The diagrams below depict typical Rain Bird sprinklers with all available controls. Your particular model may have only some of these features.Diffuser screw:
Breaks up the stream of water for more close-in watering. Shortens dis-tance of the stream (throw) up to 25% of total throw. Screw clockwise into the stream to produce misting and shorten throw. Turn counterclock-wise until totally out of stream for maximum distance (unadjusted throw).Distance control flap:Reduces length of the stream and redistributes water. Tilt downward into stream to deflect water. May be used in conjunction with diffuser screw for maximum throw reduction.
Distance control dial:
Some plastic models have a dial on top marked for minimum and maxi-mum distance. Turning the dial will cause modification of the stream of water and distance of throw as indicated on the dial. This feature serves the same purpose as the distance control flap found on other models.Arc Adjusters (Trip collar):
Used to adjust degree of arc sprinkler will rotate. Position one arc ad-juster for each side of the desired arc. Several types of arc adjusters are available depending on the model of your sprinkler. Generally, plastic models move by just a push of the thumb. To adjust the metal models,pinch the ends of each metal adjuster together before sliding into posi-tion.
Trip Pin:
Used to determine part or full circle operation. Flip or bend the trip pin upward so it does not hit the trip collar for full circle operation. Pin should be downward for part circle operation (then slide arc adjusters into posi-tion to set degree of arc).
Trip Pin
Arc Adjusters
Nozzle Diffuser Screw
Diffuser Control Flap Diffuser Control Dial Customer Support Center 6640 S. Bonney Ave.
Tucson, AZ  85706 1-800-RAIN-BIRD
Through many years of experience, we have found that conditions which most often interfere with the proper operation of impact sprinklers are the use of any lubricants (other than water), low water pressure, foreign materials in the irrigation water, and excessive damage or wear to sprinkler parts. Any one or a combination of these factors can cause the sprinkler to stop rotating completely or ro-tate to one side and fail to return.
If your sprinkler stops working:
Spray it with lubricant!
Drill out the nozzle!
Problem Cause Remedy
A. Sprinkler does not rotate back and forth.1. Insufficient
water pressure. Re-
quirements vary
from model to
a. Remove sprinkler head and attach pressure gauge to riser. Check operat-
ing pressure with line running. If pressure is low. check for breaks in the line
or water running elsewhere which could drain pressure.
Most popular mod-
els need at least 25
psi at the last sprin-
kler head, and
should have an un-
adjusted throw of at
least 36'.
b.Pop-up Models: Check for water coming out around the guide seal below
the sprinkler head. This is a pressure activated seal. if pressure is insuffi-
cient, water will leak around this seal causing the unit to stall and pop up
only part way. If the unit is new or others on the line have same problem, it
is probably related to pressure. If the unit is older, clean or replace the
guide nut seal if necessary.
c. Try switching with another sprinkler closer to water source. If it works,
then pressure could be the problem.
d. If the sprinkler stopped working within a month or two of installation, the
system may not have been designed to accommodate the normal operating
pressure of the type of sprinklers installed. If metal sprinklers are being
used, try switching to plastic. If plastic sprinklers are being used, try a lower
gallonage variety.
e. If measures above do not provide enough pressure boost, system may
have to be rerouted to include less sprinkler heads per line.
A. Sprinkler does not rotate back and forth.2. Debris in nozzle
or other parts of
Build up of water
deposits causing
a. Remove sprinkler and check for debris in nozzle, swivel bearing, and
inlet. Sometimes, a wire pushed gently into the nozzle will loosen debris so
it can be rinsed out. Do not drill or alter nozzles as this may permanently
hinder the sprinkler performance.
Metal models only: If sand is caught in vane inside of nozzle, it will need to
be removed. Loosen nozzle with wrench and unscrew.
b. Thoroughly wash sprinkler to remove dirt and oil. A vinegar and water
solution will help remove water deposits.
c. Replace bearing washers if oil has been used on the sprinkler.
Impact Sprinkler Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Cause Remedy
3. Worn or damaged parts.a. If arm or body of sprinkler is bent or damaged, replace sprinkler or part if available.
b.Arm spring tension may need increasing. Metal models: Unhook spring from arm with needle-nosed pliers. Bend slightly to shorten and re-hook. Plastic Models: Unhook spring from arm with needle-nosed pliers, re-hook to next adjoining protrusion on arm.
c. Replace bearing washers if less than 2/3 of original thickness, if mineral deposits are a problem, or if oil based products have been use
B. Sprinkler rotates to one side and stops.1. Check points for
non-rotation in Sec-
tion A, 1-3.
2. Excessive
water pressure. Just
as each sprinkler
has a lower pressure
limit for proper oper-
ation, there is also
an upper limit. For
most sprinklers the
limit is 80 psi at the
head. The optimum
operating pressure
is around 50 psi.
Pressure that is too
high will, at the
worst, cause the
sprinkler to stall, and
at the least, cause
the premature wear
of the sprinkler
parts. If the sprinklermove off
rotates or reverses
very fast, this a fore-
warning of exces-
sive pressure.
a. Put more heads on your line or try making adjustments in the flow at the
valve. In some cases, installing a pressure regulator ahead of your main
shutoff valve is a good idea and will protect your entire system.
Problem Cause Remedy
B. Sprinkler rotates to one side and stops.3.Trip spring broken or
other trip mechanism
parts damaged.
a.Metal models: Replace with trip assembly repair kit for your model.
b.Plastic models: Only trip spring is replaceable. Call our toll free hotline
for replacement springs. 1-800-RAIN-BIRD
4.Trip collar missing.  a.Metal models: Replace with repair kit for your specific model.
b.Plastic models: Call our toll free hotline for replacement plastic arc ad-
justers. 1-800-RAIN-BIRD
5.Trip pin missing or not
in downward position.
a. Call our toll free hotline for replacement trip pins for most models. 1-
6. Pop-up models:
debris in case.
a. Check for debris or water in case which could restrict movement of
sprinkler head.
C. Special prob-lems with Pop Up sprinklers in cases (rotors).1. Unit will not pop up or
a. Check for insufficient water pressure to fully pop up unit or seal internal
b. Remove dirt or debris from case which may be obstructing pop up/down
c. Check that internal assembly is properly screwed into case.
d. Rock or debris trapped in retract spring or spring is damaged.
e. Remove internal assembly from case using wrench available for your
model. Disassemble, inspect for damage or foreign materials, clean and
2. Case fills up with wa-
a. Check as in Section C-1 a and c above. If water is coming out around
seal. there may be dirt lodged between the seal and pop up shaft prevent-
ing sealing, or seal may need replacing.
b. Internal assembly may not be properly screwed into case.
c. Case installed too low without sufficient gravel drainage below sprinkler.
Try enlarging the drain holes with a screwdriver.
d. Dense, clay soil may not allow swift drainage of sprinkler even with
gravel drainage area.
D. Water contin-ues to leak out of sprinkler when system is turned off.1. This is not a problem
with the sprinkler, but
rather with one of the two
points at right.
a. Water continues to drain out of the lowest sprinkler head on the line for
a period of time when system is shut off. The less the angle of slope and
the longer the length of pipe, the longer it takes for all the water to drain.
Consult your local Rain Bird contractor about sprinklers which contain a
built-in check valve to prevent water in the pipe from draining out of the
sprinkler head.
b. Valve controlling sprinkler line is not shutting off all the way and allow-
ing water to continue seeping through. If water continues to leak from the
sprinkler head when area has not been watered within the last day, a faulty
valve is most likely the cause.
Cover Assembly
Arm Spring
Drain Holes
Trip Collar
Internal Assembly:1511A/B
(Metal Sprinkler)
Diffuser Screw Nozzle Vane Head Assembly
Swivel Bearing Assembly
Bearing Washers
Inlet Screens
Pop-up Shaft
Guide Sleeve Assembly
Retract Spring
Guide Nut
Guide Seal Trip Spring
Trip Pin
