转发信息库 [hw] Forward Information Base
傅里叶变换 [hw] Fourier Transform
帧标 [hw] frame preamble
成帧,帧形成,帧定位 [hw] framing
自由软件 [hw] freeware
网关控制协议 [hw] gateway control protocol
组件、件 [hw] groupware
高级数据链路控制(规程) [hw] High-level Data Link Control
跳,步跳 [hw] hop
整数倍 [hw] integer multiple; integral multiple
内部网关协议 [hw] Interior Gateway Protocol
国际移动用户识别码 [hw] International Mobile Subscriber Identity
因特网控制报文协议 [hw] Internet Control Message Protocol
因特网工程师任务组 [hw] Internet Engineering Task Force
因特网密匙交换协议 [hw] Internet Key Exchange protocol
调用 [hw] invoke
IP包 [hw] IP packet
借用IP地址 [hw] IP unnumbered
链接调用 [hw] Linked Invoke
地点 [hw] locale
必选定长部分 [hw] mandatory fixed part
媒体接入控制 [hw] Media Access Control
MPLS垫层 [hw] MPLS shim
多链接点到点协议(PPP协议),多链路PPP捆绑 [hw] Multilink PPP
多协议标记交换 [hw] Multiprotocol Label Switching
线路适应能力 [hw] network adaptability
网络控制协议 [hw] Network Control Protocol
网络接口栓 [hw] Network Interface Tap
网管中心 [hw] Network Management Center
节点 [hw] node
一号通 [hw] One Number Link You
报文 [hw] packet
基于SDH/SONET的报封装 [hw] Packet Over SONET/SDH
净荷类型 [hw] Payload Type
对等网络 [hw] peer networktransform中文翻译
对等网络 [hw] peer-to-peer network
永久虚通路、永久虚拟通道 [hw] Permanent Virtual Channel
相位 [hw] phase
物理媒介子层 [hw] Physical Medium sub-layer
明文 [hw] plain text
点到点协议 [hw] Point-to-Point Protocol
电源线、电线、电源电缆 [hw] power cable
原始基准时钟 [hw] Primary Reference Clock
原语 [hw] Primitive
产品激活 [hw] Product Activation
运营商边缘 [hw] Provider Edge
总串口配置模式 [hw] pseudo-serial configuration mode
公共路由封装协议 [hw] Public Routing Encapsulation
公用软件/无版权软件 [hw] public-domain software
R2信令, (中国)一号信令;产品目的地国家的随路信令 [hw] R2 signaling
随机存取 [hw] random access
随机早期检测 [hw] Random Early Detection
冗余位 [hw] redundancy bit
远端用户拨入鉴权服务 [hw] Remote Authentication Dial in User Service
路由管理中心 [hw] Router Management Center
路由反射器 [hw] router reflector
路由信息协议 [hw] Routing Information Protocol
密钥 [hw] secret key
分段/重装 [hw] Segmenting/reassembling
观看本地图像 [hw] selfview/view outgoing video
顺序存取 [hw] sequential access
业务中心 [hw] Service System
会话 [hw] session
共享软件 [hw] shareware
七号信令 [hw] Signaling System Number 7
单个联系客体 [hw] Single Association Object
小型计算机系统接口 [hw] Small Computer Systems Interface
软件许可证 [hw] software licensing
水平分割更新 [hw] split-horizon updates
间谍软件 [hw] spyware
独立(式) [hw] stand-alone
交换多兆比特数据业务 [hw] Switched Multi-megabit Data Service
交换虚电路 [hw] Switched Virtual Circuit
暂时信令连接 [hw] temporary signaling connections
终端访问控制器控制系统协议 [hw] Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
令牌环网 [hw] token ring network
流量整形 [hw] Traffic Shaping
通用类 [hw] Universal
通用串行总线 [hw] Universal Serial Bus
用户数据包协议 [hw] User Datagram Protocol
低码率通信视频编码 [hw] video coding for low bit rate communication
虚通路标识 [hw] Virtual Channel Identifier
虚电路 [hw] Virtual Circuit
虚拟私有数据网络 [hw] Virtual Private Data Network
静电复印机 [hw] xerox
SNMP团体 [hw] SNMP community
SNMP团体名 [hw] SNMP community name
接入 [hw] access
“(全部)”级别 [hw] (All) level
操作类别(4类) [hw] 4 classes of operations
缩位拨号 [hw] Abbreviated Dialling
记帐卡呼叫 [hw] Account Card Calling
ActiveX 数据对象 [hw] ActiveX Data Objects
ActiveX 数据对象(多维) [hw] ActiveX Data Objects (Multidimensional)
增强智能外设 [hw] Advanced Intelligent Peripheral
计费通知(计费) [hw] Advice of Charge (Charging)
计费通知(信息) [hw] Advice of Charge (Information)
“全部”成员 [hw] All member)
美国国家标准学会 [hw] American National Standards Institute
ANSI 到 OEM 转换 [hw] ANSI to OEM conversion
模拟显示业务接口服务器 [hw] Analogue Display Service Interface server
分析服务器 [hw] Analysis server
API 服务器游标 [hw] API server cursor
应用上下文 [hw] Application Context
应用上下文协商 [hw] Application Context Negotiation