Organisational Learning
Zhejiang University of Chinese Medicine 谢苑苑
Abstract: In the process of global economy, there is a growing demand for organisational learning. This article critically reviews four models of organisational learning and applies them to the work experience of the author.
Key words: organisational learning; action science; organisational learning cycle In the new global economy, organisational learning has become a central issue. A successful learning organisation is able to cope with the changeability of external environment and is excellent at adapting itself to its own transformation. This article critically examines the four models that facilitate organisational learning. It also combines my work experience with these models.
The first model is the single loop and double loop learning (Smith, 2001). They are likened to be treatment for symptoms and fundamental causes respectively. The latter one is encouraged to improve organisational learning in an unpredicted environment. Nevertheless, double loop learning
still has its weakness because it fails to examine the context of learning. Therefore, the concept of triple loop learning is proposed. This approach highlights a holistic view rather than parts-focused. It also explores the interrelationship between parts. Nonetheless, it still has limitations. A case in point is that unlimited interrelationship may lead to never-ending systemic activities (Flood, 1999).
It seems that the first two models can be embedded into the models of organisational learning cycle and action inquiry. Organisational learning cycle consists of four stages showed in the following diagram:
Source: Dixon(1999)Figure 1: The organisational learning cycle.
Though the three models discussed so far play a significant role in organisational learning, it is still difficult to put the theories into practice. Action science, however, seems to narrow or close the gap between theory and practice. This is because action inquiry is “a kind of behaviour that is simultaneously inquiring and productive” (Fisher,Rooke,Torbert, 2003:1).
In current literature, little or no attention has been paid to small-sized or medium-sized organizations. In the following part, the organisational learning cycle will combine my own work
experience in a small-sized company in Dundee.
Scotia Corporation is a leading direct marketing specialist in Dundee. It delivers a Personal Development Programme and mentoring programme, which enables every individual to have the opportunity to progress from a field representative to ownership. The success of the company owes to its excellent learning culture. Figure 4 places the learning process of Scotia in the organisational learning cycle.
Figure 2: The organisational learning cycle for Scotia
The first step, the widespread generation of information, is accomplished by Scotia. Externally, it regularly sends its people to attend national training events. Besides, people gather information in the field. Internally, it provides coaching and mentoring sessions every morning for people to reflect on the collected information. The second step, integrating new/local information into the organisational context, is again realised. During the mentoring session, field representatives share the information and practice the pitch within a team or across team boundaries. The third step, collectively interpreting information, is facilitated by the size, structure and building design of the
company. The total number between 30 and 40 people,
the flat organisational structure and the simple building design ensure daily progress meetings and accordingly enhance interaction between members. During the progress meeting, individual who has done a good job will be praised. Dixon(2000)claims that identifying a certain person who deserve praise makes knowledge sharing more difficult. Nevertheless, over-emphasis on collective learning may affect individual learning motivation. In this case, the appropriate praise creates competition among individuals
背景与社会环境要求的定位。一如男性教育小说中的主人公踏上旅程,走向他寻自我的世界,“旅行”也是女性教育小说的核心着重点,是促进其核心人物成长的重要媒介。约在19世纪初,女性教育小说就已涉及核心人物扮演一个全新角的尝试和旅行的结合。教育小说的关键词——意大利之旅,也促成了女性核心人物的追求成长和转变的愿望。在昂格尔(Friederike Helene Unger)的小说《一个美丽灵魂的告白(Bekenntnisse einer schönen Seele. Von ihr selbst geschrieben)》中,在她所爱之人去世之后,米拉巴拉开启了她的意大利之旅,不再回归故土。作者在文本层面上把米拉巴拉置于跟她的男性朋友同等的地位,以此来引起男性读者的关注和思考。在小说《伯爵夫人福斯蒂纳(Gräfin Faustine)》中,经历了与一位粗暴的伯爵的不幸婚姻之后,福斯蒂纳•欧本奥逃到罗马的一家修道院。她在穿越意大利的旅途中,发掘了自身的艺术创造力。凭借这次意大利的教育之旅,女性核心人物摆脱了压抑自我的教育,寻到了自主的生活。
化习俗的,因此,跟那些在接受教育过程中与传统价值观决裂的男性核心人物相比,20世纪初的女性核心人物付出了更多的勇气与努力,去拒绝、摒弃市民行为价值观,从而走向自由、自我的发展之路。“在柏拉图构想的理想国家……使妇女从烦琐的家庭工作中解脱出来,接受教育,参加国家事务,选择职业。”小说《埃伦• 欧蕾斯特耶讷(Ellen Olestjerne)》集中描述了一位“不听话”的贵族女性的人生道路,她为了摆脱家庭教育、社会习俗和占统治地位的道德观念的约束,做了自由文艺人团体中的画家。这种女性中心人物进入亚文化圈的发展之路,也让这部小说成为中产阶级教育理念的反构思。
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and teams, which leads to the whole organization progressing in an increasingly fast speed. The last step, authority to take responsible action on the interpreted meaning,encourages individual to put the collected and analysed data into action,supported by a reward system. The external motivation may undermine intrinsic learning despite the fact that it can promote learning. Nonetheless, the rewarding system is indispensable because human beings have a high level of self-motivation. This is another dilemma that organizations need to face and address.
In conclusion, this article has fully addressed the issue of organisational learning. It can not be denied that the four models are instrumental in enhancing organisational learning. The limitations of them, though, can be that the theory appears to be too utopia and recommendations seem to be very abstract. Apart from this, since learning takes time, the fast speed of modern society may inhibit us from having enough time to conduct reflection. Moreover, the development of technology tends to discourage us to communicate and learn in a face-to-face way. With this in mind, there are some elements that still need further exploration to consummate the current models.
[1]Dix on,N.M. Common Knowl edge:How Companies Thrive by Sharing What They Know. Boston:Harvard Business School Press,2000.
[2]Dixon,N.M. The Organizational Learning Cycle:How We Can Learn Collectively. Aldershot:Gower,1999.
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