1. Can you give me an update on the project progress?(你能给我一份关于项目进展的最新消息吗?)
2. Let me update you on the latest news about the pandemic.(让我向你更新一下新冠疫情的最新消息。)
3. I need to update my phone operating system.(我需要更新我的手机操作系统。)
4. She called to update me on her travel plans.(她打电话告诉我她的旅行计划的最新情况。)
5. The company sends out regular updates to its shareholders.(公司定期向股东发送最新的更新信息。)
6. I just received an update on my flight schedule.(我刚刚收到了我的航班时间表的更新信息。)
7. Could you update me if there are any changes to the meeting schedule?(如果会议的日程有变动,你能否告诉我最新情况?)
8. The software needs to be updated to fix the bugs.(软件需要更新以修复错误。)
9. I'm going to update my wardrobe for the new season.(我要为新的季节更新我的衣柜。)
10. The coach gave the team an update on their performance.(教练向队员更新了他们的表现情况。)
