NeX’s Arduino controlled Nonfinite RGB backlight
installation guide
This guide is to show you how to install a Nonfinite RGB backlight and Arduino based micro controller. This will allow you to control the colour of your backlight and also give you other options such as, sound reactive lighting and screen inverting (when a bivert chip is installed).
This guide is intended for people who have experience in modifying electronics and also have skills in
soldering and understand basic electronics and wiring. This guide covers the full installation that is possible with this kit, but not all parts (like bivert control) are required.
You will need the following tools to install this kit:
1.Soldering iron, with a fine tip
2.Fine solder
3.Wire cutters
4.Hot glue gun
5.Drill bit set and drill
This guide relies on some information in other guides, the first of which is installing a Nonfinite backlight.  First we need to take the RGB backlight and prepare it for installation:
Start by cutting down the pins like so:
retractableThe backlight comes with a clear film layer to protect the lighting surface, carefully remove it and try to avoid getting dust or fingerprints onto the lighting surface:
Now install the backlight like you would any other Nonfinite backlight:
Notice the hot glue in the corners to keep the screen and backlight in place. Also notice that the polarizer has been inverted.
Now we have to start wiring the backlight, start with the common pins on the backlight. This is the se
cond from the top in each group of 4. the backlight is common anode, which means it common positive, and each light is lit by grounding one of the colour pins.
Attach to one end of this joining wire, a common wire. I have used the colour black, even though the standard colour is red, because I will be using a red wire for the red LED. But don’t be confused, this black wire will be run to 5v positive.
We are going to take the quickest route to the 5v supply, and try to keep all the wires on the same board to make it easier to fit. We will start by running the black wire that we have just attached to a 5v supply on the back of the board. Take care when wiring this wire, because crossing the contacts with solder or wiring to
the wrong pin will damage the screen and backlight:
The wire goes to the first pin on the left of the Q1 transistor. Also note that I have put a soft surface to lay the screen on to prevent it getting scratched.
Going back to the other side of the  LCD PCB, we need to join the backlight LEDs together, wire the pins like for like with the top of the group of 4 going to the same pin on the group below and the same for the other pins:
