 托辊的额定负荷 (42)
4.6 改向滚筒 (44)
4.7 输送带的选择 (45)
4.8 储带仓结构设计 (45)
4.9 拉紧装置 (46)
4.9.1 张紧装置在使用中应满足的要求 (46)
4.9.2 拉紧装置的种类 (46)
4.9.3 拉紧装置的选用 (47)
4.10支架类装置 (48)
4.10.1头架 (48)
4.10.2中间架 (49)
4.11 清扫装置 (49)
结论 (51)
致谢 (52)
参考文献 (53)
