ometimes, on one of these sunny autumn mornings, when I turn my back on the town and take to the high-way, I seem to have the world to myself. I walk forward, as it were, into great sunlit emptiness. Once I am a little way out of the town it is as if the world has been swept clean of men. I pass a few young mothers, who are proudly usher-ing their round-eyed solemn 2 babies into the presence of the morning sun, a lum-bering cart or two, and maybe a knot of labourers, who look up from their task with a humorous resignation in their faces; these and others I overtake and pass by, and then there is often an end to my fellows. I alone keep a lounging tryst with the sun, himself, I fancy, a mighty, genial idler and the father of all dreamers and idlers among men.
2 A light mist covers the neighbouring
A Road to Oneself
文/约翰·博因顿·普里斯特利 译/朱建迅
By John Boynton Priestley 1
1约翰·博因顿·普里斯特利(1894—1984),英国小说家、批评家、戏剧家。本文选自其著作《散文自选集》(Self-selected Essays ),笔调清新自然,语言优美流畅,思路活跃灵动,比喻新颖奇肆,意思表达上富于曲折变化。翻译时在文字和风格等方面多有值得推敲斟酌之处。 2译为“两眼圆睁、小脸紧绷”,增加动感,凸显婴儿憨态可掬的神态。